‹ Prequel: Left In The Dark

Into The Light

Chapter 6

The wind whipped around my face as the window nipped at my ears. It was freezing out and I was fearing that there would be snow.

Plants don’t do well in snow.

I was only in Nebraska. I was half way across the U.S.

It may have been weeks or maybe months but my love hasn’t died down.

This wasn’t going to do. I had to get on a plane.

Ugh planes.

The only reason I’ve been running is because

One: I don’t want to buy a ticket under my wanted name

Two: I hate planes.

With a deep…deep…passion.

This was horrible though. Sure, the trees made a path easiest to go there, but in all honesty, this could take days.

Half way there. I won’t take a plane until I have to. I wish I could fly myself.

I wish Aaron could fly us there

I won’t give up though. I’ll get there.

Even if that takes walking there.

Step by step.