‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Look at All the Love We Got

"I don't know what to do!"

"What are talking about?"

"Rob! I don't know what to get him..."

"For what?"


"Oh. My bad."

I sighed and fell back on the couch. "I seriously have no idea what to get him...."

"When's your anniversary?"

"Two days."

"A day of sex."

I glared at Jessi; she looked at me innocently. "You're an idiot."

"A life time supply of drum sticks," she said matter-of-factly.

I pondered on that and nodded. "That's not a bad idea..."

"That's not what you get your husband on your first anniversary!"

"Then why'd you say it?"

"I don't know. I just did."

"You're an idiot!"

"I know this."

"Jessi! I am freaking out here!" I put my head in my hands and groaned. "I am a horrible wife."

"No, you're not. Seriously, wives barely ever get their husbands anything. Its the guy's job to give the gifts."

"But I'm the one who screwed up the most! I need to do something for him!"

Jessi sighed. "If that's the case...Jen all you have to do for him is to be there for him!"


"Happy Anniversary, babe," Rob whispered in my ear.

I turned over and kissed him. "Happy Anniversary."

He smiled at me. "Surprised we made it?"

"Kinda...But I'm glad we did."

Rob turned over and grabbed something from the bedside table. He handed me a cardboard box. "Here."

"You didn't need to get me anything!" I said, taking the box from him.

"Yes, I did. I hope you like it."

"I will."

I untied the red ribbon around it and opened the lid. My eyes widened as I took out the old camera; I was speechless.

"You're kidding me! Is this--"

"The camera that you took everywhere when we were in high school? Yeah."

"I thought...I thought I lost it like Junior year! How'd you find it?"

"You left it in our backyard. Mom gave it to me and I forgot about it. Its still got the original film."

"I've gotta develop these!" I grinned and looked at him. "I love it! Thank you!"

"You're welcome," Rob said.

My grin turned mischievous. "Now I've got something for you." I threw the covers off and got out of bed.

"Oh, no."

"Come on!" I exclaimed, beckoning him to follow me.

He got out of bed and followed me downstairs. I grabbed his hand and led him to the sun room that looked out onto our backyard. Rob stopped in his tracks and stared at my gift. The shining new piano sitting in the center of the room. Rob always loved playing the piano when he got time. However, we didn't own a piano and I thought it'd be a good idea.

"Do you like it?" I asked after a few moments of stunned silence.

Rob wrapped me in a hug. "Of course I do. Thank you. This does make my gifts look less appealing though."

"'Gifts'?" I asked cautiously, pulling away from him. "You didn't get me another one."

"Actually, I did." He then proceeded to lead me out to our garage. "Close your eyes," he said before reaching for the door handle.

I did as I was told, slightly worried about what he had gotten me again. I waited a few moments, hearing Rob go out to the garage and coming back in. Suddenly, something wet slid up my face. I jerked back, my eyes opening in surprise. In my face was a pair of big brown eyes with two pointy ears over them. Rob was holding a Welsh Corgi puppy.

My mouth opened, but no sound came out. I was overwhelmed with its adorable-ness. It was the usual colors--tan body with white marks, but it was so small and so cuddly looking! I took it from him, oohing and awing over it, thanking Rob over and over again. He knew I wanted a dog; how he knew I wanted a corgi, I had no idea.

"Can I name him Fluffy?"

"No. You're not naming your dog Fluffy."

"Mr. Wiggles?"

"What the fuck, Jen?"

"His butt wiggles," I explained, petting my puppy down his soft back.


"Fine, his name's Maverick and that's what its staying."

"That's better than Mr. Wiggles," Rob chuckled.

"What are we going to do with him while we're on tour though?" I asked, pursing my lips and lifting him up into the air. "I don't want to leave him, but I doubt the guys will take me and the dog."

"True. I had to beg the guys to let you come..."

I slapped him on the arm and scowled. "Fine. Maybe I won't go."

Rob grabbed my waist tightly and I squealed. "You're going. I'll tie you up and drag you there if I have to."

I put Maverick to the ground and turned around in his arms so I was facing him. "I'd like to see you try."

Rob narrowed his eyes at me and then tossed me over his shoulder.

"Rob! No! Put me down! Rob, dammit!"

He carried me up to our bedroom and threw me down on the bed. Before I could get back up, he was on top of me and kissing me fiercely. His hand traveled under my shirt to pull it off.

I pulled away for a moment, panting. "Does this always have to be the way we celebrate?"

"Yes," Rob said with a smirk and his lips found mine again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not" by Thompson Square

I'm back! :D Sorry for the suckish chapter. Next one will be better! Promise!
Thanks to Schiz for giving me the idea for what Jen should get Rob! That helped a bunch!
Schiz, you need to update....NOW!

Special Thanks to:
Schizzy R. Follese

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