‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

Drop It To the Floor

My phone started singing the "Given Up" chorus, Chester's ringtone.

"Helloooo?" I answered.

"You sound happy," Chester noted.

"I am."

"I think I know why." I could hear the smile in Chester's voice.

"Why do you know why?"

"Sam came into the studio, crying like the world was ending. Said you went off the handle and told her off."

"I did." I took the memory card from my camera and put it into the computer.

"I'm so proud of you."

I laughed. "Thanks. What'd Rob do?"

"He calmed her down and went and talked to her somewhere else. The rest of us started laughing."

"We love you, Jen!" I heard Brad yell.

"Good job at chewing that bitch's ass!" Mike called.

"Tell them thank you," I giggled. "It felt good."

"Good," Chester said. "Stay strong, Jen. We got your back."

"Thanks, Chazzy."


I stepped into the apartment, sighing wearily as I closed the door.

"Long day?"

I turned around and saw a scrawny guy with shaggy, brown hair sitting on the couch. It took a moment for it to register until I realized who it was.

"Dustin!" I cried and ran forward.

He stood and I gave him a huge hug. "Whoa there, shorty!" he said with a laugh.

"What the hell are doing here?" I shrieked.

"California was calling me back home. Plus, the green lands of Oregon are boring without you two."

"You mean boring without Teal," I said, quirking an eyebrow.

"I missed you too! Besides, I hear there's a mother fucker I need to go kill."

I gave a weak laugh. "Yeah...we'll worry about that later. Right now let's--"

"Party!" Teal shouted coming out of the hallway. "Jen, let's go. To the door." She pointed dramatically at the door.

"I'm not really up for partying..."

"Oh no! You are going! Girls night out! You need to release all that stress!"

"Dustin's not a girl..."

"Dustin's not going," he said with a smile.

"What? Dude!"

"I hate parties, dancing, you know, all that shit. I'm chilling here."

"But she's your girlfriend!"

"Well, tonight she's your's," Dustin sighed, falling back on the couch and turning on the TV.

I glared at him for a few seconds before I grudgidly went and got changed.


The music boomed from the speakers. Lights flashed. The hum of voices was everywhere. I reluctantly followed Teal in, my shoulders slumped in pissiness.

"Why did I come again?" I mumbled loudly.

"Why wouldn't you? Come on, Jen! I want to see you like back in our college days!"

"Yeah, well I've matured."

"Yeah, well, take off your wedding ring."

Stunned from her sudden demand, I stared at her. "Why?"

"Because guys aren't going to be attracted to you when you have a wedding ring on. Duh." I didn't go to do anything and she looked at me. "Seriously, Jen. Why are still wearing it?"

"Because Rob and I are still married...Duh."

"Not for long. You're practically a free woman. Take it off."

I hesitated again before I slipped it off my finger and put it in my pocket. "Guys aren't attracted to me anyway so why does it matter?"

"Jen, you are super pretty. You're blonde, you got a good personality, and you've got big boobs."I punched her in the arm. "Ow!"

Wrapping my arms around my chest, I glared at her. "They're not that big. If I was taller, they'd be normal..."

Teal rubbed her arm and glowered at me. "Jeeze..."

"Hey, Jen."

I turned to see one of my coworkers standing behind me. "Oh, hey, Adam!" Adam Santiago was one of these really cute guys with black curly hair, olive skin, and brown eyes. He worked mostly in the graphic art part of the whole thing so we'd only talked a few times. The best part was that he was only a few inches taller than me!

"How you guys doing?" he asked.

"Good, actually," I said before Teal could speak.

He quirked an eyebrow at me. "Really?"

I forced a laugh. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Adam shrugged. "I guess chewing out Sam The Slut would make anyone feel better."

Teal and I looked at each other and laughed a little at the memory. "You think Sam's a slut?" I asked. Most guys drooled over her, acting like she was queen of the whole F'ing universe.

Adam snorted. "Uh, yeah! She's got some serious ego problems, thinks everyone should bow down to her...and besides with you and your husband. I would have thrown her off the roof by now."

"I've thought of that," I said.

Adam smiled. "Well, forget her." He held out his hand. "You wanna dance?"

I glanced at Teal who was looking at me like "Duh!" and then I looked back at Adam with a smile. "Sure."

Was I really going to dance with a guy when I was still married? It felt kind of weird. But I needed to let it go, right? I needed to have some fun and Adam was really hot! He led me out in the middle of the dance floor, amongst all the dancing bodies. Why the hay not? I thought. The time had come to get out of the pity party and enjoy life.

I pressed my body up against his and swayed to the rhythm. "Hey Baby" by Pitbull was blaring from the speakers. Adam's hands moved sensually down my sides to my hips as his body rocked in time with mine. We kept dancing through almost six more songs. Yeah, we kinda got naughty, but it kept my mind off all the crap in life. Plus, Adam was not only really hot, he was a really good dancer.

After we were off the dance floor he insisted to by me one drink, even though I told him I didn't do alcohol anymore. Too much bad stuff had happened while I was drunk. However, he persuaded me. After we got our drinks, we chilled over in a corner and talked. He did more than just graphic design. He was an artist--painter, sculptor, drawer. He did it all.

I didn't understand why he was taking so much interest in me, but I wasn't going to complain. Very few guys noticed me--Rob excluded--and I'd learn to live with that. Adam was different though. He was sweet (with a dirty mind), quiet (but a partier), and smart (but with not too much brains). He knew Rob and I were getting divorced, but that didn't stop him from flirting with me. Knowing it was a touchy subject, he didn't ask any questions about Rob and me either.

"One more dance," he said, taking my hand.

I giggled and followed him back out. It was high on the list of my top ten favorite nights. I was excluding all the one's I'd spent with Rob because those weren't worth anything anymore.

"You and Adam had fun," Teal pointed out as we headed back from the club. I nodded, trying to hide my smile. "Possible boyfriend material?"

"I'm still married."

"Who gives a shit? Rob's got himself a whore so why can't you have yourself a boyfriend?"

"Because its not right..."

Teal rolled her eyes and slowed down for the stop light. "Give yourself a break for once."

Could I really have a boyfriend while I was still married? It just seemed so...wrong. Dating another guy while I was still married. But Teal had a point. He had Sam, why couldn't I go out with a guy? I'm lonely, that's for sure, and Rob would realize I could live without him.
I might just do it...
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: Hey Baby(Drop It to the Floor) by Pitbull ft. T-Pain
(I'm having a Pitbull obsession at the moment. I love his voice.<3)



Chapter for Chapter trade with StupidChariotsOnFire's story Love Knows No Fury!

Special Thanks to:
Ice Cat