‹ Prequel: Left In The Dark

Into The Light

Chapter 22

“Can I get you anything?” I asked. It worried me that he was acting like this.

Sure, he was having fun.

But something was off.

Suddenly, his face seemed to turn very red as he fell into the freezing stream. His face twisted into the shape of some one who may of just got there guts taken out.

His scream echoed through the forest, as my stomach twisted. Finny started ripping off his clothes and my face got red.

What? I was never really good at that.

“We need dry clothes! We can’t bring him into the town soaked to the bone!” He yelled, as I quickly handed him dried clothes.

To be honest, Finny scared me.

There was something about him that did.

I couldn’t stand to watch this anymore, and went over behind a few trees.

You know when you see some one you love in pain? How much it hurts to know they hurt even more?

Well, it’s not fun to feel. My eyes started to burn to I had to get my mind off it.

But I couldn’t.

This is the same way I felt when Ava was hurt.

All those times, I wanted to walk away. I had to stay and help her. I could walk away here.

He wasn’t crying like Ava.

He wasn’t young like Ava.

Not helpless.

But yet, he still needed help.

“Where are we going?” I yelled to him. I had to talk. My brain can’t hold anymore thinking.

“To a friends house.” He stated.

“Are you sure that’s safe?” I asked, peering toward him.

“Nope.” He said, throwing the queasy Aaron over his shoulder. Almost instantly, he emptied the small contents of his stomach all over the ground.

Feeling dizzy from that, I led the way out of the forest. I couldn’t help but feel lost.

Our lives were in the hands of Finny.

Not mine.

But Aaron’s.

And my life is nothing without his.