Status: very much alive

We Could Make It Right

Mornin’ Sleeping Beauty

He leaned in closer deepening the kiss. Our legs intertwined – his hands started to get tangled in my hair. Most girls with say that they felt like they were on cloud nine when they got their first kiss – for me, I’m still comprehending getting my first kiss at 16, but for the most part this wasn’t cloud nine – this felt like something more?

The fact it was Garrett – the fact I’m with Garrett at this second made me and wanted. I needed to stop – catch my breath more than anything – get my head around this.

“Garrett—” I only just managed say just above a whisper.

My cheeks felt warm – pink almost, thanks to Vee telling me what all these signs were when she went out with Keith. I looked up at Garrett; I smiled, he smiled. The camp light that illuminated this almost-tent started to die out which made me let out a little bit of a giggle and I can only imagine Garrett feeling like a fool by the way his eyes closed and head tilted in embarrassment. He moved to side, landing face-first on his pillow.

“Remind me again not to do that, my nose hurts” he whined, all in good spirit though.

“Was this why you’ve been avoiding me lately?” I went straight to the point.

“Not exactly,” he twisted his body as so he could face me.

“I guess you could say it was part of the reason – not entirely though.”

“So this wasn’t my birthday present?”

“Did you want this to be your birthday present?” he replied, both in a happy tone – but suggestively.

“I wouldn’t mind if this was my only birthday present..” I responded truthfully, feeling my cheeks go pink. “But I’m up for whatever.”

“Good,” he kissed my nose.

“Because this isn’t it Katelynn”

“Oh?” I couldn’t help but smile.

“Yep – so c’mon, let’s get you home before they send us away to boarding school”

“Do we have to go?” I pleaded. If we were being honest – I actually liked it out here.

“W-We don’t have to go now, If that’s what you want,” he stuttered – a part of me thinking he was only staying here because of the day itself, although it was a constant in my mind – I didn't dwell on it.

“Garrett?” I said as soon as he closed his eyes. A part of me knew that he wasn’t going to get much sleep. From that past experience all those months ago – the night I had to stay at the Nickelsen residence – he didn't mind sharing a room with someone, but it didn’t mean he’d sleep, properly at least.

“Yeah?” he mumbled.

I clung onto a pillow before beginning to speak to him.

“Thank you,”

“For what, Katie?”

“This..everything, it’s just so wonderful and...I’m glad this was all with you and..nothing can top this, Garrett”

“The pleasure was mine. Come over here!” he smiled; bringing me closer – letting my head rest on the crown of his neck.


Through the small gaps in the tent, the sun started to peak through. When I awoke, I was no longer on Garrett’s shoulder, I was wrapped snug in a blanket and on the pillow he laid on. He was no longer in the tent; the tent was empty aside from me being there.

The possibility of Garrett leaving to get things prepared to go home was 5/10, then I thought that I would’ve been left out here for the bears – but that wouldn’t of been feasible since

Garrett’s one of the nicest guys I know.

And last night only reinforced that statement.

I pulled in the blanket closer, covering my body as I hunched into the fetal position. What can I say, I’m an attractive sleeper. The pillow underneath me started to feel more and more comfortable by the second.

The sound of footsteps started to come closer. There was Garrett – holding two coffee’s in takeaway cups. I immediately sat up, pretending I was semi-awake for the past 5 minutes – which in the long run was a terrible idea; the quick rush of blood to the head was something I could’ve lived without.

“Mornin’ Sleeping Beauty” he handed me a cup. I straightened the grey-cotton t-shirt I fell asleep in and tied my hair into a loose ponytail, afterwards accepting the peace-offering.

“There was a diner a few minutes away from here" he stated before I decided to take a sip of the coffee.

"Flat-white –” I tried to speak.

“With two sugars, just how you like it” he smiled, taking a sip of his. “Oh fuck that’s nice”

I couldn’t help but let out a bit of a laugh. How did he even know this? The smallest fact and he knew it.

“How the hell do you know how I like my coffee’s?,” I looked at the guy, who looked like he changed from what he was wearing earlier. “This is great coffee”

“Vee’s rants – she complained when you first came here that you wouldn’t drink a normal cappuccino”

Automatically, my face changed expression – quite quickly.

“Well I’m sorry I don’t like cappuccinos” I said under my breath.

“How’d you get changed, Gare ?” I went straight to the point.

“I always bring a spare change of clothes – just in case of rainy weather. And besides , it’s kinda chilly for Arizona weather this morning”

“What time is it ?”

“5:30am, according to my phone. I’ve been awake for a while. It’s probably time we head back home anyway – before too much suspicion arises”

“Fair enough, thanks for the coffee” I gulped the drink down. I ran a finger down my hair before putting it into a quick plait.

I got up and started to put my things into a small pile and straight into small rucksack I brought with me regardless of place.

“Katie..?” Garrett called me from his relaxed position sitting near the tents opening. Looking a little bit puzzled.

“Yes Garrett?” I replied, chucking a pair of socks back into the rucksack.

“Did..Did you want to borrow my skinnies from yesterday, or something..?” he looked at me, and then my jean-shorts.

I faced my jeans, before noticing a stain that wasn’t there yesterday. Hell, last night for that matter.

“Oh shit.” I cringed. Because of ignorance – I completely forgot about the time of month (and the fact it was irregular) it was.

“I’ll be back” Garrett bolted out of the tent. I skimmed through the rucksack, hoping there would be something, if not anything that would help me right here and now.

Minutes later, Garrett came back with his skinny jeans that easily could’ve been mine judging by the size of the clothing,

“You take your time, I’ll just be out here” he spoke, staring directly at the ground the entire time.

Happy birthday Katelynn, much love – Aunt Flow.


By the time we were in suburbia, it was 8am. After a few pit-stops and a quick bite to eat, we finally made it home. Not a word was said about my little incident, but he said I could keep the skinny jeans. I grabbed my stuff from the boot of his car and then he was off. I began to walk carefully up the path to the front door, taking out the set of keys I kept inside the bag.

“Where the hell have you been ?!” Vee yelled at me when I walked in through the door. I was hoping it was discreet, but it obviously wasn’t. She looked at me, angry – but with that small but of relief written all over her.

“Do you not know how many times John had to tell me to ‘calm the fuck down’ last night? Too many! I nearly slapped him –are those Garrett’s skinny jeans?!” she looked at me, her mouth opened wide,

“I can explain, Vee”

“Look, as far as mom and dad knows, you spent the night with Rachael” Vee told me,

“Thanks for covering for me”

“Thanks for being alive – much easier to explain now that I know you weren’t mauled by bears overnight”

“That’s definitely reassuring..Where are your parents and Andy?”

“They went out” she said quickly and subtly. “They told me to stay here in case you came home from Rachael’s early while they ran a few errands..”

She stared at me, pulling me into a deep hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Katie”

”Happy birthday, by the way sweetie.” She dragged me up the stairs and into our room – looking at me straight in the eyes.

“You spent the night with Garrett?” she almost grinned.

“You spent the night with John?” I responded, barely holding my laughter back.

“He was comforting me because of the breakup with Keith –what’s your excuse Reeves?,”

I was torn between telling her the truth and going with my gut and saying something completely bluff. My breathing started to become a little fast-paced, I felt it but I sure as hell hoped it wasn’t showing.

“I mean – you’re wearing his favourite skinny jeans, so something obviously happened.” She nudged my shoulder, her smile changing quickly into a smirk.

I guess it was only fair that I tell her truth – after all, she did cover for me and she is my bestfriend. The fact that I also live with her, meant he would have fished the truth out of me either way.

“I guess I’d better tell you what happened,”

“Aha! So something did happen.” She started to get all excited, something I didn’t exactly get from Vee – sometimes her mood-swings drove everyone – especially me – crazy.

“Garrett kissed me. After a conversation of fate and what our friendship was...he kissed me; at midnight, at this park he and Trey used to go to..a lot”

“Oh my god!” she squealed, in her cross-legged position on the bed we were both on, she jumped up and down.

“Was there leanage? Tongue? Se- You guys had sex didn’t you?” she gasped.

“Violetta Elizabeth!? We kissed, that’s it”

“But..the jeans?”

“..If you must know, got my monthly visit and um—”

“Ahh...unlucky, but I get you,” she patted my shoulder, “You obviously must mean something to him if he let you wear his favourite skinny jeans”

There was a little bit of silence. Maybe I did mean something to Garrett, if not anyone.

“So do you know what type of relationship you guys have now?”

“Not a single clue.”
♠ ♠ ♠
waited 'til midnight to upload this because I'm sick and my brain is doing crazy things to me!
I'm also in a goodish mood because I got my Stay Up Get Down bundle in the mail!
If this chapter gets a good a good response, I might upload the next chapter.
Seeing as I'm sick, these chapters don't make a whole lot of sense - but I do hope some of you like it :)