Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Am I More Than You Bargained For Yet (6/?)

"Jacky.." Holly said it in a little girl voice. I'm getting sick of this girl. I was still staring at the door where Alex had just left. I closed my eyes.
"Hmm..?" She grabbed my hand. I snapped my eyes opened and looked up at her. She was leaning over the desk revealing her cleavage line. Talk about awkward.
"Well you see Jacky, I need to raise my grade up in this class. And well.. I wanted to see if there was any way I could do that."
"Holly, there isn't much you can do really. Except turn in the assignment on time. And if you work extra hard on it, I'll see if I can add a few extra points. But it probably still won't raise your grade up." She came around the side of desk. I gulped. Did her skirt just get shorter...?
"What can I do to get an A?" She purred it and sat on top of my lap. She grabbed my hand and put my index finger in her mouth. She started sucking it and when she finally let go, my finger was purple.
'Holly. I'm not going to change your grade. And all of that was unnecessary. Being a skank won't get you anywhere in life." I shoved her off my lap. Did I just call a student a skank? I probably won't get in trouble for it. I gathered my things and held the door open for her. She huffed, grabbed her purse and pranced out the classroom.
"Well this day couldn't have gotten any awkward." I sighed and closed the classroom door. I'm so glad it's a Friday.


After school let out, I went to the Coffee Shop down the street where I had my encounter with Alex. I smiled to myself reminiscing the thought and how Alex's chocolate, puppy dog eyes looked at me. I grabbed an orange juice and some Doritos. Couldn't live without these two things. After paying for the orange juice and the Doritos, I went back to the car and drove off back to my apartment.

It was 4:30 when I opened my apartment door and was greeted by a punch on the shoulder by no one else but Jonathan Cook.
"What the actual fuck dude!? I just got home from work and you fucking punch me. Can't wait to see how you treat your guests at a party." I barked. Jonathan just snickered. He never takes me seriously anyways, I don't see what the point for me yelling was.
"Whatever dude. Guess what!?" As much as I hated it, I always wanted to know what was going on through Jonathan's crazy head.
"What Jonathan?" I said while jumping on to the couch and reaching over for the remote. Of course Jonathan beat me to it and turned off the TV so I would put my full attention to him. I sighed and turned to him considering there was no other option.

"Martin has a boyfriend!" Jonathan squealed. I scrunched up my nose. What the fuck? Martin just got out of a relationship. Isn't it to soon?
"I know what you're thinking. 'It's too soon' but who gives a fuck! He actually likes this dude. I'm happy for him and you should be too."
"I am dude. When are we going to meet this guy Martin fancies so much?" I got up off the couch and went back to the kitchen. I opened my orange juice and drank a huge gulp.
"Tonight.. Here.." I spat out my juice.
"Are you FUCKING kidding me?! At my place!? Doesn't he have a house?!"
"Jack, calm down! He knew you wouldn't say no. So it's already set and done. He's coming over tonight. And we'll all get to meet him and see if he's right for Martin." I sighed and nodded anyways. Martin's my best friend and I'd do whatever to see him happy again.
"By the way, how the hell did you get in here?" Jonathan smiled sheepishly.
"I made a spare key."


"He said he's be here at 8, and it's already 8:05! What if something happened to him!?" Martin was being hysterical. Jonathan and John were laughing and Caleb was in the bathroom.
" Martin. What the hell could possibly happen in five minutes? He probably just went to the wrong floor. Calm down." Martin started taking deep breaths and John was practically falling off his seat now and Jonathan was red from laughing too hard. I smiled and chuckled a little. Five minutes later the doorbell rang. Everyone froze.
"I'll get it!" Caleb called out and walked straight to the door.
"Come in! Everyone's in the kitchen waiting for you" I heard Caleb tell the stranger. I got up to go get the spaghetti and bring in back to the table. Martin was practically gripping the table and I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. He relaxed a bit. I walked to the kitchen and poured the meat sauce on top of the spaghetti. I think I'll just eat this by myself. I contemplated taking the spaghetti and running back to my room. Instead I just walked back out to the dinner table.

I stopped in mid walk. Nonetheless Zack Merrick was sitting at my table. Out of all people, I would've never thought Zack would be GAY!? Zack looked up and his mouth dropped open. Everyone at the table saw and turned to look in my direction. I blushed and continued walking towards them.
"Finally dude! I was about to eat my leg if you didn't come faster!" John said with a little drool coming out of his mouth. I smiled. Everyone served themselves a plate and we sat in silence for a few minutes.
"This is Zack, Jack." Martin finally broke the awkward silence.
"I know." I said through a mouth full of spaghetti. Martin clearly looked surprised. So did everyone else at the table except for Zack and I.
"You do?" Martin stopped eating and put his fork down and stared me down. I, of course, stared right back.
"Not like that Martin, he's a student at the school I work at. He's very talented." Martin relaxed a bit and picked up his fork. Zack smiled and put another mouth full of spaghetti in his mouth.
"Uh, Zack.. Not to sound rude or anything but, I didn't know you were interested in ya know, guys. You seem like the macho type."
"Yeah! I totally agree! I never would've guessed you were interested in guys." Caleb said.

"Oh well.. Yeah. I am. I'm 100% gay." he laughed. Martin smiled and squeezed his hand. I smiled.
"Uh, besides Martin being gay, are any of you else gay?" Zack questioned. Shit.
"Well I am!" Caleb chimed. I laughed.
"Not us dude. We're straight. Except Jack here is Bisexual." John said. I looked up at John. I seriously am going to rip his head off.
"Really Jack? You seem pretty straight. Well.. Only because Holly drools over you everyday."
"Oooooooooh! Who's this Holly? She sounds hot!" Jonathan said, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my beer.
"Yes I'm bi Zack. And she's decent looking. She's probably your type though. She threw herself at me earlier today."
"Oh God! The perks of being a male teacher in a college school." Jonathan and John both high fived each other.
"What'd she do?" Zack asked. I looked at him for a few seconds before answering.
"She sucked my finger. That was.. Different I guess. And she raised her skirt up and sat on my lap." I shrugged. John was biting his fist and Jonathan had his mouth open. Caleb had no interest in this conversation whatsoever.

"What about this Alex guy? Did he see?" My mouth dropped opened. I trusted Martin enough to NOT bring it up. But of course, he would. Maybe Zack didn't hear him? But of course with my luck, Zack did hear. And boy was he making me feel awkward.
"Alex..? Like, my friend Alex?" Shit! I just merely nodded. Zack shrugged and we continued our dinner in small talk. I am so thankful that I have John and Jonathan as my friends right now. Otherwise this would be pretty fucking awkward. Caleb, John, and Jonathan went to go watch TV, Martin went to the bathroom and Zack offered to help clean up. Normally I would decline but I wanted to talk.

"Since when have you liked Alex." Well that covers the awkward conversation I was about to start.
"Well.. I guess ever since I saw you guys outside of my car." I shrugged. Zack smiled.
"I knew you liked him all this time. I was always trying to convince Alex of it. He never believed me though."
"D.. Does he find any interest in me?" Zack looked at me before drying up the plate he had in his hand.
"Maybe. Or Maybe not." He winked at me. Fucker.
"Um, is it wrong that I like him then?" I asked mostly to myself, but Zack thought that was a rhetorical question and answered anyways.
"Nah its actually awesome that you like him." Zack said.
"Why's that?"
"Alex now owes me 50 bucks and a homemade meal." Zack winked and I laughed.
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To make up for the shitty chapter I posted yesterday, I wrote this not so shitty chapter! :"D
Comments, concerns, good jokes?
P.S- To My SEVEN subscribers, I love you. <3