‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Viva Las Vegas

The van rolled along down the street, taking us to the hotel we'd be settling at before the concert. My head was resting against Rob's shoulder and I'd occasionally open an eye to peek at our surroundings outside. We were in Las Vegas for the guys second performance of the tour.

"I still can't believe I'm doing this," I mumbled, stifling a yawn.

Rob chuckled and tightened his arm around me. "You're having fun though."

I smiled. This was true. Being backstage and watching them do their thing...It was pretty F'ing awesome.

We unloaded ourselves and our luggage and headed straight for our hotel rooms. It was a big, expensive looking hotel, which was to be expected. I was enjoying some of the luxury that came along wiht being married to a musician.

"So..." I started, falling in step with Jessi. "You told Rob about you and Mike yet?" Those two had been together since before I quit Mystique, which was only a few weeks, but they couldn't exactly keep their hands off each other...

"No," Jessi answered guiltily.

"Tsk, tsk. Keeping secrets from your own family."

"He's gonna kill Mike!" Jessi defended.

"No, he won't. He might freak out a little, but...if you guys are taking this serious then you better tell him soon."

Jessi rolled her eyes and we stepped onto the elevator. She wasn't going to say anymore with Rob right there.

Our suites were on the top floor and Rob and I headed towards our's.


I turned to see Talinda making her way down the hall towards us. "Jessi and I are going shopping on the strip. A little girl time. You're coming, right?"

I looked back for Rob who had disappeared into our room and then back her. "Yeah, that sounds like fun," I said with a smile.

She smiled back. "Good! We'll see you down at the lobby in ten minutes?"

I set my bag down and looked around the room before stepping into the bathroom. It had a jucuzy. I couldn't wait to use that!

Rob was sitting on the edge of the bed when I cam back out. "So..." he started, looking at the clock beside the bed. "We got a little while before we have to be at the venue...What do you want to do?"

"I'm going shopping with Jessi and Talinda."

He raised at eyebrow at me. "You sure that's it?"

I smiled slightly and walked over to him. "What do you mean?"

"We're in a hotel room...by ourselves...just the two of us..."

My smile grew as I straddled his lap. "Still not following," I said running a hand
down his chest.

He smirked. "You're not that blonde."

"Yeah, but..." I took off his glasses and kissed his nose. "I should go with Jessi and Tal."

"Do you have to?" he asked as I kissed his neck.

"No," I said against his neck. "I really don't." I looked him in the eyes and leaned in to kiss him.

When our lips about touched, I pushed him back on the bed and slid off his lap. "But I'm going to!" I said with a grin.

Rob groaned, making me laugh as I picked up my purse. "Fine," he said. "I'll be right here when you get back."

"Okay!" I called as I stepped out into the hall.


After being trapped on a bus with six guys, it felt pretty nice to stretch out on the Strip. The time spent with Jessi and Talinda was well worth it. We went from store to store buying a new pair of shoes or some shirt we thought we could pull off. Most of time we didn't buy a thing and just messed around.

And when you're in Las Vegas...you tend to do some crazy things.

"I can't believe you guys made me do it!" I groaned, my head falling back on the head rest.

"We didn't make you do it!" Talinda laughed. "You got it of you're own free will."

"Yeah, but you persuaded." I winced as the tender skin on my lower back hit the seat.

I'd gotten a tattoo. Don't ask me why; I just did and I'm regretted it. It killed. My husband didn't have any tattoos so why did I? Because I'm the wife of a rockstar, I thought I deserved one. Now I was cussing out Talinda and Jessi like no other.

"Bourdon" was inked all the way across my lower back. I loved how it looked, but hated how it hurt. We pulled up to the hotel and I got out, careful not to bump it again. When I got to our room, Rob was in the exact same place I'd left him, asleep. I smiled and shook my head. What a dork.

I crawled onto his lap and leaned down to kiss him. "Wake up, hun."

His arms wrapped around me and his eyes opened. I winced and pushed his arms up a little farther, away from my tattoo. He looked at me questioning.

I smiled micheviously. "I got a tattoo."

His eyes widened. "You...got...a tattoo?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Where?"

"My ass."


"You wanna see?"

He blinked at me. "You're kidding, right?"

"About the tattoo or the fact that its on my ass?"


"No." I got up from his lap, turned around, and took off my shirt.

"Oh my God. You did."

"You like?"

I felt his thumbs trace around it, right where it wasn't sore. He pulled me down against him and kissed my neck. "I love it."


I looked proudly from the side of the stage as the guys performed "Given Up".
One of my favorite songs, I was having a hard time not jamming out like an idiot. I looked at Rob, still amazed that he could what he did.

"Put me out of my fucking--" Chester took his deep breath and his scream blared from the speakers.

He was going to hold seventeen seconds this time, I thought with a smile.

Something tickled at my stomach and I first I thought it was just Phi's bass, but slowly it grew into a familiar feeling. A familiar bad feeling. I pushed past Talinda in a quick attempt to reach a trash can. I did and puked.

Oh, great.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "Viva Las Vegas" by Elvis Presley

Don't laugh at the title credit! I love Elvis!!! xD R.I.P the King of Rock in Roll!

What'd you guys think?

I have a new band fiction! Its a Kamelot one! Check it out? Rule The World

Chapter for Chapter Trade with Schizzy R. Follese's story Love Knows No Wrath

Special Thanks to:
Schizzy R. Follese