‹ Prequel: Just Friends
Sequel: Where'd You Go
Status: Complete. <3

With You

This Is the Last Time I'll Take the Blame For the Sake of Being With You

I opened the door to see Jessi standing there, looking none to pleased.


"I hope you're happy," she said shortly.

I blinked at her for a few moments. "I kinda am. Why shouldn't I be?"

"Rob finally signed your divorce papers."

I sighed. "Well, its about freaking time. I gave them to him like over a month ago."

It was Jessi's time to stare at me. "You sound like a real bitch, you know that?"

My mouth dropped open. "Excuse me?! Its your brother who screwed this all up!"

"There's things like trying to work this out. Counselling, talking..."

"Jessi, its not going to work! I can't ever trust him again!"

"He saved your life!" Jessi snapped. "I think that's worth trusting him again!"

"You don't get it! Nobody gets it! We're done! Its over! He signed the divorce papers because he knows its done too. Why can't any of you figure that out?"


"Look, Jessi. You don't have any room to talk. You showed up after all this was happening. You don't have any idea what it was like before. Leave it alone."

"I know Rob was crazy about you and that you two loved each other and that this isn't supposed to be how it ends. Come on, Jen. Give Rob another chance!"

"HE HAS A KID WITH SOMEONE ELSE! I CAN'T DEAL WITH THAT!" I yelled and slammed the door in her face.


"Thanks for the ride," I said to Adam as we stood in front of LP's studio.

"Hey, no problem. We'll have to...hang out again soon." He flashed me a smile.

"I had fun," I said truthfully. He smiled and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before getting back in his car and driving away.

I turned to the studio, barely catching a glimpse of Rob quickly walking by the door. Great. When I got to the door of the recording, Rob walked past me without a word. I didn't bother
to say anything either.

"Hey, my brothers from other mothers," I greeted, stepping inside. I got a less than an enthusiastic greeting. "What's up?" I asked, a little concerned.

"Oh, nothing. Just that our drummer just baled on us," Phoenix said.

I turned back to the door, then back to guys. "Why?"

"We thought you could answer that," Mike said.

"Why would I?" I crossed my arms and looked at Mike questionly.

He shrugged. "Most problems these days seem to circulate around you two."

"Thanks, Mike," I muttered.

"Just forget it," Chester said, throwing a glare at Mike. "Rob just needs to chill."

"Yeah, well, so does Jen," Mike shot back. I stared at him in disbelief. "Seriously, Jen. This isn't all Rob's fault. You know that."

I clenched my teeth. "Fine. I'll just bale on you too," I growled and walked out the door.


"Its fine, Chester," I said tersely.

"No, its not," Chester said. "Mike didn't need to say that."

"Well, he's right," I admitted, facing him. "Kinda."

Chester opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. "You know...the same things happening with him, right?"

My eyes widened. "Him and Anna?" Chester nodded slowly. "Why?"

He shrugged. "They're fighting all the time. Mike wants to make it work, but Anna doesn't."

"What about their son?" I asked.

"Anna wants to try to get full custody of him."

My shoulders slumped in sadness. Mike and Anna were going through the same thing Rob and I were and I hadn't even noticed. I'd been wrapped up in my own little pity party, too stupid to care about anyone else, thinking I was the only one having a crappy life. Now, here were two of my close friends splitting apart. It made me feel like a bad person and an even worse friend.

"Why would Anna do that?" I asked. For as long as I'd known Anna, she'd been so sweet. Why would she try to take Mike's son away from him?

Chester shrugged again.

Man, this sucked big time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: "Pushing Me Away" by Linkin Park

There you go, Schiz! You chewed out Jen and Mike's getting single!! All in one chapter!

Chapter for Chapter trade with StupidChariotsOnFire and her story Love Knows No Fury! Its fantabulous! Except I don't know what to expect with the 'ultimatum'! xD

Special Thanks to:
Ice Cat

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