One Night Only

Josie's on a vacation far away;

“Mario, stop pussyfooting around! Oh Mother!” Kyle yells, throwing her Nintendo controller down in a fury, her Dr. Pepper bottle falling onto the ground, causing more curses to fly from Kyle’s mouth.

Laughing so hard I fall onto Jude, I watch Kyle dance around, trying to clean the mess up.

“Stupid thing almost got on my 64. I’d rather it get on the Wii,” Kyle says under her breath, throwing a Dr. Pepper drenched towel on my face. Growling at her, I pull it off and wave it around in the air.

“Kyle! My hair’s gonna smell like coke!” I say, throwing the towel back at her, trying to sound menacing. She just rolls her eyes and throws the towel back at me.

“Oh, shut it Sam. My Nintendo 64 is my prized possession,” She says, picking the controller back up, then shouts, “Hey Priest!” making Jude jump beside me, his elbow hitting my ribs. “Get the other remote. You can be Luigi. He sucks. It’s not like you’re gonna beat me anyway.”

Trying to ignore the obscenities and screaming coming from the living room area, I turn my attention to the music in front of me.

For the past two hours I’ve been trying to come up with a guitar solo to a song Jude wrote about his stupid fat dog that’s probably going to get us kicked off of the bus, and the music just isn’t coming to me. Who wants to listen to a song about a fat dog anyway?

Dominic takes a seat in front of me, a book the size of a tire in her hands.

“Is that that stupid song about Diva?” She inquires, her face full of disbelief.

“Yeah, Jude wants me to write a guitar rift, but it’s just not coming.

“Of course it’s not coming; it’s a song about a fat lazy dog.”

“I heard that Dom!”

Sighing, I put the music away and head towards the back of the bus; towards the sleeping area. The farther I get away from the living space, the more the noise turns down.

Swinging onto my bunk, I pull my phone out and hit speed dial number one. Katy Perry’s voice fills the bunk area for a split second before the sound of a voicemail takes its place.

“Hey, this is Tara’s phone. Leave a message at the beep!”


“Hey baby, call me back when you get this.”

Angrily I fall back onto my pillow and growl at the ceiling.

Of course she didn’t answer.

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“Samuel! Wake up!” A voice sings as cold hands land on my face.

“Gerroff me!” I mumble angrily into my pillow, trying to shake the hands off. They travel further up, into my hair and pull slightly.

“Come on, lazy butt! We’re in Sulpher! We’ve stopped at McDonalds! Barney said I had to come and get you and if you don’t come in we can’t go in. Come on!”


My feet find the ladder connecting my bunk to the floor, and I shove Kyle lightly out of my way as I slide down.

“Yeah! Mickey D’s!” Kyle yells, running away from me towards the front of the bus.

We’ve got to stop giving her Dr. Pepper.

A small bark sounds from the bathroom as I walk by and angrily I bang my fist on the door.

“Shut up, you stupid mutt.”

Barney locks the bus as we head into McDonalds, Dominic trying to read a book and walk, Kyle and Jude yelling at each other.

If we even make it through this competition without killing each other, I’ll be grateful.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I look at this chapter and then at my co-authors and wow.

She writes crazy long chapters, I don't think I could even write one that long.


My style isn't long chapters, you want those, wait for PinkMartini to post.