Status: Finishedd !

Her First True Love

2 Yearz Ago

~Tasha's P.O.V.~
Tew yearz ago I waz walkin to me n D's apartment that we wnt to on da weekendz.We were only 15 back then,so our parentz couldnt kno we gt an apartment without their consent.I waz walkin wen D's homeboy,Devontae pulld up besid me in hiz car n said,"Hey Tash,u need a ride??"I nodded my head n gt in.We pulld up n he said,"Can i com in for a sec??""Um...i guess so."I gt us som drinkz n told hym i had to go tew da bathroom.

~Devontae's P.O.V.~
D*mn,Tasha alwayz lookin so gud.I wish she waz my gurl instead of dat lamo,D.I waz gettin horny jst by lookin at her,so i put a drug in her drink.She cam back out n took a sip.My plan waz already comin into place.
~Tasha's P.O.V.~
After a few mintutes I started feelin dizzy n horny.Idk y,bt i did.Devontae cam ova to me n kissed me.I unfortunately kissed back n it turned into a hot n steamy make out session.Hmmm.He lookd gud enough to eat.We went into me n D's bedroom n started strippin our clothes off.He grabbd a condom from hiz pocket n entered.It felt soooo gud,bt yet sooo WRONG.I put dat feelin in da back of my head n we kept goin till lik 7:45.

~De'Andre's P.O.V.~
I jst gt hom from mah job at Wendy's when i heard tlkin comin from me n Tasha's apartment.I heard,"Wanna hav a round 3??" n "Yesss!!"Im lik wat da f*ck is goin on.I opend the bedroom door n found Tasha ridin mah boy Devontae."What the hell is goin on?!?""D!!Itz nt wat u think.""Yea rite.U kno wat Tasha,were D-O-N-E!!"Nooo.Baby u cnt do thiz to me!!I love u with all mah heart""Should've thought of dat before u went around f*ckin n*ggaz."