Status: very much alive

We Could Make It Right

'You Must Really Like This Girl'


“Vee.. I don’t want anything big . Besides it’s just a birthday—”

“Not just any birthday, Katie!” she gaped as we walked through the Forever21 outlet in our area. She insisted that I go with her for a ‘much-needed’ shopping trip. It really escapes me how and why she wanted to go shopping during the middle of the week, but I’m not going to dwell on the fact she’s more girlier than me. “It’s the big sixteen!, you’ve got to have some type of event. You’ve got to”

We stopped as she approached the denim-skinny jeans. In big-black & bold letters, seeing the 20% off sign mounted. “Do you think these will make my butt look big?” she contemplated the jeans.

“You’re asking someone with zero sense in fashion,”

“For someone with zero-fashion sense, you brush up pretty good,”

“That’s because you’ve been insisting that I take from your wardrobe , I still pick up my clothes from a suitcase”

“Well let’s change that…completely; now c’mon, let’s try knock some more girl into you”

We walked around the whole store I’m guessing more than 10 times to try and find the stuff that would suit us. Clothing after accessory to makeup and shoes, it was the whole package.
Everything in that store was incredibly cheap due to the season change.

Luckily I’m used to the fact it’s generally cooler around this time of year, so the fact every now and then there would be a little gush of wind, it wouldn’t surprise me. But the thing I loved most was that because this was Arizona, it wouldn’t get overly cold.

Soon enough we made it out of the store with about 4 different bags; all completely full and fairly heavy. “I seriously can’t believe how much money you’ve spent,”

“Think of it as an early birthday present, bestie” she grinned.

“You’re too nice, Vee”

“Thankyou Katelynn,” Vee replied. We moved over to the nearest bench so we had somewhere to
sit for a while. “Katie, have you tried Jamba yet?” she asked, eying the juice-stand from afar.

“No – I don’t think I have yet”

“Let’s change that as well”


We waited a while for Aunt Madelynn to come and pick us up, she was the only one that knew that we went out for a while since Craig doesn’t approve of her spending a lot of money. Whereas Aunt Madelynn, didn’t really mind as long as she knew what Vee was spending the money on.

“Going back to what I was saying earlier” she asked taking a giant sip of her Pomegranate-flavoured smoothie. “Think about having something for your birthday,”

“It should be fun and you never know, may open up a few doors for you”

“What ?”



“Yeah, like y’know – breaking out of your little shell and stuff like that”

“I’ll think about it,”

“It doesn’t even have to be that big if you don’t want it to”

“Look, consider it noted”


“What exactly did you have in mind Gare?” Kennedy asked. “Like…the fact you’ve feelings for her changes everything”

I didn’t respond to the last part of Kenny’s statement, it just left me thinking overboard. Instead of getting the normal school bus home, we were taking a different route home today.
Everyone was gonna meet up at mine, all except Vee & Katie. After lunch-time’s event, Vee entrusted me in helping out with planning. I guess everything has it’s perks, but it could be worst.

“You’re gonna think I’m completely mad bro,”

“Let’s hear it though”

“I was thinking, that maybe .. we could somehow get her brother in on this..”


“I-I was thinking, but you’re gonna need to help me convince Vee to convince him; maybe we could get him to fly out here”

“I dunno’s pretty risky”

“That’s the thing” I said then letting out a big sigh. “But someone needs to be there from her family and her brother’s the practically the only family she has – and I-I just want her to happy on her birthday out of all days”

“You must really like this girl,”

“You’ve never said truer words”

“Oh really now?”

“Yea—besides, I need older brother’s approval to date his sister” I nervously spoke, usually I don’t get struck by very-few words.

“Isn’t it usually ‘dad’s approval’ ?”

“Yeah well apparently her dad’s a jerk; so it’s older-brother we go to”

“I’ve never seen you so sure about something Garrett”

“Me neither”

Home got in more clearer view by the second. Trey’s dull-colored sedan becoming more visible. Sammy’s barking becoming more audible. “How does she even know were here?” Kenny laughed.
“That’s Sammy for ya”


We were stuck for ideas as to what to do for Katie’s birthday. It’s been like this for about two
hours. Out of all people here, the only ideas that were brought up either costed too much or it was just plain stupid and idiotic. We were getting nowhere and not only was it getting on my nerves, but apparently everyone else was getting irritable.

“I mean what if we do something like semi-formal?” Jared asked after a while. “Something quaint – something Katie”

“What do you even mean?” Kenny asked from across the small living room.

“Something small, not something as small as the dress she wore at Josh’s party; you could tell she wasn’t comfortable in it”

“But hey, you’ve got to admit though, she’s got pretty nice legs” John recalled from before he got drunk.

“That’s true” Kenny agreed looking at me in a way that supposedly should of stirred me up. But I held it together, all for the fact that the others can’t find out as of yet.

“Legs that go on for days man” he said just above a whisper. “And don’t get me wrong have you seen Vee’s legs my god they’re perfect”

“Guy’s, as amazing as the topic of legs are we’ve got to get back to real life” I spoke up, leaving the room full of guys staring at me like what I just said would’ve caused a felony.

“Anyway..” Jared continued.

“Maybe we should find out what sh-she really wants” Pat brought up.

“And how do we do that Pat?” John asked somewhat questioning his idea, but not completely.

“I don’t know, I can only think so far”

Amongst all this, there were many things that was grabbing my attention; other than party planning. Come to think of it, I don’t ever remember wanting to be a party-planner in the first place. I took out my phone, hoping that there would be some type of distraction on that little piece of technology that would help me in this odd time of need. Seconds after the phone is taken out, the text message chime goes off.

And it’s really just my luck.

Vee S -> G.Nickelsen
Katie’s ‘unsure’ about a party at this stage, keep planning to a minimum

“Guy’s Vee just texted me.. basically don’t work our asses off in thinking of party ideas”

G.Nickelsen -> Vee S
You’re lucky, we haven’t exactly thought of a thing

“We haven’t exactly thought of anything though Gare” John said, repeating what I just wrote to Vee.

“That’s what I told her”

“Seriously though, what do we do guys? Everything I’ve said is either shit or extremely shit” Kennedy said, looking like he’d rather not be planning along with me…well detailed planning. “Gare, what do you think we should do?”

“Yeah, you’re the only one who hasn’t said anything.” Jared triggered.

“Well I-I don’t exactly have any ideas “ I lied, getting this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Kenny didn’t give me his look. He didn’t really look bothered at all.

But then, just as I said so, something pops into my head.

“Hey! What about like a combined show with Halvo’s band and your old band Kenny?“

“A Last Call reunion ..” Kenny replied, showing a bit more life in him. It’s been a while since Kenny even socialised with everyone in his old band. We see Jess, Stephen & John around school every now and again, heck before Stephen found his crowd, we were all in this same group.

“That’s not bad” John said after a while.

“I guess…it couldn’t hurt to have a combined show,”

“I mean, guys it’s only a suggestion.” I said, just relieved that we were actually discussing something party-planning related.

“And the suggestion is being used, it’s the only thing we’ve got,” to my surprise John kept on speaking. My guess is that he either likes the idea or he’s just happy that were actually getting somewhere. “So it’s just us bands ?”

“Pretty much”
♠ ♠ ♠
Questions you should answer :3 :

1.Do you think Garrett can get Evan to Arizona ?
2.Do you think Katie's gonna like what's in store for her?
3.What do you think Katie should get for her birthday from either character ?

I know it's shitty but I wanted to get a chapter out for the week, comments ?
Btw, is this simple theme good or shall we go back to the original one I made for it?
Take care lovelies!
<3 Kayetana