‹ Prequel: Left In The Dark

Into The Light

Chapter 38

I let the ground pound under me, enjoying the burning ache in my legs. I hadn’t stopped running.

The harsh winds whipped against my face, burning my eyes and drying my lips. I took a sharp breath of the wintery air.

My lungs ached for a break. We could only run so long. For the first two hours, adrenaline pumped through me, but now, five later, what am I running on?

Was it my broken heart or a hopeful mind?

I could finally see the tall metal fence coming over the horizon. I felt an involuntary chill echo down my back.

He was in there, less then a mile away. He was somewhere in that giant metal building.

I ran my eyes over the gray fence, finding a small hole under it. I stayed in the darkness examining everything.

It was dark and the guards couldn’t possibly see out this far. The camera was, unfortunately facing the only spot that I could get through.

I closed my eyes letting the vines wrap around my arms. Slowly, I visualized them, wrapping around the camera.

I could feel the freezing metal of the high-profile camera against me. It felt as if I was lightly running my fingers over a small snowball.

I tightened my grip on it ever so slightly, finally feeling its strength. With one swift squeeze it crumbled to the ground.

My vines slithered back to me, as I opened my eyes. I stared hard into the frosted over, dead branch. Carefully, I willed it to just stretch its branches a few more feet.

Inch by inch the remaining’s of the camera were covered, letting snow and branches pack its way on top of it.

I glided over to the fence, flicking a piece of snow onto it. It snapped and crackled before it melted.

Electric. Nice.

There was no way to crawl through the hole now, with electricity sparking its way around the hole.

Think, Willow, Think.

I let my powers override my thinking, letting them move on their own. I took a shaky breath, clamping my eyes shut once again.

I hated keeping my eyes opens when becoming the monster I was. Everything was so green, reminding me of what I was doing. It was reminding me that I was becoming a plant. It was reminding me that I wasn’t fully human anymore.

I focused on nothing, after that though, besides the feel of cold dirt around my vines. I could feel myself pass the pebbles, as I dug a human-sized hole under the fence, deep enough where the electric sparks couldn’t burn me.

I crawled into the darkness, ignoring the wet around me. I’d left a small hole at the top, just an inch deep. I heard the dead trees moaning against the wind, only silencing when a guard passed under them.

I listened to the slam of the door, as I continued through the hole, finally in the courtyard.

I glanced around, looking at the dead trees that were now silenced. I knew what they were waiting for though. They were waiting for this intruder, who could hear them clearly, to get caught.

Don’t hold your breath.

I ran, softly, but fast. I left no footprints, though. I almost floated about the snow. I found a small shed out back and walked up to it.

The handle was frosted over, as I gave it a tight twist, letting the door swing open.

I crouched, ready to attack, but no one was in there. The shed was completely empty, besides for lines of crisp, white lab coats.

I picked one from the back, one that wouldn’t be missed. I slipped it on, as I read the lab coat.

Dr. M. Starks

Just as I was about to run back out, a wind gusted through the open door. At first, I didn’t notice it, but I was now aware of the pile of papers in the back corner.

They lay in a dusty box. It looked as if it was left in a hurry. I knelt by it, fluffing the dust off of the yellowed paper.

At first, I didn’t under stand the serious of numbers and letters but the next page explained it all.

Test Subject 913
12/1/2008: Subject’s skills are developing more fluently then others.
12/16/2008: Subject can now shoot electric charges that are able to charge a small car.
12/21/2008: Eyesight lost, electric currents becoming stronger but harder to control.
12/30/2008: Subject Terminated.

I read over the next few entries; one “subject” had the incredible skill to heal people, unless she became injured herself.

Another had the ability to hear people’s thoughts, which allowed predicting the next moves in an attack. Soon after, any form of hearing deafened, causing her to be deaf.

One other was capable to control over people’s feelings and thoughts, making them go as far as suicide. One day, her emotions just stopped and went blank.

One by one, they terminated.

I flipped the page, daring myself to read one more. My heart stopped.

Test Subject 132
1/17/2006: Spine makes room for adjustments.
1/21/2006: Wings begin to sprout out of skin
1/30/2006: Bird-like traits become more prominent.
2/16/2006: Insists on calling himself “Aaron.”
2/30/2006: Flies steadily.
3/4/2006: Allowed out into the testing room, flies exceptionally well under pressure.
4/22/2006: Agility increased drastically.
5/16/2006: Learns to fight.
7/22/2006: Mission Successful.
8/21/2006: Mission Successful.
10/21/2006: Mission Successful.
12/14/2006: SantiaCorp eliminated.

I stared over that line…he’d killed.

12/18/2010: Subject Returned.
1/16/2011: Refuses to Cooperate.
2/5/2011: Calls for Girl in Sleep.
3/16/2011: Girl captured, labeled test number 940
1/9/2012: Subject returned, under great surveillance.

After that, the entries stopped. I skipped to the next page, not even shocked. I glanced to my upper arm, reading the numbers 940.

3/16/2011: Captured.
3/20/2011: Powers are increasing, seems to be able to hear the vegetation.
3/30/2011: No longer able to remember Subject 132.
4/13/2011: Body Rejecting Proper Treatment.
4/15/2011: Escaped.

I stared at it. My eyes turned to the lone paragraph on the next page.

Once subject 132 and 940 are captured, they will be terminated. They seem to be too much trouble together, allowing them to over power. They realize how to fight, which is a great danger to all society. Subjects will be terminated. If not soon, then they will be separately. Nothing will stand in our way.

No name was signed to my death sentence. I had to get him back. I took off running to the main building, slipping into the large wooden door.

I crept down the halls, silently, against the wind pounding against the walls. A strong sickly sent caught my nose. It smelt of the chemicals that my body apparently rejected. Mixed in with this dangerous liquid, was Aaron’s scent.

I followed it, keeping my head down, before I was led to a door. I let it slid open just slightly as I peered through the cracks.

There he was, Aaron. His eyes seemed empty, he was chained. His eyes seemed distant, staring at me. He wasn’t there; he didn’t know what was going on.

He looked as if he was sleeping with his eyes open. They stared at the wall next to me; no sign of recognition crossed his face.

A small scientist was kneeling by him as he tapped a needle that was filled with a green liquid.

“This will hurt, but not like you’ll remember it.” The scientist said, a sneer admitting from his lips. With one fluid swift, he injected it into Aaron, as I bit my lip to stop the scream.

This hurts, but this time, I will remember it.