‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Without You All I'm Going To Be Is Incomplete

I burst through the door. "I need to borrow Rob," I said and began to make my way to the the recording booth.

"Jen...uh...we're recording," Mike said.

"You can all record later." I ran in and grabbed Rob by his shirt and then drug him away from his drum kit and out the door.


"Later, Mike!" I snapped, shoving Rob through the door, out into the hall, and then into the door across it. For a 5'1" chick pushing around a 6'4" guy the size of Rob, I'm sure this was damaging his ego.

Rob turned around as Jessi stepped in, closing the door behind us. He looked absolutely terrified.

"What the hell's going on?"

Jessi and I kept quiet for a few seconds, trying to figure out what to say. Rob looked nervously between us. I wish Jessi would say something, but I knew she didn't know how to word it either. I guess being subtle would have to work.


"You didn't sleep with Sam," I said quickly.

Rob raised his eyebrows. "What?"

"She drugged you, but you didn't sleep with her."

"She...drugged me?" Rob's eyes widened.

"Are you really surprised?" Jessi said, arching an eyebrow.

Rob didn't say anything to that. "If we didn't...then who the hell's the kid's father?"

"Benicio Ravelquez," I muttered.

"Your boss?" I nodded. "Oh my God."

We stayed quiet and let it absorb for Rob. And me. Rob hadn't cheated on me. Even when he was drugged, he hadn't. Sam's child wasn't his. It was like with a snap of His fingers, God Almighty had straightened everything out. But was it going to do anything between Rob and me?

"Well...we'll see you later," I said suddenly when he stayed quiet, opening the door, and escorting myself quickly out.

Jessi was right behind me. "What the hell?"

"What the hell what?"

"You and Rob should be celebrating! Happy and having make-up sex! You can get back together!"

"Its not that easy..." I sighed.

"Like hell its not! Jen, Rob did not cheat on you. He was drugged out of his ass and still didn't sleep with that slut! He doesn't have a kid with her! Come on!"


"Don't make this more difficult than it freaking is! If you two could see how much you loved each other like the rest of us do, you two would be in that room making up!"

"Shut up!"

"You know I'm right!"

"No, you're not!"

"Yes, I am!"



Jessi and I both turned to see Rob standing in the doorway. "Can we talk? Alone."

"Sure," I said.

He closed the door behind me and sighed. "Well?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I know you have another life going already with that...one guy, but what about us?"

I bit my lip. "I don't know. Maybe it'd be best if we didn't do anything."

"Jen, you can hate me for as long as you want."

"I don't hate you," I said softly.

"I know we didn't handle this the best way we could and that drove us farther apart. I understand if you want to move on."


He shushed me with his finger. "I'm not asking you to love me back. Just let me love you."

I stared at him, lost for words. He wanted...to love me? Even if I didn't love him? How could anyone do that? How could anyone do that especially after what I'd done to him?

When I said nothing, he slowly placed his lips on mine. How long had I wished to kiss him again? How long had it been since we'd kissed? It felt like forever.

Rob pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. "Jessi...leave."

I hadn't noticed his sister had poked her head in to check on us.

"You're welcome, Rob."


"Leaving now."

I heard the door close behind us and I had to smile for a second before I frowned again.

"How can you love me still, Rob?" I whispered, voicing my thoughts.

"I did try to go on like I never knew you. I was awake, but my world was half asleep. I wanted so bad for you to be happy without me, that your heart would be unbroken, but I realized...my life without you was incomplete. I'd rather die than be without you."

"Oh, Rob." My voice cracked. "Why do you have to make this so hard?"

"You don't have to--"

"I still love you," I said, looking up into his brown eyes. "I love you so bad that it hurt to think about you without me. I can't let you go. I don't want to. How can you forgive me for being such a bitch!?"

He brushed the tears away from my face, and answered me with a kiss. Our lips crashed together, his large drummer hands cupping my face, while his body moved mine back, until it hit the table. I was lifted up onto it and he pushed me on my back. He kissed along my neck, giving me a second to think.



"You sure this is the best spot to do this?"

His lips stopped. "Why?"

"Let's think about this," I began. "Someone could walk in on us at any moment..."

"Like that time on our honeymoon."

"Rob..." I was trying to not encourage him with my smile.

"That old lady walked in on us in the bathroom."

I laughed, remembering that poor lady's face. "You just killed the mood."

"It was funny though," he said, laughing himself.

"Yeah, but I'd rather not have Chester walking in on us."

"Good point," Rob said, pulling me up, once he was off of me.

I hugged his neck, pressing my cheek against his chest. Having him this close again made everything okay. "Can we work this out?"

"Yes, we can," he said.

"It'll take time. Commitment."

"Patience. Understanding. Didn't we already promise each other this at our wedding?"

I giggled and kissed him, reveling in the innocence of it. "I love you."

"I love you too." That one statement sent a bolt through me.

We stepped out into the hallway, my hand in his, a smile on both our faces. It was like our problems had been weighing down on me, making me so lathargic, I didn't care about anything. But with Rob here, it was like some of that load had disappeared and we were sharing the rest, giving me a chance to breath and see the world again.

Chester came down the hall way and at first glance, he stopped, wondering if we were having another fight. Then he spotted our hands and our smiles and his eyes widened.

"You two...Are you two getting back together?"

I looked at Rob and he looked at me, still smiling. "Most likely, yeah."

Chester grinned and he darted into the recording door, yelling, "Dudes! Jen and Rob are getting back together!"


"I'm home!" I announced, dropping my purse by the door.

I stepped into the dark kitchen, the only light coming from the stove. It felt so good to be back in home. But it was really quiet.



I spun around to see him standing behind me. "Holy shit! Don't do that again!" He smiled in the dim light. "Where's Jessi?" I asked.

"Gone. Its just you and me." And then he kissed me again. I couldn't get enough of him kissing me, but I decided I'd mess with him a little.

"You know...I'm not in the mood tonight." I flashed him a mischievious smile when I pulled back from the kiss.

Rob snorted. "Fuck that," he growled before attacking my lips.

I was up against the table again. And I knew, as our clothes were harshly removed from our bodies, that we weren't making it to the bedroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "Incomplete" by Backstreet Boys

Make-up sex! xD That seems to be the only way for them to make up....*sighs* Welp? What're you guys thinking!?!?!?!

Do you guys think I should continue or quit? I have another subplot, not quite as interesting and not quite large enough for a sequel. Do you guys think I should do it, or end this? Rob and Jen haven't really had any 'we're an actual couple time' in like EVER!!


Chapter for Chapter trade with Kiss Me;Kill Me's story Love Knows No Wrath!

Special thanks to those who commented!! In a hurry again!!! xD

Love you all!! <3