Status: will write for comments hahah comment plz... I will comment on ur's :)

Twilight Remix

The hardest answer is saying you get to live for ever

I walked into my last class and saw Edward and Alice in my biology class.
"YES!" I yelled under my breath. I waved to Alice and Edward but they weren't paying attainton to me but each other.
"Thats strange." I muttered walking up to the teacher. His tage thingy on his desk said his name was Mr.Tanner.
"Bella right? Well if you fallow me you can sit here for today." he said to me walking to the empty table next to Alice's. I put down my stuff and looked at the clock. It said it was 2:59 and school ended at 3:30.
"Bella!" Alice called to me in a cheerful voice. I looked up and saw she was looking at me.
"Hi?" i said unsure
"Dont use that tone of voice with me young lady." she scolded me
"OK mom." I said giggleing slightly.
"Sooo how are you? Hows the mom? How long has it been since we last saw each other?" she asked in a burst
"Well.... I am fine, I really have no clue how my mom is since she forgot to take her laptop with her and Phil and the last time we saw each other was at Jonny's 13th birthday." I said awnsering her questions.
"Wow. That long?" she asked me thinking about it.
"Yes Alice it has been long." I said looking out the window and heard some wolfs howl in the woods.
"DAD! I am home!" I yelled when I stepped into my house that I share with my dad. I didnt heard anything so I went into the kitchen and looked for something to eat. After that I did my homework witch the teachers pilled up. I sware that paile goes up to my nees. After a few hours of that I got sooo angry I pushed the piale to the corner of the table and went outside. I walked into the forest and stopped near a tree. I started to strip off my clothes and shifted. I landed on four paws of a panther and jogged father ino the trees. I smelled other people like me and follwed that smell. I walked for like an hour or so then I found a new path. But this one smelled different thn the last.
"Well looks like I am lost." I thought out loud but it sounded like just buntch of growls. I turned around and saw them. A coven of vampires. I skipped back a step and looked closer to them. Then I heard a shuffling and saw two panthers come and sit at my sides.
"Um, hi?" I asked them in my mind. See we can talke to each other through our minds. We can block them if we want to.
"Hi. See them? Thats the Cullens. We are friends of theirs." the one on my right said to me.
"My name is Mikey and this is Vincent." the one on my right named Mikey said to me and walked forwards.
"You want to go towards them?" I asked them with a growl.
"Sure. Why not?" sad a voice from behind me. I knew right away that it was the alpha and so me being me I knew if I wanted to get into this pack I bowed and layded down on my stomach.
"Well your not a new commer but new to this area. Riase." he said with a chuckle, "Names Zack."
"Bella." I said standing and turning around
"Well your the Bella Alice was talking about. We have been expacting you." Zack said, "Welcome to the pack." All at once other pack members caome and started talking and interducing themselves. Ectept Zack, Vincent and Mikey. We walked into a clearing and I looked arond and saw a big house and Alie running out the door.
"Should I be shocked? I should of nown that you were a shifter." she said with a grin. I shifted into my vampire form and grined back. Only really talented shifters could shift into a vampire because of people hearts.
"Really Bella? A vampire? Who do you get this from?" she said
"Yes really. I get it from my great times 4 grandmother. She was alpha female." I said, "This happened when I was17. I was the youngest in my old pack and I still am the youngest."
"Bella how old are you?" she asked worried
"17." I knew this question was coming.
"How long have you been 17?" she asked again
"Awhile." I said ending the convostion by shifting. You see if a member of you family was or is the alpha female then you dont age untill you find your mate. But most of the time you dont soo you stay the same untill the last of your pack dies. See I dont get to fall in love over and over again. I stay the same for the rest of my life. But she knew that. So I dont have to explain it. With tears in my eyes I sprinted bac into the woods and went home. Tomrrow is a school day so I have to go or my dad is going to have a fit. But I just dont care.
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SOOOO how do you like it? Comment plz . I am just writing to myself aren't I?