‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Its Been A Long Time Coming


The elevator dinged and I stepped out as the door opened. My feet carried me down the hallway to Jen's office and I knocked quietly.

"Come in."

I don't really know why Jen's face lit up when she saw me, but I wasn't complaining. I loved when she smiled. She finally smiled like that at me again.

"Hey, babe," she said, giving me a kiss. "What are you doing here?"

I let out a long breath. "I have a proposition for you."

She arched an eyebrow. "Proposition?"

"Okay, more of a request." I paused and sucked in another breath. "You know tour starts in two weeks..."

Her face fell and she nodded. "I'm dreading it...You're gonna be gone forever!"

"That's why I want you to go with me," I said.

Her eyes went wide. "Rob, you know I can't. I've already missed so much work and--"

"Benicio loves you. You said so yourself. He'll let you off for a few months."

"A few months is a long time!"

"That's why I want you to be there."

Jen pouted. "You know I wanna go, but...I'll ask Benicio."

"Good," I smiled. "Ask him. And if he doesn't let you go. I'll just...tie you up and kidnap you."

She smiled. "I wouldn't mind that."

"Hey, Jen--" Teal walked into the room, saw me, and turned around. "I'll be back later."

"Teal..." I said.

She peeked her head around the door, smiling at me. "I apologize for any rude names I called you in the past few months."

I chuckled. "Its fine."

Her smile became a real one. "Good. But I'll give you guys some deserved husband/wife time. I'll be back."

"So she's okay with me instead of Adam?" I asked when the door closed.

"She just wanted me to be happy," Jen said.

"I know. I'm glad she was there for that when I couldn't be."

"But you're here now. And I'll think about going on tour. Promise."

I smiled back and kissed her. "I'll talk to you later."

I stepped out of her office and went to go back to the elevator, thinking I'd be able to leave with my mission accomplished. However, it seemed that wouldn't be happening.


I groaned inwardly and turned to face her. She was standing there, with her hands on her hips, looking like the pissy bitch she was.


Her face suddenly looked hurt. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, Sam," I said. "Maybe its because you lied about that kid being mine. Or maybe you made up the whole thing about you and me in general."

Sam's mouth dropped open. "What?!" she demanded. "I would never ever--"

I raised my hand. "Save it. I don't need to hear your shit. You ruined Jen and I's life and for what reason? Your slutty self couldn't let me and her be happy."

She shook her head, looking pitifully at me. "No, Rob. That's not true! Where are you getting this from?" Her face suddenly darkened in anger. "That rotten bitch fed you this, didn't she? That whore--"

"Don't," I growled, stepping up so my face was inches from her's. "Don't you dare ever call Jen anything like that again, you understand? She is my wife. You are the bitch and you are the whore."

She stared at me and I honestly thought she'd cry. "I can't believe you believe her! I love you! She is nothing but a--"



After Rob left, I leaned against the desk and thought. I wanted to go on tour with them so bad, but I didn't think I could afford it. I'd lose my job. Being on tour with the best band ever seemed like a really good idea though. And I was tired of all this Hollywood drama, I needed to get away.

Sighing, I grabbed some files I needed to copy and left my office. I continued to maul over my options. I was being torn two ways. Duty to my job or being with my husband. It sucked.

"That rotten bitch fed yout his, didn't she? That whore--" I stopped at the sound of Sam's voice. Was she talking about me? Anger boiled in my veins. Even if it wasn't me, which I doubted, I was so going to kill her. I was going to wring her scrawny, skanky neck for all the pain she caused Rob and me.

"Don't," Rob's voice growled. "Don't you dare ever call Jen anything like that again, you understand? She is my wife. You are the bitch and you are the whore." I began to make my way around the corner with one thought on my mind.

"I can't believe you believe her! I love you! She is nothing but a--"

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I screamed and came at her.

Just before my hands could wrap around her neck, Rob grabbed me around the waist. "YOU ABOUT KILLED US BOTH!" I shrieked. "GO BURN IN HELL, BITCH!"

"ROB WAS MINE!" she shot back. "He always was! You're just--"

"Don't say whore because that's what you are! I was his wife! I am his wife and I always will be! Get used to it!" I was still struggling against Rob, wishing he'd just give me one hit at her.

"Fuck you!" she snapped and lunged at me.

But once again, Adam came to my rescue and pulled her back. Rob turned me away from her as I fought harder.

"Thanks, Adam," Rob sighed as he carried me back to my office. Adam waved and released Sam who glared at him, but he glared right back and walked away.

Rob set me down once we were back in my office. "Better now?" he asked.

I straighted out my shirt, trying to keep my dignity. "Yes, yes I am."

He smiled. "You scare me sometimes."


"Alright, well, I'm leaving now so...keep thinking about my offer and don't kill anybody."

I narrowed my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out. He kissed me and I had a hard time letting go. Finally, he left and I sat down at my chair with a sigh. Just as I relaxed, Sebastian came on the intercom.

"Jen, Benicio just called and said he wanted to see you. Now."

"How'd he sound?" I asked.

"Fine, but he wanted to speak to you immediately."

I let out a breath and left my office to go to my boss's. His was much larger than mine, which made no sense. All it held was a desk, three chairs, and lots of plants.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked, poking my head in.

He beckoned me in and I obeyed, coming to stand in front of his desk. He looked up at me with a blank expression. "Jen, I have been blessed with your employment these past few years."

"Thank you, sir. I've enjoyed it."

He nodded slowly. "I'm glad. But...I'm afraid...I have to let you go."

I stared at him in shock. "What?"

"Your...emotional status seems to be a danger to your fellow employees."

"Sam," I said between gritted teeth. "She played this up, didn't she?"

"Samantha and you have a past, but she's not the reason--"

"Bull shit! You got her pregnant! Of course this has to do with her!"

He looked at me sharply. "Jen, I am sorry, but I am firing you."

"No, you're not!" I snapped. "You can't fire me because I just quit this fucked up place! Find somebody else to take all you pricks' shit! I'm outta here!"

I turned on my heel, walked out of his office, and back to mine.

Sebastian looked up at my approach. "So?"

"I quit," I said simply.

"What?! No, Jen! Please!" he begged, following me into my office.

"Sorry, Sebastian, but this isn't the place for me. I hated all the Hollywood crap so...I quit. And got fired. But mostly quit."

"What happened?" Teal demanded, coming in.

"Jen quit," Sebastian explained sadly.

"I tried to kill Sam and Benicio took it personally. So...yeah."

"Well..." Teal said slowly. "Sebastian, didn't Rolling Stone ask you something?"

"Oh, yeah. They said if you ever wanted to come work with them, you could. They'd outpay what this place did."

I stared at him in shock. "You never mentioned this?" I demanded. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You were busy and stressed and I didn't think you wanted to worry about it!" Sebastian defended. "I am sorry!"

"Get ahold of them. Tell them I'll take--Wait." I paused and smiled. "Never mind. Ask them if they can wait a few more months for me."

"Why?" Teal asked.

My smile grew. "Because I'm going on tour with Linkin Park."
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "You're Going Down" by Sick Puppies

When I was attempting to write this, I hated writing Rob's part because I didn't want him to sound...I don't know what, but I was having a tough time. I said, "I can't figure out what guy's think! So how do I write what a guy's thinking?!"

My 13 year old "sister", Cadrien, said "Men don't think. They just say." lol So true!

So...I can quit like now or I can do a little--or maybe not exactly 'little'--more. I've got another sorta lame story line. Otherwise I can cut to an epilogue. LET ME KNOW GUYS!!!!!!!

Special Thanks to:
I'll Be Over You

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