‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Guilt's a Language You Can Understand

The door opened and I looked up from the TV. “I hope that's you, Teal.”

“It is!” she called and appeared in the entryway of the living room.

“You know you don't have to come here every hour to check on me, right?”

“I was here two hours ago!”

“Yeah, and between you and Talinda, I'm never lonely.”

“Exactly!” Teal chirped and turned, going into the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” I asked, leaning over to get a better look.

“I was thinking I'd make you chicken stirfry for dinner or if you're craving something else...”

“Teal. I appreciate this, but I'm perfectly fine of taking care of myself.”

“How'd the appointment go?” she asked, ignoring me and opening the refrigerator.


“Do you know what the baby is yet?” Teal asked.

“No,” I answered. “Rob and I decided to wait and see.”

“Oooh! Exciting! You want a girl or a boy?”

“I don't really care. I just want it to be healthy and everything to come out right.”

The doorbell ran. “I got it!” I groaned, attempting to get up from the couch. I was five months in and steadily getting bigger. A lot bigger.

“I can get it!”

“I'm already up! Do not make that effort in vain!” I waddled over to the door and opened it.

Adam stood in the doorway and his eyes went to my stomach. He grinned. “You look great.”

“Adam!” I shrieked and pulled him into a hug. “What are you doing here?”

“Words going around you were pregnant. Thought I'd give you these.” He presented me with a bouquet of carnations. “I would have brought food but—”

“You can't cook,” I finished. “Come in.”

He stepped inside. “How's Rob?”

“On tour. I'm missing him like crazy,” I sighed and went into the kitchen where Teal was cooking. “He'll be home in a few weeks.” Adam nodded. “Have you heard anything about Sam?” I asked, putting the flowers in a vase from the cupboard.

“Yeah, actually.” Adam scratched the back of his head. “Benicio denounced being the baby's father. Then he pretty much fired her and said she was on her own.”

I nearly dropped the vase. “You're kidding!” I stared at him in disbelief.

Adam shook his head. “Nope, its in the papers. You haven't seen it?”

“Modern news depresses me,” I said. “But I didn't know Benicio is that big of a prick!”

“Serves her right,” Teal said, turning from the stove.

“Yeah...but...” I paused. “I hated to even think supporting a baby without Rob. I thought I was going to have to the first time. I was terrified.”

Teal shrugged. “Karma's a bitch though. Its about time it came back around.”

I drummed my fingers on the counter, biting at my lip in contemplation. “Its not fair though.” I looked up at Adam. “I'm going to go see her.”

“What?” my friends asked in unison.

“She needs to know that there's someone willing to help her. Adam, you're coming with me.”

“Why me?” he demanded and took a step back.

“Because you're a man, we're her co-workers, and Teal has just as bad a temper as me. No questions and don't whine.”


We pulled up to the condo and Adam put his car in park.

“You're sure you want to do this?” he asked as we stared at the building.

I set my jaw and nodded. “I know what its like.” I also felt guilty. I'm not really sure why. If I had lost my fight for Rob, she would have him to look out for her, because even though Rob hated her, he wouldn't leave her. He was too nice of a person and he would care too much for his child.

We got out—I had a little difficulty—and entered the complex. We traveled up the stairs and came to her door. Adam looked at me and I nodded. He knocked on the door. We waited in tense silence and the door creaked open.

It wasn't Sam who opened the door, but this woman looked almost. She had the same straight cobalt hair even though it didn't look as beautified, and her skin was the same tan-ish color, but there was something about her that didn't seem as fake as Sam. Maybe she wasn't wearing as much makeup or wasn't dressed as much like a skank.

“Can I help you?” she asked with a smile.

“Uh...is Sam here?” I asked, slightly taken aback by her smile.

“Yes, she is. You're friends of her's?”

“Sure.” Adam and I threw glances at each other.

“Well, come on in!” she said, opening the door further.

We stepped inside and the door closed behind us. I swallowed. No way out.

“Sam! Some friends are here to see you!”

Adam and I shot a glance at each other again. It was much more terrifying that I was there now. But I knew I was being the better person.

Sam came from one of the back rooms, much bigger than me. She must be due anytime. Her face was gaunt and her hair looked dull and unwashed. To put it nicely, she looked like crap. She saw us and stopped in her tracks. Her pale cheeks turned red and her eyes narrowed dangerously.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” she snapped.

“We heard about what Benicio did,” I said, forcing my voice to stay even and concerned. “We wanted to know if we can help with anything.”

“No!” Sam hissed. “I don't want your help! I don't need anyone's!”

“Actually...” the other woman started, but Sam cut her off.

“Shut up, Stacy! I can't believe you even let them in!”

“I—I didn't know—”

“Just shut up. You,” she turned back to me. “Get out!”

“Sam, I am sorry about everything between us. But now I'm offering to help you. I know what its like to think about a future without someone to help support you and your child. Its really scary and that's why I want to offer if you need me to do anything.”

“No,” Sam growled. “Its always about you and your pity party and shit! I don't want your help! I don't want your help.” She pointed to Adam. “So fuck off!” She glared down at my own swollen belly. “And who's is that? Adam's or Rob's?”

That pissed me off. “Its Rob's,” I replied sharply. “And fine. If you don't want my help, perfect. I just hope you treat that kid better than you treat everyone else.”

I wretched open the door and stomped out, clenching my fists to keep from going back and punching her. Adam's hand rested on my shoulder.

“That went well,” he whispered.

I didn't say anything. I was embarrassed that she'd ask that question with Adam right there. I could only imagine what he thought. He didn't seem upset. I was the one that was nearly shaking from fury.

“Excuse me.”

We turned and Stacy was standing in the hall, wringing her hands together. “I am so sorry about what Sam said. She's just had a really tough time and...” She bit her lip. “I hope your offer still stands because I have no idea what to do and I'm just trying to be a good sister and...”

I managed a smile. I kinda liked her. Even if she was Sam's sister. “Offer still stands, if that's what you're asking. I'll give you my number.”

The three of us exchanged numbers, she thanked us again and again, and Adam and I left. The drive back to the car was in slightly awkward silence, or at least awkward to me.

“You okay?” Adam asked me.

“Yeah...Are you?”

He looked at me curiously. “Why wouldn't I be?”

“What Sam said...” I said quietly, almost hoping he wouldn't hear me.

“Why does that matter?”

“I just...feel bad...”

Adam rolled his eyes. “Jen you have nothing to feel bad about, okay? You and Rob are meant to be together and I was just sorta there to help you along when you needed it. I, honestly, take no offense that you went back to Rob. I was actually happy you did. You weren't ever truly happy with me and I knew that.”

“I wish all of my ex-boyfriends had been like you,” I said.

He chuckled. “Thank you?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit:"In Between" by Linkin Park

Isn't Jen a nice, thoughtful person? Isn't Sam a beotch? ^_^

Only a few more chapters, people! <3 Next one might be 'the thing' or it might not...

Special thanks to:
alex leto;

Where'd you all go?!?! Comments! Subscriptions! Love! <3