‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Not Everything Is What It Seems

A month and a half passed. I got my stitches out, my arm out of the sling, and I can breath normally again. Rob got out of rehab, and according to Chester, he's doing 'okay'. Mike and Anna are officially divorced. I don't know how they got divorced before we did, but its done.

I feel bad for Mike and I'm kind of pissed at Anna. She didn't get full custody of their son, but still...it just pisses me off. I know Mike makes a great husband, I've seen it myself, and the guys can't figure out why they got divorced. I mean, a little fighting means nothing to me, compared to what Rob did. But, its not my life so I better not worry about it.

What makes me depressed is that in a week, it'll be Rob and my...our year anniversary, but I got a notice that the divorce will be final in the next few days.

I should be happy, but I'm not. At all. To hide that from everyone, I'm plunging into my work like never before.

"Alright, people! That's good for today!" I exclaimed to the crowd of people around me. I switched my camera off and sighed heavily as the models left. I hated working with Mystique's models and their manager people. They thought they knew more than me. They didn't. Plus, they were...models. Brainless, size-0, shallow rips who need to get a taste of the outside life. Just like Sam.

I hadn't had to work with her today. I hadn't since she'd started showing that she was pregnant. That was awesome for me. I hated working with her when she modeled. All the other models liked her and fawned over her. I felt like puking.

"You look annoyed."

I turned to see Jessi with two McDonalds' bags in her hands.

"I'm a little, yeah," I replied. "These models are..."



"Well, I bringeth happy food!" she announced, presenting me with one of the bags.
I took it and lead her down the halls, to the elevator, then gave her a tour of my floor(the top floor).

"Wow...I didn't think all this had to go into a magazine."

"Fifteen floors of...stuff. I don't really know. I'm just the photographer," I said, opening the door to my office.

Jessi whistled. "Nice."

"Thank you. You get a perfect view of downtown Los Angeles. Sit." I gestured to the couch in the middle of the room and sat down myself. "Its comfy."

She did and we tore into our lunch. She was going to leave a week ago, but Rob had insisted that she stay a while longer. As long as Sam wasn't staying in his house, she agreed.

"I hate that bitch," Jessi growled, taking a bite of her French fry. "She's just so...ugh!"

"Do you realize who you're talking to?" I asked.

"Rob's not real fond of her either, to be truthfull. I mean, he's only staying with her because of...you know."

I nodded. "Yeah, I know. Why don't I give you more of a tour?" I asked, wanting to change the subject and get my mind on something else.

Jessi agreed and we walked around my floor and everywhere else.

I stepped up to a door. "This is where all the models hang out...Its nicer than the rest of the fricking building..." I muttered, reaching for the door handle.

"So Rob still doesn't know its not his kid?"

I froze. Jessi and I stared at each other, determining we'd heard the same thing.

"No, and its going to stay that way," the voice of The Slut said.

"Why? You'd get more money if you announced it was Benicio's," the other voice, I recognized as one of the other models, said.

Benicio? My boss? He was like almost sixty! And Sam was like...younger than me! I shuddered.

"Yeah, well, I'll almost be just as rich with Rob. Plus, I can ruin that sorry bitch of his wife's life!"

"Jen? What's wrong with her?"

"Uh, duh! I hate her! I was with Rob before she even thought about dating him. After she saw I had him, that's when she had to have him. Of course, Rob had been chasing her around before so...he couldn't help, but fall for it all."

The other woman laughed. "Wow. Pathetic."

"I know," Sam went on. "She's an absolute nut job. You know how she was gone for that month? She was recovering from a mental breakdown."


"Yes! I'm saving Rob from the biggest mistake of his life. I just wish he'd figure that out..."

"He still isn't real into the whole thing?"

"No," Sam said flatly. "I try to tell him we slept together. But you know...Even after I drugged him and got him to his house, he wouldn't sleep with me! I couldn't believe it!"

I looked at Jessi then, and she mouthed, "Oh my God!"

"I know!" I mouthed back.

Slowly, we moved away from the door and then sprinted for the elevator and up to my office.

Slamming the door behind me, I turned to face Jessi. "Please, please tell me you heard all that!"

"Every word," Jessi said. "That slut bag! I oughta go throw her off the fucking roof!"

"I'll help," I said. "Later. We need to go tell Rob."
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "Go Figure" by Everlife.
(This song makes me think of Jen. You guys should really listen to it! After you leave a comment of course. ;))

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! XD Tell me the truth, how many of you expected that? Everyone?
Now what's gonna happen? Is Rob gonna believe them? Don't know when I'll update next 'cause I got county fair this week, HS rodeos start this weekend, and school starts next monday. xP

Yay, Bourdie!!!!! <3

Chapter for Chapter trade with Jessi/Schiz/Kiss Me;Kill Me's story Love Knows No Wrath! It is gettting better and better by the chapter!!!!!!

Comments? Subscriptions? Love? Because you gotta love me now right?