‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

You Won't Get to See the Tears I Cried

Jen's POV

“Twin sister?” Teal said and then laughed. “Talk about crazy.”

She was sitting on my desk in my office which was piled with crap that I really didn't care about doing anymore. Being the head photographer of Mystique gave me those privileges. I had a giant office and got paid a crap load. I'd be able to make a living without Rob's money.

The problem was I was having morning sickness besides just in the morning. Whoever named it that lies. Teal was helping me the best she could, the both of us still keeping it a secret.

“I know,” I said, shaking my head. “I wanted to know the whole story, but I didn't want to stay long enough to find out.”

“Be civil. The guy's going to spending a lot of time with Sam and that's punishment enough.”

I laughed a little at that. “Yeah...” I looked down at my stomach. “I feel bad for that kid too.”

“You're holding back on the divorce then?”

“That's me being civil. I don't want to screw up him getting to know his sister.”

Teal smiled. “Its good to see your nice side again.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, well its still happening. I'm just delaying it for him.”

“Or you.”

“No, not me. I'm ready for this to be over.”

I didn't want this to be over. I didn't want to be divorced from Rob. I wanted us back together to the perfect couple that we'd been. I missed Rob's arms around me, his lips on mine, his voice saying he loved me. But that was over...

The studio was filled with laughter and random music bits being played when I stepped inside.

“Jen!” everyone shouted, except Rob who was mysteriously missing.

Chester came over and gave me a hug. “I missed you!”

I laughed and hugged him back. “Missed you too, Chaz. How's the new record coming?”

“Wonderful...” Mike sighed, sounding like it wasn’t wonderful at all.

I scooted over and smiled. “Can I hear some? Pretty please?”

“Nope, its confidential,” Dave said with a smile.

“Pretty pretty please?” I begged.

“Not until we get this song done, then you can,” Mike said.

“Fine,” I pouted.

Apparently, Rob was with Sam at some baby thing. Going about my job of taking pictures of the guys helped me relax and enjoy life a little easier. They were purposefully making me laugh today, which I needed. It helped ease the stress.

After about an hour, Chester pulled me out the door to stand in the hallway. I looked at him questionably, wondering what he was doing.

His face was dead serious when he spoke. “Rob tells me you two are going in to see the lawyer on who gets what.” I nodded. “You two can't get divorced.”

I looked up at the ceiling and exhaled. How many times am I going to have to explain this? “Rob and I can't–”

“Jen, you and Rob can do anything. Besides divorce. You two need to open your eyes and see that this isn't the right way to go. Trust me, I've been there.”

“He is having a love child with–”

“I know exactly what's going on. You don't though.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I demanded.

“We were at a party and Sam showed up. Rob tried to shake her off, but he couldn't. He only had like one beer because he didn't want to be hung over when you got back. But something happened and he disappeared.”

“Chester, that doesn't help him at all.”

“Look, everyone got drunker than a skunk, but Rob didn't plan on it. I think Sam did something to him.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “What? She raped him?”

“I wouldn't put that past her, but that's not exactly what I meant.”

Shaking my head, I looked down at my flip-flops. “It doesn't matter.”

Chester let out an annoyed growl. “Jen, it matters. You have only been married for seven months. You've got to work this out!”

“I'm not staying married to a guy who's got a kid with someone else when he should be taking care of the one with me!” I snapped my mouth shut when I realized what I'd just said.

Chester stared at me. “With you?”

If I couldn't trust Chester, I couldn't trust anybody. “Yes, I'm pregnant. But don't tell anyone else,” I pleaded.

“Rob should know.”

“God, you sound just like Teal! I don't think it'd be a good thing.”

“Child support–”

“I can handle it, okay?” I snapped. “I want Rob out of my life so he can go live one with that fucking slut ”

I was really hormonal and having this talk with Chester wasn't helping. I was starting to cry again so I decided to leave. Chester wouldn't let me though. He took hold of my arm and wrapped me in a hug. I hugged him back as I tried to stop the flow of tears from coming.

“I know how hard it can be,” he said. “It sucks.”

I nodded, sniffing as I finally let go of him. “Thanks, Chester. You have no idea how that helps.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Behind These Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson

Aw, Chazzy Chaz is such a nice guy, isn't he? :)

Chapter for Chapter trade (AGAIN!) with StupidChariotsOnFire! Love Knows No Fury I'm Mike Shinoda's girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD This is seriously a good story! I demand you read it! I DEMAND! lol

I'm hyper...

Special thanks to:
Ice Cat

Comments? Subscriptions? Love? :) <3 Even though you possibly hate me!!! xD