We Fit Together Like Ying And Yang

Thier parents died of an unknown cause but they know because they were there when it happened but decided not to tell anybody (youll know more about it later on in the story).They have lived in Colorado since they were kids but since the death of their parents they have been followed by the same person who killed their parents. Suddenly her other brother decideds they are moving to la push for a new start. When she meets Jacob will she decide to do the right thing and save everyone or let them all perish to save herself?

Takes place during the middle of New Moon.
  1. We Fit Together Like Ying And Yang
    Chapter 1
  2. The Day We Met
    Second Chapter
  3. Chapter Three
  4. Feelings
  5. Confusion
    Fillerish i guess XD
  6. Beach Time!
  7. There's a fire starting in my heart.
    Twist Time!!
  8. The Untold Story Of Pain
  9. The Kiss
    Decided that Micheal should have some time in the story since I barley put him in it! Interesting things happen in this chapter! :)
  10. The Suppose Date
    Interesting thiiiings happen in this chapter! :D
  11. The Transformation
  12. The After Effect
  13. Getting Away
  14. It Was Only Just A Dream
    Kinda short :P
  15. Bella
  16. Micheal and Leah's Plan
  17. Micheal and Leah's Plan Part 2
  18. Just A Kiss
  19. My Best Friend James Levar
  20. The Threat