The Tragic ending.

Fun times

Time seemed to have slowed down to a standstill. My mind returned to an earlier time. A time when we were happily together having fun enjoying each others company.

Me and her were sitting around a table with some friends playing monopoly. I rolled the dice and moved forward only to my dismay find that I was stuck in jail for the third time that evening

“Damn it!” I yelled. “Just my luck.”

“Hey third times a charm!” One of my friends said. “Pretty soon you'll end up in prison!”

“How does it feel to date a criminal!” Another said.

“Yea the only criminal in here is you!” I yelled.

The turn passed to the most beautifulest girl in the room. The love of my life, she rolled and landed on a piece of property I happened to own, the only piece I owned

“Ugh how much?” She said to me.

“Well for you I believe I'll charge triple.” I told her. “So I believe you owe me..10 dollars.” I said looking at the card.

She laughed “Man If you are charging my triple I hate to see what the original price is. No wonder your dirt poor!”

“Hey thanks!” I said “I believe I have the most money so far.”

“Only cause you have been in jail this whole game.” She replied.

“Yea well at least in jail I don't have to spend all my money on you!”

She gave me a look

I laughed and gave her a hug. “Just kidding!” I said sarcasticly.

She smiled “You better be!”

“He's not.” One of my friends said. “Cant you tell by now hes a cheapskate hes hoarding all the damn money and even if he was a millionaire he would not spend a cent of it.”

“That's not true!” I yelled. “If I was a millionaire I would by a nice average house with average things inside”

“What would you do with the rest of it?” He asked.

“Probably save it.” I told him

“Ha bullshit!” He replied. “Your girlfriend would go on a huge ass shopping spree.”

“Yea that sounds about right.” She said smiling.
It was my turn to role again

“Want to just skip your turn cause your not getting out of jail anytime soon hun.” She said in a sweet sarcastic voice.

“Have faith dear I'll show you how good my luck can get.”

“Um I believe your luck is all spent dear.”

I rolled the dice. “Damn it!” I yelled. “This game cheats.”

“No dear you just suck.”

Everyone laughed.

“I see how you are.” I said. “No faith in me whatsoever. Your lucky I love you”

“I know.” She said smiling at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second part. If you believe the character names are needed I will edit and add them.