‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

The Clock Ticks Life Away


Rehab is not a fun place to be. I wouldn't even be in this hell hole if I wasn't doing it for Jen. And the band. I knew I could probably handle this on my own, but the sooner I got in here, the sooner I could get back to working on the album. Now if only time would fly until I could step out of here.

I sat alone in my room, looking at the picture I'd kept of Jen. It was during our honeymoon in the Caribbean and she had this big smile on her face with her sunglasses shading her eyes as she flashed the peace sign.

God, if only I could see that smile directed at me one more time...That picture reminded me of good memories, but it hurt me too. I wish I could tell her sorry and she'd believe it.

"Ma'am, visiting hours are over!"

"You think I give a shit!" I could pick Jessi's voice out from anywhere. "Where's my brother?"


"Stop calling me that! Where the hell is he?"

I got up from the bed and looked out into the hallway along with several other people.


She turned around and sprinted down the hall at me. "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God, Rob!" Her face was terrified.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Jen," she gasped.

By the look on her face, fear spread through me. "What?" I demanded. "What's wrong
with Jen?" Had she tried to kill herself again?

Jessi tried to catch her breath. "She was in a bad car accident. I don't know how bad, but Chester called me after her friend called him. I don't know anything else."

"Oh my God," was all I managed to get out.

"We need to go." She directed this more to the staff that had gathered around rather than me.

I went straight outside to my car that Jessi had brought and we drove to the hospital. Inside, Jessi asked the woman at the front desk and she directed us to the ER. Teal and Dustin were already there, standing in the middle of the hallway.

When Teal saw us, she was almost in tears.

"How bad?" I asked.

Teal shook her head. "Its not real good."

"What happened?"

"Some drunk driver ran a stop light and hit them on Jen's side." She took in a ragged breath. "And then someone hit the driver that hit them."

Jen had been hit head on. That thought made me want to puke. "Was she driving?" Teal shook her head. "Who was?"

"Adam," she answered softly.

"Adam? Who the hell is Adam?" Jessi demanded.

Teal looked at her uncertainly and then her eyes lingered on me, looking almost challenging. "Jen's boyfriend."

Jessi's mouth dropped open. "Jen's...boyfriend? Why the hell does Jen have a boyfriend? Her and Rob are still married!"

Teal scoffed. "Yeah, well, Rob hasn't exactly been faithful has he?" She glared at me.

Jessi's eyes burned and she turned away from us. I didn't say anything and looked at the tiled floor. Teal was right. No matter how much I hated to admit it, she was.

"Adam! Oh my God! Are you okay?"

I looked up from the floor to see 'Jen's boyfriend' walking out of the ER doors. He had stitches running down the left side of his face. He nodded, assuring Teal he was okay, but he looked scared out of his mind. He should be. I started towards him.

"Teal, I'm sorry. I didn't see him--"

"You should be sorry, you god damned son of a bitch!" I yelled slamming him against the wall.

His eyes widened. "I--"

"I swear to God if she dies, I will fucking kill you!"

"Rob! Chill out!" Teal growled, prying me away from him.

I took a step back, never taking my eyes of Adam.

"Rob, honestly, if I could have done something--"

"Shut up. Don't talk to me," I growled and turned away.

A hand grabbed me by the shoulder. I went to shake it off, but it forcifully turned me around. "Listen, Rob! Don't blame Adam for this! You shouldn't even care!" Teal snapped, glaring at me.

"I care more about Jen than you even know!" I said.

"If you cared so much about Jen, why'd you have sex with Sam? Huh?" she demanded. "If you cared so much about her, we wouldn't be here right now! So if you wanna blame anybody, blame yourself!"

"Back off!" Jessi snarled, coming up beside me.

"Tell Rob to back off first!" Teal snapped. "Adam doesn't need this!"

"No, Adam doesn't need to be taking Jen from Rob!"

"Are you crazy?!" Teal yelled. "Taking Jen from Rob? What the hell are you smoking? This is Rob's fault if Jen went to Adam! Everything is Rob's fault!"

"Shut up!" Jessi screamed. "This isn't Rob's fault!"

"How is it not?"

"Okay, seriously you two. We're going to get thrown out of here before we even know what's going on," Dustin said. "If its any body's fault, its the guy who hit Adam and Jen. Its not Rob's. Its not Adam's. Its that guy."

Jessi and Teal glared at each other one more time before they went their separate ways.

"Thanks," I said to him. He nodded and went over to Teal.

I was still standing in the middle of the hall when the doctor came out.

"Who is here for Jennifer Bourdon?"

I almost said something, but Adam stood and said, "I am."

"We all are," Teal said. "Is she okay?"

The doctor sighed. "It depends on what you mean by okay. Most of the damage is on her right side. We've stabilized her, but she has several fractured ribs and a punctured lung. There's lacerations all over her arm, her shoulder is dislocated, and she has a severe concussion along with internal bleeding. The main thing we're worried about now is her lung and drainage the blood."

If there was basement in that hospital, my stomach would have dropped that far. I covered my face with my hands, wishing beyond anything I could be there with her, that she knew I was here for her.

Teal thanked the doctor and he disappeared again. I sat down against the wall, leaned my head back against it, and closed my eyes.

Arms wrapped around my shoulders. "She's going to be okay."

I looked over at Jessi and she smiled sadly at me. "What if she isn't? Jessi, I can't handle loosing her with things like this between us."

She looked at me sadly. "You still love her."

"Of course I do. I've never stopped through this whole thing."

"Why didn't you guys fix this then?" she demanded quietly.

"Because Jen...because Jen doesn't want to be with a guy like me anymore. She wants a guy who she can trust and who won't ruin her life. A guy like that." I nodded to Adam who was sitting in one of the chairs to our left.

Jessi shook her head and looked defiantly at me. "No. You are the one for Jen. She's the one for you. Screw Sam. Screw Adam. And when she gets out of here, you two need to tell each other."

"She doesn't love me anymore. Its pretty one-sided now," I said.

"That's BS. Teal may be trying to show Jen that she loves Adam, but I can tell she still loves you."

I shook my head and smiled slightly. "Its over, Jessi. Jen's stubborn and independent."

"Yeah, well, you're no push over either apparently," she grumbled.

I put an arm around her shoulders. "Thank you though."


They'd moved Jen to a room a few hours later. If I'd have the guts, I would have went into the room and been there with her, but I didn't. Jessi stood outside the door with me as Teal, Dustin, and Adam had went in.

"I need to get back," I said, getting ready to leave.

"Let her know you were here," Jessi said simply.

"She's unconscious."


I sighed and looked at my sister for a moment before I stepped into the room. Adam and Teal were on each side of her bed and Dustin was over in the corner. The monitors beeped quietly in the back ground. One look at Jen and everything around us seemed to crash down. Under her bruises she was a sickly white color. Tubes draining blood, giving blood, keeping her alive, surrounded her.

Without looking at anyone else, I walked up to her and kissed her forehead. "I love you," I whispered so only she'd be able to here. Then I left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "In the End" by Linkin Park

So...had to update quick! What'd you guys think?

Chapter for chapter trade with Schiz's story Love Knows No Wrath!! I am FREAKING LOVING IT!!!!

Special thanks to those that commmented! (I'm in a hurry and trying not to get caught, sorry!)

Comments? Subscriptions? Love?