Status: How is it?

Notice Me?

Mickie D’s!

“Rain…” someone whispered, to my sleeping form.
“Rain…” the voice said a little bit louder.
Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder lightly, and shake me. I immediately shot out of my bed and scooted all the way to the wall, shacking with tremonds fear and stared at the person that was just trying to waking me up. My heart was pounding so fast, it was so dark in this room; the only light that was coming through was the crack between the curtains, so I couldn’t see who it was. The figure took a step closer to the bed, and me, and I scooted even more back, until I was literally against the wall.
“Rain, calm down. It’s just me” the person said, moving closer to the light that was coming through the cracks of curtains. It was Sahra.
When I saw Sahra tan face, I relaxed. I put my hand against my chest, and tried to calm my racing heart beat down. “God, Sahra! You almost gave me a heart attack!” and then it hit me. “What the hell are you doing here, Sahra? What if they catch you here? They will hur-“I started panicking, before she cut me off.
“Calm down, Rain” she said while sitting on the bed “I stood outside and waited, until both of them left before coming in” she said to me in a calm voice. We stared at each other for a couple of minutes. Sahra had chocolate brown hair that came to her shoulders and coffee brown eyes. “God it’s so dark in here” she said. Then she got up and opened the curtains. Sun shot out through the window and made it clear to see, in my room, I had to cover my eyes until they adjusted to the light.
“What are you doing here, Sahra?” I asked her, sitting up in bed.
“I came here to wake your lazy butt up,” she said watching me closely “come on, rain, it’s a new semester. Remember you don’t like to be late and I want to go get breakfast with you” she said rising her eyebrow. I look at the clock and it was 5:04, school didn’t start until 7:30.
I looked at her and said, in a sleepy voice “I want to sleep. I had a bad night,” Looking away from her.
“How bad is it this time?” she asked, with a sad tone in her voice. She knew.
“Hey don’t worry about it, I’m fine” I told her. Putting on one of my best fake smile on.
“Don’t give me that ‘I’m fine’ shit” Sahra said, she says ‘Bad Words’ sometimes (when it’s necessary) but not all the times.
“Look, Sahra, I’m alive and fine” I told her, putting another of my fake smiles.
Sahra just snorted and said “whatever, go get dressed so we can this haunted house you call a ‘home’ ”
I smiled and got up and went into the bathroom that was connected to my room. I closed the door and stripped down to nothing and turned on the shower. While the water got warm I turned my body around and inspected myself in the full body mirror, which hung on the bathroom door. I had long jet black hair that came mid-waist with bangs, which covered half my eyes but not all the eyes, and black eyes (like a cats). I was skinny and had a creamy, colored skin. Sometimes I looked pale but I wasn’t. Sahra sometimes says that I look so fragile that I could break easily. I keep looking over my body when I saw…..
That’s when I saw the huge bruise that was on my left side and the little ones that covered the rest of my body. I guess I’ll have to be careful and not bump into people at school, I thought to myself. When I reached my face I was glad I covered it when I had to. The ones on my face were easy to cover up with make-up, but if it were like other time (where it was more aggressive with my dad) then that would be hard to explain and would be very difficult to cover up. I just sigh and stretched my arms out. Ouch! I winced as my side throbbed in pain. I started to turn back around toward the shower when I saw I red lines on my wrists. Oh yeah, I forgot to clean that up. I picked a white wash cloth and wet it; I stared to clean the cut before it got infected and before Sahra saw it. One because she doesn’t know I cut myself, I think? And secondly because she would other flip out or try to help me. I just didn’t want to cause her more trouble than she was already in.
I walked out of the bathroom with my towel from yesterday, to find Sahra sitting in my computer chair texting someone. Unlike me, Sahra has other friends then just me. She looked up when she heard me come out and watched me, or my visible bruises, walk across towards my walk-in closet. She shacks her head and goes back to texting. I go in and pull out a purple bra and panties, black skinny jeans, and a plain white t-shirt. While walking out of the walk-in closet I grabbed my plain black hoodie jacket. I walked up to my mirror in my room and applied some eyeliner, mascara, and covered the finger marks that were on my neck. I grabbed my dark purple iPod, phone (that I bought and paid myself), bag, and my black and red wallet as we walked out of my room. We ran down the stairs and out the door.
We walked until we came up to Sahras’ white Kia forte. I got in, put my wireless ear buds in and waited till she started to drive when I asked “where are we going for breakfast?”
“Mickey D’s!” she squealed with a huge smile on her face. I shook my head and smiled at her answer.
Gosh, this girl eats too much junk food. I wonder how she is so skinny.
I pushed play on my iPod and ‘Running in the rain by hinder’ played as I looked outside the window and watch as cars and houses passed by. I was not in thought I just was staring off into space, until we go there. Sahra parked and got out, while I looked at her and said “do we really have to go inside cant we just through the drive-thru,” with pleading eyes.
“Hell no! I just cleaned my car we are not going to get crumbs on the floor. Now get your lazy ass up and get it passed those doors” she said slamming the door. I just sighed and got out the car, walking into McDonald’s and into line beside Sahra. We waited until it was our turn.
“What will you be having?” the girl said.
“I want the egg, cheese, and bacon biscuit. With two hash browns, and a….. Large drink” Sahra said, god this girl can eat, and waited for the girl to tell her how much it was.
“And you?” she asked me.
“A hash brown and a small drink” I told her as she tapped it in the computer.
“Make those two hash browns” Sahra told the girl “you need to eat, rain, your skinny as a twig. Or maybe smaller then that” she said to me. I just nodded, seeing no point in arguing with her.
“That will be $3.50” she told me. I handed her a five dollar bill and waited for my change. When I got my changed I grabbed my food and went to fill my drink up with water. After I was done I looked around until I saw Sahra sitting in a booth waiting for me. I slid in and took a bit out of my food and watched as little kids play with other little kids. I wonder how it would fell to have my own little boy\girl? Will I be lonely, again? Will he\she make me happy? I though as I watched them. I shook the thought away and put it in the back of my mind, to think for another time.
“Eloooooooo! Earth to, rain. Earth to; rain, would you please land. I’m kinda feelin’ lonely here” she said with a smile.
“Roger that. Rain has landed, I repeat Rain has landed” I said. Then we busted in a fit of giggles that left use gasping for air.
“Hey so I was saying I had this feeling that this semester was going to be different for the other years” Sahra said “don’t you think so?”
“I guess”
“I serious, can’t you just imagine me and you having more friends or even a boyfriend,” she said excitedly “by the end of the school year.”
I just stared at her as she continued on and on about how she has a feeling in her gut telling her it’s going to be an epic semester(or maybe that was her tummy telling her it’s time to eat). I don’t believe that this year will be like that actually I have this felling that by the end of this year will end badly.
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okay so i finally got my lazy ass up and updated again! =D
I just wanted to make a shout out towards:
for giving me confidence to write more and being my first commenter!!!!!! GO YOU!!
for being my second commenter!!!!!! YEAH! ^-^
Stick around for my fourth chapter later on. OH....
for giving my story a try!!
PLEASE!!!! (=
*!* G.C *!*