‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

If Its Worth Savin' Me

My eyes opened to a dark room with only one florescent light above my head. I had no idea where I was. I tried to move, but couldn't. Beginning to panic and hyperventilate, I struggled against the binds on my wrists.

Rob hovered over me and took my face in his hands. “Its okay. Its okay,” he murmured, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

“Where am I? Why am I tied up?” I asked, relaxing slightly at his touch.

“The hospital...in the mental ward...They thought you might...be a danger yourself,” Rob said softly, his eyes sad as he sat down beside me.

“Danger to myself?”

“You don't remember?”

I shook my head. All I remembered was going and buying a bottle of whiskey and then going to the beach and downing it. The rest went kind of fuzzy.

Rob leaned forward and took my hand in his. “Jen, you tried to kill yourself last night.”

I looked away from him, not because I didn't believe him, but because I did. “I'm sorry,” I said softly.

Rob squeezed my hand. “Don't be. You were drunk and you went through way too much. Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?”

I looked at him questionably. “Teal told me,” he explained.

My eyes drifted to the sheets wrapped around my body. “Because I didn't want you to think you had to take care of me too. I just wanted you to deal with Sam and I wanted you out. Having your baby would have made you stay...”

“Don't ever leave a responsibility like that on yourself again. I will help you with whatever you need.”

“Rob, you don't have to–”

“We're still legally married,” he interrupted. “If you want help with whatever you're going through, I'll be here.”

Rob kept his promise. For the next week, I was stuck in the hospital, getting tests taken to make sure I was still kind of sane. Rob's phone started vibrating twenty times every two minutes and I knew it was Sam wondering where he was. He never answered and only shut it off. I was only allowed one visitor at a time, but Rob barely ever left me. All the guys came to see me along with their wives and Jessi spent a lot of time with the both of us.

I really liked her. She always had something funny and random to say with an eccentric, but kind personality. Rob and her looked a like with brown hair and chocolate eyes, they were both tall, but their personalities were different. Rob was a lot quieter than her, but they got along great, and her and I became fast friends.

“Finally...” I breathed as I stepped out of the hospital into the fresh air.

Rob gave me that half smile that always used to melt my heart. It still did and it took every ounce of my will to not fall for it again. It didn't help that he opened the car door for me like he always did.

Ever since I'd been in the hospital, he never spoke of the divorce, acting like we were still happy and nothing was wrong. I gave in a little and enjoyed the ride back to Teal's, talking and smiling like we always did. When we arrived, he opened the door for me again and walked me up to Teal's door.

“Remember what the doctors said. Relax and don't stress out. And remember to take–”

“My crazy pills?” I questioned, arching an eyebrow.

Rob smiled. “Just call me if you need anything.” He hesitated on the edge of the stairs and then turned around and kissed my cheek.

I watched him go down the stairs and out the door before I stepped into the apartment. Teal met me with a bear hug and a grin.

“Welcome back!”

I hugged her back tightly. “Thank you!” I pulled away and grimaced. “I'm not really looking forward to work tomorrow...”

“Try not to tear Sam's face off, okay?” Teal smirked.


The elevator in the Mystique rose and Teal filled me in on everything I had missed and what work I had to make up. It wasn't that bad. I'd get it done within a few days with little to no stress. But as soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I came face to face with Sam. We measured each other up, judging what the other would do. Teal stood behind me, ready to do what she needed in case I decided to attack her.

We finally walked around her, but she had to put something in. “I'm assuming Rob's been with you these past few days.”

“Yep,” I answered, not turning around.

“Well, don't plan on having him running to you every time you have a mental breakdown. Sooner or later you're going to have to let him go.”

That burned me beyond belief, but I somehow managed to keep walking.

She couldn't shut up though. “Its funny to think how I'm having a child with Rob before he could with his wife.”

I stopped and Teal's hand rested on my shoulder. “She doesn't have a clue. Just let it go.”

“See? You can't handle the truth.”

You can't handle the truth!” I snapped, facing her. “You can't handle that you're Rob's whore! He'll never love you. You'll just be his slut to fuck when he thinks he needs it!”

Sam's eyes went wide, so did everyone else's around us. Teal was trying to suppress a satisfied smile.

“You–you...” Sam stammered. “You don't even know. Rob loves me. And when you're divorced I'll be his wife and we'll be happy together.”

A smirk crawled across my lips. “And you think I'm the nut job? Let's go, Teal.”

I turned on my heel and walked down the hall, followed by Teal, and stared at by all the bystanders. It felt good to get all that out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Savin' Me by Nickelback

Posting again because I'll be gone for a little bit. I might not have internet after July first. x/

Chapter for chapter with Love Knows No Fury! Read. Now!

Special thanks to:
Ice Cat
Auluna StupidChariotsOnFire
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