Status: InActive

Born to Be Free


I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of something tapping. I looked up at my teacher who was hovering over me as she tapped her pencil on my desk to snap me out of my day dream. As much as she hated it when I did, she couldn't do anything about it since I was the highest student at this school. No one particularly knew I was, since I asked them to not say anything about my grades or my fame. I didn’t care about my being famous at all; I didn’t really want to be the daughter to one of the top music producers, Lauren Jao.

“Ms. Laura, aren’t you suppose to be doing your work instead of day dreaming nonsense?” Mrs. Ritter said annoyed with her eyebrow rising.

As you can tell my teacher is a dream killer, I replied, “Yes, Mrs. Ritter, I am. Sorry.”

“Well, don’t just sit there and look at me. Get back to your work.” She said annoyed and walked back off to her desk and on her computer.

I had no doubt that she wasn’t doing anything dealing with the fact of school. She didn’t really care about her student’s. It was all about the money and the time to look up stuff on the computer. Personally, I think she should be fired. Not just because of her lack of knowledge and know-how. Also because, she has no respect for her student’s and looks at other things beside’s school related things. I heard giggles and whispering and turned my head to look at the prep’s looking at me like I was some sort of geeky idiotic moron. I just rolled my eyes mentally and looked down at my work infront of me. They had no clue that I was the daughter of one of the top music producers in the world. Which, I don’t really want them to know; I don’t care about popularity or all that other bullshit.

My eye’s flickered to the clock, following the hands click forward inch by inch. Five more minute’s left of this class then its break time. This is the one of the classes I can’t particularly stand. Math and Literature are my favorite subject’s and the other one’s I don’t care about much, but I get them done, somehow. I was probably was one of the first to finish their work, like usual. The bell finally began to ring. Everyone stuffed their things into their backpacks and rushed out the door. I slowly slid my stuff into my backpack and made my way over to the door. I didn’t mind being one of the last one’s out. I don’t like being squished and pushed to hurry up out the door, so I tend to stay back and wait while everyone does.

When I got outside my best friend Angela Blake ran over to me and shrieked excitedly. I raised and eyebrow as she let it all out in a rush, “Justin Bieber is coming to our town!”

I let out a sigh, “And how do you know he’s coming to this little boring town of Dander Ville?”

“I over heard the prep’s talking about it.” She said jumping up and down.

I rolled my eyes, “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see.”

Angela looked around cautiously and leaned in and whispered, “Lolo, why can’t you just introduce me to him?”

“Because, I’m not infatuated with celebrities. Yes I love to watch their movies, but I like privacy, and so do they.” I said as I closed my eyes and looked down.

“Fine…” Angela pouted.

I looked up at Angela, “I’m sorry Angela. I would, but not right now. School’s almost over and I want to finish it already.”

“It’s okay Lolo; I know you’ve been busy with everything.” She said apologetically.

Just then the 5 minute bell rang and I and Angela headed towards our class that we had together. We have science together, that’s how we met. In 7th grade, our teacher paired us up. We were both in AP science. After that we’ve been friends ever since. We are now Junior’s and almost finished. One more year and we’ll be done with high school and onto College. I was planning on actually getting a high degree unlike my mom. She really didn’t need it, anyway. But it would have been great if she also had a high degree unless somewhere along the point of her career she crashes and burns. I got my knowledge from my father, which I apparently have never met.

I have no clue who my father is and every time I ask mom she completely changes the subject. It always made me curious how she always does that. I’m her daughter and she doesn’t want to tell me about my own father. It hurts knowing I have no clue in the world about my father or who he is. I don’t even know what he looks like…

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After the bell rang Angela and I walked out to lunch. We went to the same place we always do, between around a dozen little palm trees. I sat down and waited for Angela to come back, I normally made my own lunch everyday. Hell I make most of my meals anyway. I live by myself with my maid. I don’t think I need one, but my mom does. I know I’m too young to be living on my own, but I don’t want to live with my mom.

I unzipped my lunch bag and grabbed my sandwich as my Angela sat down and started eating her food. I took a bite of my sandwich as I heard shrieks and screams from all the girls. I looked up and I heard Angela say she’d be right back and ran over towards the girls and stood their a little bit away from the group of huddled girls. A few minute’s later Angela runs back with excitement and says, “They’re listening to the radio and it said that Justin was coming here because so many girls asked him too on Facebook!”

“I don’t think Justin Bieber is just coming for the girl’s. Maybe some time at the beach, who knows?” I said rolling my eye’s in disbelief.

Angela grumbled, “You are such a party pooper Lolo.”

Sighing I said, “I’m not meaning to be one.”

Excitement popped up in Angela’s eyes as she was thinking then squealed, “If he does go to the beach, may I come over and hang out?”

“Maybe, it depends on if you can get your homework done and not jumping the guy.” I said laughing at the last part.

Her eye’s widened, “Really?!?”

“Yes, I mean it.” I chuckled while shaking my head.

“Oh My God! You are the best Laura!” Angela shrieked and hugged me tightly.

I hugged her back as I replied, “No problem Angel.”

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I was tapping the end of my pencil on my desk lightly, so it wouldn’t make a loud noise, as I watched the clock ticking. 5 more minute’s until school is over and I get to go home and relax for and hour before I know Angela will come over after doing her homework. Knowing her she’s going to be to excited to do anything boring I might as well think of some stuff to do while relaxing. The only thing I couldn’t think of was the reason why Justin Bieber is coming to Dander Ville.

I must have been lost in thought because I was snapped out of it by the bell ringing. I started to pack up my stuff slowly, like I usually do. Waiting for the mass of crowding people to exit the door. Slowly making my way towards the door I say goodbye to Mr. Grenache and walk out the door, to my car in the parking lot…
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First chapter out! Please tell me what you think of it so far!
Would also love banner's!
Thank You!

--- Broken.Passion