‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Raining On Sunday

The sound of rain pouring outside was the first thing I heard. I shifted uncomfortably, wondering how our bed had gotten so hard in these past five months. My eyes opened and I realized that I was on the bedroom floor with Rob's t-shirt on and a blanket wrapped around me.

Remembering last night, I smiled. Rob and I had definately made up. It felt good to know that. I turned over and snuggled up to Rob, taking in his familiar smell, just enjoying being close to him again.

Rob turned over, wrapping his strong arm around me, smiling to himself.

"Good morning," I mumbled into his chest.

"Morning," he mumbled, kissing my head.

I yawned. "I'm really sore..."

"From sleeping on the floor?"

"That...and you fucking me senseless last night."

"I missed you," Rob said innocently. "Five months without sex sucks."

"So what? Before you had me you had sex with random girls?"

"No, I didn't realize what I was missing before I had you."

"Aw, you're so sweet," I said with a smile. "Can we get up on the bed now?"

"You ready for another go?"

I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest. "No, I'm tired of laying on the floor. Perv."

I got up and jumped into bed with Rob right behind me, pulling me into his arms again.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"You're not going to work are you?"

"Its Sunday and I wouldn't go anyway."

"Let's do nothing," Rob mumbled, sounding like he was already almost asleep.

"I'm up for that," I said, closing my own eyes as I laid my head on his shoulder.

We were quiet for awhile, with Rob's fingers brushing up and down my arm, giving me goosebumps. I still couldn't believe this was happening, after knowing for so long Rob and I couldn't get back together and then we were. This kind of thing only happened in those soap operas my mom watched. Overly dramatized life.

Rob's lips pressed against my hair and I tilted my head up to kiss them. I couldn't help but kiss him again and again. I'd spent enough time away from him. Rob wrapped an arm around my waist so he could pull himself on top of me as our lips moved against each other's hungrily. Here we go again, I thought with a smile.

"I ordered a frappaucino! Where's my fucking frappucino?!"

The door opened and Chester came bursting through. Rob and I both jumped out of our skins and Rob attempted to cover us--mostly him--with the sheets.

"What the fuck?" Rob yelled. Even with just a t-shirt on, I was more dressed than he was.

"Holy shit! I didn't need to see that!" Chester yelled, covering his eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Rob demanded.

Chester looked at the both of us. "I texted you to get me a frappucino this morning and you never showed up! Dude, I want my fucking frappucino!"

Both of us stared at him, completely bewildered by what he was saying.

"Chester..." I said. "Are you on drugs again?"

" No!" Chester exclaimed. "I just wanted a frappucino."

"Go buy the fucking frappuncino yourself," Rob said bluntly.

I was caught between throwing the lamp at him and bursting out laughing. What the hell was wrong with this guy?

Chester shrugged. "Okay," he said simply, answering Rob. "I also wanted to see how you two were doing."

"And you had to come into our bedroom because...?" Rob asked.

"Because I figured this was where you were." He wiggled his eyebrows at us and I about died of embarrasment right there.

"You are insane," I mumbled through my hands which were hiding my blush.

"I know." I could hear the evil little monkey grin in his voice.

"Chester, we'd appreciate if you'd leave now," said Rob.

"Right. Because ya'll wanna get it on some more."

I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at him as hard as I could. "Leave! NOW, YOU FRICKING PERVERT!"

Chester easily dodged it, laughing at us. "Alright, alright. I'm gone." Then he smiled. "Have fun," he said, closing the door.

Rob and I looked at the door for several seconds before at each other. I started giggling uncontrollably and he was having a hard time keeping a straight face.

"What is wrong with him?" I laughed as I fell back against my pillow.

"We've never figured that out," Rob sighed, laying down next to me after he was sure Chester was gone.

I smiled and scooted closer to him. "We have weird friends..."

Rob chuckled. "Yeah, we do. But I would have been dead without the guys."

"Same here," I said quietly. "I wasn't sure if I could have lived without you."

He grabbed my chin gently so I had to look up at him. "You will never have to live without me again. Unless you want me gone. I promise you that."

"I will never want you gone," I said firmly.

Rob smiled at me. "So we have forever together."

I smiled back at him. "Yes, we do. No more divorce..." I trailed off and my eyes grew ide. "Oh, shit..."

Rob's expression mirrored mine. "Our divorce..."

"Was going to get finalized! Rob, we're going to get divorced!"

We both jumped out of bed and I grabbed my cellphone to call my lawyer.

"Mr. Sanders is not available right now. If you would like to make an appointment--"

I ended it and looked at Rob who was getting dressed. "I can't get ahold of him. We have to go."

The windshield wipers were flying back and forth much like my mind. "What if we're divorced?" I asked, biting at my lip.

"Then I'll marry you again," he said honestly.

"Really?" I grinned. "You'd marry me again?"

"Did you not hear what I said back home? Of course I'd marry you again." He grabbed my hand in his and it took away a little stress. I still didn't want to get divorced though.

We pulled up to the office and darted out of the car. The lady at the reception desk looked at us.

"We have to talk to Sanders," I explained breathlessly.

"I'm sorry. He's in a meeting with other clients right now..."

"You don't understand. We have to talk to him now."

The receptionist raised an eyebrow at us. "I'm sorry, but--"

"Forget you!" I growled and walked towards the door to his office with Rob behind me. He wasn't objecting to my forward, slightly rude behavior.

"Excuse me--" The receptionist tried again, but I was not listening.

I opened the door and our attorny looked up and his two clients turned around.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bourdon--"

"We're still Mr. and Mrs. Bourdon?" I asked fearfully.

"Well, yes..."

"Good. Leave it that way. We don't want to get a divorce anymore," Rob said, coming to stand beside me.

Sanders looked between Rob and me, very much confused and a little shocked. So were his clients. "Well..." he started. "That's--that's good to hear. I'll make sure it isn't finalized then."

I looked at Rob, unable to hide the smile that broke out. "Thank you," I said.

As soon as we were out of the building, I jumped up and hugged Rob around the neck. His arms wrapped around my waist, keeping my feet off the ground, as he kissed my cheek. We didn't care that it was still raining and we were going to get soaked. Finally, everything would get straightened out. Finally, we were done with the drama. Finally, we could be together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Raining On Sunday by Keith Urban (Heads up: Keith Urban is shirtless in this video! O.O Amazing...*drools*)

Chapter for Chapter trade with Schizzy's Love Knows No Fury

I know what you're thinking! WTF on the frappacino part?!?!? lol

INSIDER with Schizzy!!! xD And you can see it here ITS HILARIOUS!!! And I kinda like the song...Thanks Schizzy for helping me write when I had writers block!!

This...sorta...sucked at the end didn't it? I'm sorry. Writer's block has all of a sudden been thrown upon me! Dammit. -.- Sam. Will. Get. Her A Double S wooped in the next one. xD

Special Thanks to:
Ice Cat
Kiss Me;Kill Me

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