Status: very much alive

We Could Make It Right


It was meaningless , at least that's what I tried to convince myself. After 8 years, I should've seen this coming. Instead I was as blind as anything; but it was crystal clear, I'm not his heart - I never was. At least it wasn't years into marriage when I figured it out.

Katelynn, Katelynn's my name, abbreviated to Katie for short. Katelynn Ellyanna Reeves.

For years on end, I was in one of the most commitment-filled relationships of my life. But I go with one motto, this one motto ever since I was fourteen when my older brother resorted to drugs since I left my home country of England : Things change with time and apparently so do people.
But that woe is a story for another time.

It all began when as stated , I moved from England to the hustle and bustle of Phoenix, Arizona.

She was a friend of my mother's, in fact her bestfriend. You see , they both moved from Spain. My mom just happened to move to England ; raised two kids – those two kids being me and my older brother Evan with a self-made rich upper-class snob I like to call my father.

Evan – just like any brother-sister relationship we have or downs but most of the time, we generally get along. He’s about 4 years older than me and I kinda feel sorry for Evan; continuing my father’s legacy and all with him being the third person in the family with the name Evan Nathaniel Reeves.

It could be worst; I mean I’m convinced that my parents were on crack when they named me.

And that other woman? That in a way is my Aunt Madelynn. She on other hand moved to Arizona after she met her husband on a business trip. They had two kids themselves, Andrew - their son who happened to be the youngest and a girl, my bestfriend Violetta Elizabeth or Vee for short whom was the eldest of the two.

My Aunt Madelynn; she took me under her wing, cared for me as much as my own mother did when I lived in England. She treated me like her own daughter - which I will admit at times got to Vee.

People often mistook her for my own mother although we look nothing alike; I coldheartedly inherited my father's hazel eyes while she had these inviting and warm chocolate brown eyes.
I had the mixture of Englishman with Spanish influence. My hair on the other hand was chocolate brown with a natural curl to it , Aunt Madelynn - straight as uncooked fettuccine but it was the same hair colour which might've gave people the impression that we were related.

Now why did I move to Arizona? Originally, in the first place; I should’ve just stayed and been raised in England until I was old enough to leave home and start a life in university to become something successful enough to keep the family name running with a good name. Instead, I rebelled from my family – my best ever plan to date. The result of rebellion – move to another country because apparently the U.K doesn’t like washed out snobby kids.

And now my story properly begins

11 hours and 20 minutes later, it’s safe to say that I was never more grateful to see the light of day. Although it gave me time to think over different things, I can only take so much of being on a flight by my self – better yet being seated next to a man who was; I wouldn’t say atrocious because that would be an understatement.

I rolled my baby-blue carry-on luggage out of the Boeing with my light-brown leather rucksack latched over my shoulder with no intentions of being deprived of the way I look. I didn’t want to give any bad impressions on my first day on living in a new country, so makeup was kept to a minimal of foundation and mascara.

Walking into the terminal – I’ll just point out one thing and one thing only, It was hot. I probably should’ve listened to Evan when he told me I wouldn’t be needing to wear clothing that protected me from colder climates. The sun was blaring harshly through the many windows that were basically covering the whole airport. Being too jet-lagged to care, I didn’t particularly worry about getting my sunglasses out of my bag.

I did all the fun stuff, y’know security check’s and all that fancy crap. Finally came luggage-claim. Which believe me – was so much fun. Being pushed around just for others to get their suitcases; it was like Christmas in May.

After a while of being trampled, I gave up and sat on the sidelines. At least until the crowd died-down, I wouldn’t be getting up for a while.

“How do you know what she looks like ma?” I overheard a voice was approaching.
“She looks exactly like her mother, that’s how I know”

It was true, I was kind of a mirror image of my mum minus the colour of the eyes.

I turned around to face these people, who easily could’ve been here for someone else. But it was honestly just my luck that it wasn’t for someone else and that they were here for me.

“Oh my God!” a woman who looked like she was in her mid-thirties stared at me in awe as she walked up to me and gave me one of the biggest hugs I’ve gotten ever since I was 10.

“You must be Katelynn” she smiled after releasing me.

“Yes..Katelynn..that’s me” I said with an English accent that stood out from everyone around me.

The fact I didn’t exactly know who she was frightened me the slightest bit , but apparently she knew my mother and that was all I needed.

“Katelynn – I’m your Aunt Madelynn, that’s Craig (the father), Andrew (their youngest) and this is my daughter Violetta”

“Where are your bags?” a man who I easily depicted as the man of the house asked .

“Carousel” I laughed pointing over to it.

“You mean the luggage belt?,”


“Andrew, come help” he said walking off with his son over to luggage claim.

“What do they look like?” the boy I came to learn as Andrew yelled meters away from me.

“Just look for the ones that have Katelynn Reeve’s on it”

Because their totally gonna remember that after knowing me for less than 10 minutes.

“This must all be a bit shocking to you” a girl who seemed to look like she was my age approached.

“Just a tiny bit” I laughed.

“I’m Violetta – you can just call me Vee. We’re gonna be roomies” she smiled.

“Katelynn..if it wasn’t apparent enough” I said as I received a welcome hug from her.

“This a real accent?”

“Aha, I don’t really know how to speak any other way?”

“Welcome to America Hun”

After 5 minutes, Craig and Andrew found my luggage. Thankfully, I only brought two suitcases full of my crap with me. I told myself when I was still at ho—still in England, I’d just buy new things to last me while I was here for however long that may be.

We walked out of the airport, I still couldn’t process the fact that it was hotter than a sauna. We moved off to their car. It was just a sedan, which surprisingly fit all five of us including my luggage.

Something that I learned as we were driving off from the airport is that these are probably the nicest people that are close to family that I’ll ever meet. They didn’t live far from the airport, nor did they live close to it. To be quite honest their home was a good distance from everything really.

Another thing that I seemed to notice, there was a lot of barren desert-land. It was honestly the most amazing sight I’ve ever seen considering well, my father being the man he is never obliged to taking both me and Evan on a few car trips every now and then or even a

After familiarizing myself with the streets surrounding theirs on the drive back ‘home’ , I concluded, not only are the people in this area big spenders, but these houses could’ve easily answered my question on why would you want to move miles away to a place like this.

“Home!” Andrew exclaimed as he rushed out of the car once it was parked soundly on the driveway.

Andrew I’d say was about 9-10 years old. He had the life of someone who seemed full of enthusiasm, luckily because he was that young, he didn’t really need to bother about the problems life had to offer him.

The house was a faded-pink and two story villa. Well to me anyway. Inside was just as extravagant, the walls were meters long and had the white as light theme going on. The flooring all around the house was dark wood which made the home seem more inviting. It was a well-lit home, a bay window that was placed in the living room giving out more light.

The kitchen was more than anything you could ever imagine a kitchen should look like. It wasn’t modern but it wasn’t old either. It’s like it was set at the most perfect era.

Violetta gave me a small tour of their big house. Showed me where I should never be if I want to live i.e Andrew’s room. Then we came to a stop. I had a gut feeling this would’ve been her room. Well , the room I’d be sharing with her.

“How do you feel about clean rooms ?”

“Clean..Clean rooms, what about them?”

Opening the door , she then started to speak again.

“Overly clean rooms” she finished.

It’s like I walked into one of those rooms where absolutely nothing was touched, there wasn’t a spec of dust nor bit of rubbish to be seen. The wooden floors from all around the house continued into this space that was double the size of their bathroom. And believe me, it was a big bathroom.

“Wow” was all I said. I was probably more than likely phased. There was so much light in this room, it really made the room look bigger.

“This is my bed” she pointed to a bed on my left.

“And this is yours” she smiled patting down the mattress on the other bed.

“It’s so..,”



“I had to fight Andrew for it when we moved here last year,”

“So it’s a new home ?” I tried to continue the conversation.

“Semi , previous owners moved north or some shit”

“Interesting..” I said not believing the cuss.

“Violetta!” Vee’s dad knocked on her door.

“Hold on” she said before she opened it.

“Don’t think just because you’re here on a weekday doesn’t mean you’re not going to

“Seriously ?”

“Yes, now c’mon Andrew’s just as pissed as you”

“Fine” she rolled her eyes.

She firstly got her binder from the desk closest to her bed and grabbed her bag. Her dad waiting impatiently as he had to get to work as well. She looked over to me and gave me a weak smile.

“I’ll see you later alright? I’ll introduce you to the guys”

Guys? There was more? Not that I’m worried or anything, no seriously. I didn’t see the point in worrying over something as small as meeting her friends. If anything I’m worried about how their going to react to an English-girl still getting her visa’s finalized so she could live here in peace.

After Vee left, I decided to snoop around, get used to this place I’d be resorting in for a while. All over her room, there were pictures of her along with at least 5 different guys that didn’t look much older than the two of us. In most of these pictures, they all look pretty happy – that I will admit.

Aunt Madelynn loved to thrill, that’s what she was known for. And that was something I recall Evan talking about. Since the remaining of the family were out for the day, she insisted on treating me to lunch. I couldn’t just decline and plus I wouldn’t exactly turn down a chance to see new sights.

She asked me multiple family related questions that I was more than happy with to answer.

She asked how Evan and my mum was doing, she didn’t bother asking about my dad – his existence alone burdens everyone. She even told me that school was organized – I had the privilege of going to the same school as Vee. Now hopefully we get along and this wasn’t just beginner’s luck.
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New project I'm working on
hope its alright
- this is just a prologue so sorry if the outline of this story doesn't exactly begin straight away.
I'd love to hear what you think :)