‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Don't Wanna Live Another Perfect Lie

"Jen, you have two women here claiming to be your mother and sister," Sebastian, my secretary, announced from the intercom.

My eyebrows crinkled together and I got up from my seat to open the door and peek out.

My mom was glaring angrilly at Sebastian, leaning forward over his desk in some attempt to intimidate him. Yes, Sebastian may be a whimpy looking dude, but I hired him so he wouldn't back down from people easily. He was fearlessly staring down my mom. Trish, my younger gold-digging sister, was behind her, looking a little lost.

I had an urge to just shut the door and go back to World of Warcraft and kicking Teal's butt as she sat on the floor below me. But then what kind of daughter would I be?

I opened the door further and stepped out.

When Mom saw me, she straightened up. "Jen! Would you please tell this man that I am indeed your mother."

I looked at Sebastian apologetically. "Yeah, I guess I should claim them..."

"Jennifer Elizabeth Christian...Bourdon!"

"Kidding!" I laughed half-heartedly. Mom gave me a look, but came and gave me a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Trish and I decided we'd come see how everything's going. See where you work..."

"And see this house that your rockstar husband moved you in to," Trish smiled, offering me a hug.

I took it reluctantly, cringing over her shoulder at Sebastian. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Great, so you guys want a tour?" I asked after my sister released me.

I showed them most of the interesting stuff and occasionally they'd ask a question.
Trish thought the place was 'chique' and other words like that. At least she was impressed.

When we reached the cover art floor, I saw Adam walking towards us. He smiled when he saw me, but I waved my arms to the side, shook my head, and pointed behind me at my family. Spotting them, he quickly ducked into a room. I'd told him about my family. He understood.

"Jen, are you okay?"

"Perfect!" I chirped.

At one point, Sam The Slut had to show up. The only way she didn't show up in my day is if I locked myself in my office. When she saw me and my followers, she put on this sickening smile and decided to make me want to puke.

"Hi, Jen!" she greeted happily.

Be nice back! I thought. Show her she didn't win. You're fine without Rob. "Oh, hi, Sam!"

"How's your day?"

"Absolutely fantastic! How about you?"

"Amazing! My boyfriend and I are going out to dinner! We're celebrating me being pregnant!"

"Oh, that is just so wonderful! Congratulations!"

"Thank you! We'll TTYL!"

"Okay! Bye!"

As soon as her back was turned, my fist punched the wall. Hard.

"Honey, why did you hit the wall?"

"I saw a giant spider. Let's continue, shall we?"

"When do we get to see this house of your's?" Mom asked after we finished the tour.

I stopped in my tracks. "The house..."

"Yes, the house."

"Uh, we can't...Its being...remodeled at the moment."


"Yep! There was...toxic...mold...in the basement."

"Oh, dear! Where are you two staying?"

"I'm staying at Teal's."

"Rob's not staying with you?"

I cringed on the inside. "Um, he's practically living at the studio. You know those musicians. Work, work, work!" I laughed nervously.

Mom looked at me skeptically. "Alright...I would like to stop and see Teal. It's been awhile."


"Lunch tommorow!" Mom said.

"Okay!" I said. "Bye, Trish!"

As soon as they were out the door, I slammed it shut and turned to Teal with wide eyes. "Oh. My. God."

"How long are they staying again?"

"Four days. Apparently, its just a flying trip down here and back. Thank God!"

"What about Rob?"

"Mom doesn't need to know. She'll just say 'I told you so' and act like a bitch. I don't need that."

Teal shifted uncomfortably. "Okay...You know, if she finds out you lied to her, she'll be

I shrugged. "She's always hovered and tried to control my life. Its her own fault I'm not honest with her."


It was another hot day when I got out of the apartment. Adam was leaning against his car and when he saw me, he smiled and came over.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Babe, I'm so sorry I haven't been around. You know, with my mom--"

"I know. I had two step-moms."

I grimaced. "That sucks."

He nodded slowly. "Yeah, but who cares. Let's get out of here, go grab something to eat, go to a movie."

"Sounds good," I said with a grin. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine.

I sighed and leaned into the kiss, enjoying every second, and not caring if the neighbors saw us making out. However...


I pulled away and looked around Adam to see my mom staring at us, her mouth hanging open and eyes wide. Trish was behind her with the same expression, but not nearly as pissed looking.

"Oh. Hi, Mom."

"What are doing? Who is this?"

"Uhhhhh...This is...Adam." Adam turned to face her and stand beside me. He gave a
small wave.

"I don't care what his name is! What are you doing kissing another man?" she demanded. I seriously thought her head was going to explode by the look on her face.

Adam's hand grabbed mine and I took a deep breath. "Mom, Rob and I aren't together. We are getting a divorce."

"You aren't divorced yet?"

"No, no we're not. But its in its last stages of finalization."

Mom shook her head slowly. "I am deeply ashamed of you. You can't wait until you are divorced from your husband to have another man in your life? I thought I raised you better than this."

I smirked and shook my head. "This is why I didn't tell you. You have absolutely no idea what I have gone through."

My mom rested her hands on her hips. "Enlighten me."

"You know what? No. I don't need you judging me, my life, my mistakes, my husband's. I don't need you telling me things when you have no idea. What I want you to do is leave. Please."

Mom pursed her lips and I thought I was going to get slaughtered with her judgments, but instead, she shrugged. "Fine." She turned and walked back to her car, leaving Trish there looking shocked.

"You can leave to," I said tightly. "And stop staring at my boyfriend. You got your eigthy year old husband to get back to."

She scowled at me and stomped off after my mom. As soon as she was in, the car screetched off.

I turned back to Adam who raised his eyebrows. I bit my lip. "Sorry. I'm learning to kind of let people know how I feel. It helps vent stress more."

His lips curved up in a smile. "Really? What do you think of me?"

I pretended to think for a little bit as I ran a hand through his hair. "I think...that you're incredibly sweet and awesome to take on a mental case like myself." He chuckled. "You're the best thing to happen to me for a long time."

"Just like you are to me," he said with a smile.

I scoffed. "Whatever! I'm sure you've had much better girlfriends than me."

"Um, not really. I'm to short for most women."

"I have the exact same problem!" I exclaimed. "Except, you know, with men. We're not 'short' though! We're fun-sized!"

We both starting laughing then. "Yeah, maybe that works for you, but that sounds weird coming from me," Adam said with a laugh. "Where do you feel like eating?"


Adam drove us down the street after we'd had a good meal at Applebee's. One of Eminem's songs was playing from the speakers. My hand was clasped in his as we talked about something. I don't remember. What I do remember still scares me sometimes. The sudden screaching of tires, the banging, the crashing, blood, pain, and then nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "Secrets" by OneRepublic

Oh, crap! What happened? AHHH! Hehehe. Cliff hanger. ;D THIS STORY HAS REACHED TWO STARS!!! AHHH!!!

Chapter for Chapter with Jessi's story Love Knows No Wrath! It. Is. AMAZING!

I updated so soon because Schiz said she'd update TWICE tonight!!! xD
Also, check out her other story The End Of Me and my story Memories Consume, Like Opening the Wound!

Special Thanks to:
Kiss Me; Kill Me
Ice Cat