‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Where Did I Go Wrong?

Yipping and whining broke into my happy dream. My eyes opened slowly to come in contact with Maverick's big, brown, glassy ones. He whined at me, yapped again, and attempted to jump up onto the bed. His little legs just couldn't quite make it. I reached down to pet him, scratching him behind the ears.

“You're jealous, aren't you?” I whispered, smiling slightly.

Before Rob got home, I'd let Maverick up into the bed at night. Now that Rob was back, he was left on the floor and he didn't exactly appreciate that. However, he'd be back up with me soon enough.

Rob had been home for only two weeks and he was going to leave again. It was only for a few days in Moscow for the new Transformers movie premiere. Still, I'd just gotten him back and he was leaving again.

Even that single thought brought me to tears. Stupid hormones!

Rob's hand rubbed my arm. “You okay, babe?”

I nodded, burying my face in my pillow. “I'm just hormonal,” I grumbled.

Rob chuckled. “Only three more months.” His hand moved down to my stomach. “I'm glad we've made it this far.”

I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled. “Of course we have. I have you this time.”

Rob returned my smile and kissed my cheek. “And if I could help it, I'd stay.”

“Its only for a few days,” I said, laying my hand over his. “I'll be fine. Talinda and Teal are still checking in on me everyday. Its all good.”

“Okay,” Rob sighed. He began to get out of bed. “You wanna go? I can get you a ticket.”

“No. I think I should stay home. I hate flying and I doubt it gets better when you're pregnant.”

He chuckled and went over to the closet. “You're probably right.”

Rob finished packing and I went downstairs with him to make sure he had everything and...to say good-bye. We ate breakfast and it was time for him to go.

Don't cry! I threatened myself. Don't you dare cry! Rob was going to feel guilty and not want to go. I hugged him and kissed him and told him good-bye. Chester waved from the driver's window of the car that was taking my husband away. Again. I waved back and continued to until they were out of sight.

I looked down at Maverick and sighed. “Its just you and me again, buddy.”

He looked up at me, his large ears pricking up as he barked at me, as if to say, “yep!” I closed the door and looked around the empty house. It got worse and worse every time he left...

Of course, I wasn't horribly lonely. Teal stopped by after her work was over. We hung out for a little while. Talinda showed up on my door step an hour later with Chinese takeout. We talked about our husbands and kids. I asked her how she handled Chester being gone all the time.

She replied, “I don't really 'handle' it. I just have to think he'll come home and I'll have here again to myself soon enough.

“I guess,” I said.

“You miss him,” Talinda said. “That's nothing to be ashamed of. And when you're pregnant, its a lot worse. Don't worry.”

Talinda walked to the door and smiled back at me. “Need anything before I leave?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Nope. I'm good.”

“Okay,” she said and opened the door.

It happened so suddenly, I wasn't sure what it was. Pain shot up my body and I gripped the edge of the wall. And there was something else...My eyes widened. My water had broken.

“T—Talinda!” I nearly screamed.

She was by my side in a moment. “Oh, God.” Without saying anything, she seemed to know.

“This cannot be happening!” I said, biting my lip. “Talinda, this is not happening!”

She was already on her cellphone, rattling off something. I was in too much shock to really listen as she held onto my arm tightly. This was not happening! After everything I'd done right, this couldn't be!

Rob wasn't there and the baby was coming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "How To Save a Life" by The Fray

Uh-oh. O_o

Short chapter is short. -_-


Special thanks to:
alex leto;

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