The Foundation for Madness

Chapter 2

My sanity was shattered. I had lost everything I loved and my dreams would never be realized…or so I thought. The Plague of Undeath swept across the land and took my life in its icy grip, turning me into a servant of the Lich King. He used my intellect to continue my life’s work, supplying the Scourge with extensive knowledge of alchemy and transmutation. I was a slave to his will, but I would learn to enjoy the thrill of using my creations to kill the living. I no longer held ties to the mortal world, and I was devoid of emotions.

The Third War came, and with it the opportunity to display the power I held through science. Unknown to me at the time, the demon hunter Illidan Stormrage would weaken the Lich King’s power and allow Sylvanas Windrunner and a sizeable portion of the former Kingdom of Lordaeron to break free of the tyrant’s grip and form the Forsaken. Over time, I would find myself within their ranks as well. My role was that of an alchemist in the Royal Apothecary Society, a fate far better than what I had hoped for. I named myself Barthew Grayrot as a tribute both to my intelligence and my decayed state of mind.

Over the years, I learned to harness the control of the mind given by the power of Shadow. I delighted in torturing the Dark Lady’s enemies for information and my own personal entertainment. Mental, physical, spiritual…the subject of torture was no consequence. I regained the memories of my past and used them to fuel my hatred of all things living, forcing them to live through the agony that had been my mortal life.

I now stand conflicted in the aftermath of the victory at Icecrown Citadel. My future is uncertain, but it is of no concern to me. I will continue to serve Sylvanas until my own destruction. As long as there is life to extinguish, I will be there to help snuff it out. Pain and suffering will follow in my wake…and I will relish every moment of it.