Status: How is it?

Notice Me?

School and Aaron Grey!

We finished breakfast with some random small talk, and left.
We got back to her car and drove a couple more blocks until we came up to an area with big buildings and lots of teenage kids- playing, fooling around, and bulling. Newsome High School.
Newsome High School is not just a regular public high school; it’s for Rich and smart kids. But this high school is the types of school were jocks, cheerleaders, preps, and other popular kids rule the school. There at the top at of the food chain, they boss and push people like me around. There the predator and were the prey, as I put it. And I stay clear away from them.
Our school gates are open all the time, so you are pretty much able to come and go as you please, the teachers don’t give a crap about what happens. But me I would rather stay inside the gates then rather go out of it. Yeah that might sound pretty weird to most people because it’s like hell to them, but not me. I like it because it’s my peace place, as I call it. It’s a place where I pretty much let my guard down for a bit and relax. Sure I get picked on- relay – and played pranks on-maybe once before- but who doesn’t- it’s still my ‘Peace Place’ to me still.
Sahra drove past the open gates and parked at the back, under a tree, and cut of the engine and we both got out. We walked up to the doors in silent’s and around the kids and their cars. Once inside we walked up a flight of stairs and down the hall way, while dodging people. We came to stop after passing a few rooms to our lockers.
Sahra and I had our lockers beside each other’s since last year, our freshmen year. Yeah we are sophomores and going onto junior next year. My locker was plain and just had my books and a picture of Sahra and me when we were in sixth grade, but other than that it was just plain and dark. Now Sahra on the other hand has pictures of her family, other friends, the same picture of her and me, sparkles and other girly things in there.
We got our books out, and talked until we heard a noise that came down from the hallway, and looked to see what was happing. And at the end of the hallway came walking down towards our end of the hallway was the…
The Predators.
And at the front was Aaron Grey
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it toke me forever to update this chapter
i will update two more chapter! not sure =)