‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

This Could Really Be a Good Life

It'd been four weeks since Paige had been born. We had at least three more months before she could come home with us. The days were sketchy and I rarely left the hospital. Only when Rob had Talinda drag me out for a few hours and he stayed behind was when I would leave. I was terrified to come back and find our baby had died while I was gone.

But she was always there, alive and so tiny. The doctors warned us of problems that could arise and that she was far from out of the woods. There were also the problems she might face later in life. But Paige was a determined little trooper, stubborn like me. She wasn't going to let go that easily. Each day she grew stronger.

Rob had gone to get me food. I was in need of a good cheeseburger or some pizza. I sat alone, watching as Paige slept soundly, hooked up to tubes and wires, in her giant, plastic container.

Footsteps came up behind me and Rob placed his hands on my shoulder. "How's she doing?"

"The same," I answered. I looked up at him and my eyes widened. "Your hair..."

Rob smiled at me. His once long hair was almost all cropped off, short like it used to be. The way I liked it. "You said after she was born, you wanted me to cut my hair."

"I didn't think you'd listen to me though," I said with a laugh and reached up to run my hand through his thick hair. "I love it though."

He smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "Only three more months."

I nodded slowly and looked back at our daughter. We were going to be a family. I kept telling myself she was going to survive and everything would be okay. But by our past luck, I still couldn't help but worry.


"Look at your room!" I opened the door with one hand, my other occupied by our little bundle of joy. I beamed at the sunny room which had been repainted in hot pink with white horses and matching curtains. "They did a good job," I said, walking into the room and turning slowly so Paige could take it all in. Jessi had forced Mike to help and Talinda agreed to assist as well, dragging Chester along with her.

Paige's big, brown eyes took in everything with wide-eyed intensity. I smiled, rocking her gently, and looked back at Rob who was standing in the doorway. "I think she likes it," I said. Rob smiled and walked farther into the room. I handed Paige to him. "So..." I started, unsure if I should bring up the subject I was dying to ask.

"Jessi told me, if that's what you've been wanting to ask."


Rob shrugged, brushing back Paige's golden down of hair. "I can't really do anything about it. Mike makes her happy so I don't see any problem. I'm a little...ticked I was the last one to know." I smiled at his censored language and he smirked at me. "What?"

I shook my head, still smiling. Paige looked so small--smaller than usual--in his arms. "Nothing." The doorbell rang and I left to get it.

I ran down the stairs, shouting "coming!" as it rang again and again. When I opened the door, Jessi practically threw herself upon me. "Holy shit!"

"Jen, Jen, Jen!" she shrieked, grinning from ear to ear.

"What, what, what?" I asked, holding her at arms length.

She turned from me and grabbed Mike's hand before the guy could even get fully into the house. "Rob! Get down here!"

"What?" he called, coming down the stairs without Paige. He must have put her in her crib.

Jessi was beaming, clinging to Mike like he might run away. Mike was smiling too, bigger than I'd seen him in a long time.

"Okay...what?" I asked.

Jess looked at Mike, then at us. "We're getting married!"

"Oh my God!" I screamed.

"I know!" And we hugged and jumped about. We were a crazy bunch. That wasn't new news.

"When?" I asked after our little episode was over.

"We don't know yet. No one else knows. We wanted you guys to be the first." Jessi was talking so fast it was hard to pick up all her words. She was holding my hands with a death grip. She looked at Rob. "Are you okay with this?" she asked a little more calmly.

Rob stared at her for a few silent movements. Then, his face broke out into a smile and he held out his arms. Jessi gladly hugged him. "Why wouldn't I be? But you..." He glared at Mike over his sister's shoulder. "You hurt her or anything and I swear--"

"Okay, Rob, don't ruin the happy moment," I said, slapping his arm and standing on my tiptoes to hug Mike around the shoulder. "He wouldn't ever do that." I pulled forcibly down on Mike so his head was even with mine. "But if you ever do, I'll kill you," I said lowly and then smiled. "Okay?"

Mike knew better than to take me too seriously. He chuckled and wrapped around my shoulders. "I know you would."

"Why don't we go celebrate?" Jessi suggested happily.

"I can't," I replied. "But Rob could."

"Why--Oh. Shit." Jessi pulled a face. "Why don't we celebrate when things with Paige settle down. Speaking of which, can I go see my little niece?"

I beamed. "Of course." Jessi grinned back at me and went flying up the stairs. I followed after her.

"She is so adorable," Jessi said when I entered the room. She was leaning over the rail of the crib as Paige smiled up at her. "She's got Rob's eyes."

"Let's hope she gets at least half his height instead of mine too," I said. Jessi laughed. "You can hold her."

Jessi picked her up and held her close. "I'm an aunt and I'm getting married. Less than a year ago I found out I had a twin brother. Pretty crazy...Its nothing compared to your year though."

I shrugged. "I prefer not to think about it."

"Ever heard from that psycho bitch?"

I snorted. "Only when hell freezes over."

"Its better that way."

I nodded and looked at Paige. She reached her arms out for me and Jessi handed her over. She was already four months old and just out of the hospital. Even if she was doing better than even the doctors expected, we had a lot to make up for.

Mike came up with Rob to see his soon-to-be niece and then Jessi and him left. I sat down in a chair and tried to rock Paige to sleep. Maverick trotted into the room and laid down by the chair. I hummed the first song that came to mind, "The Islander" by Nightwish. It wasn't very fitting, but it was a quiet, slow song.

"This is for long-forgotten
Light at the end of the world
Horizon crying
The tears he left behind long ago..."

"And you told me you couldn't sing." I looked up at Rob who was leaning against the door frame.

I smirked and looked down at Paige. She was fast asleep. "I can't," I whispered.

"Sounded like singing to me."

"You're a drummer. What do you know?" I got up slowly from the chair and put Paige in her crib.

Rob wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "Not much," he answered and I smiled. "But I was right on her making it."

"You were," I agreed.

"So I have to know something, right?"

I turned around in his arms. "You do." He leaned down and I met his lips half way.

I had Rob and I had our daughter. The world could throw all it wanted at me. Whatever happened, as long as I had the two of them, my life would be perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "Good Life" by OneRepublic

Ladies and gentlemen, there is one more chapter after this. The epilogue and that's it. :/ Then, this story is finished. Sad day. :(

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