Status: very much alive

We Could Make It Right


I must say that I didn’t anticipate my 16th to be like this – it was more than what I bargained for, and just that little bit more. Aunt Madelynn & Craig got me a cell-phone (they decided it was about time I had one anyway since I’m going out more) and then there was the Polaroid camera Andy & Vee got for me – a gift the two of them pitched in to get.

We spent the day at home – after I literally begged them not to take me out to lunch, basically on the condition they take me out for dinner. I couldn’t say no to dinner, even if it was my birthday. All throughout the day, Vee would send me a look every now and again. I tried to decode, but I just couldn’t.

They told me to wear something comfortable – my idea of comfortable wasn’t exactly a dress, but Vee had other ideas. She did my makeup and fixed my hair, even though I wasn’t exactly one for the glitz, today was no exception for her to pretty me up in her own words.

“You look absolutely gorgeous, honey” Aunt Madelynn approached me from the bottom of the staircase, giving me a long-awaited hug.

“Thank you” I replied with the only breath I had.

“Mom, you’re suffocating her” Vee laughed, pulling us apart.

“I’m sorry, you just remind me so much of your mother – she’d be proud of you, Katelynn”
I took in the compliment as nicely as I possibly could. Within minutes, the polaroid camera was getting its first use. Craig was surprised at how quickly the images formed, Craig, Vee & I took a few happy snaps – then we were off.

“So where are we going?” I asked when we got in the car. I got shotgun, while Aunt Madelynn, Andy & Vee got the back-seat of the 4-wheeler.

“It’s a surprise!” Vee butted in, leaving no time for the other Stephenson’s to say a thing.

Mesa at night was quite the sight – aside from driving past a few dodgy scenes, it was impressive. We drove past a couple of Mesa’s prime-hotspots, but stopped at neither of them. Soon enough, we stopped at a small community hall. It wasn’t a 5 star restaurant, but truth be told, I wouldn’t have this any other way.

“Here we are” Craig parked the car literally a few steps away from the entrance. He was the first one out of the car and went straight into the hall, leaving Aunt Madelynn, Andy & Vee in the car.
The outside was dark, aside from a few dim lights surrounding the car-park, it didn’t look life-threatening scary. Andy started to get impatient – so he got out of the car and ran into inside after his father. Vee was sent out to chase after her brother even though she was wearing pumps – before she got out, praying to god she wouldn’t break a heel.

“You’re really in for a surprise tonight darling” Aunt Madelynn started the conversation.

“Oh yeah?” I replied, smiling at the lady who was almost my mother since my move to Arizona all those months ago.

“Absolutely – Vi and your group of friends did so much planning, I’ve never actually seen them work so hard on something since a science fair in the sixth grade. You’ve got a heap of genuine friends”

“Yeah...I do, don’t I” I cheerfully replied.

My brain decided to take that time to reflect on the last few years of my life. Even though out of those few years, I’ve only spend one of them in Arizona, it was still pretty packed. After losing my mother, not really having many friends other than my brother back in England to having an entire group of them now and living in another continent – it was almost hard to believe all of this happened within a short period of time.

What if Garrett was right, what if everything is fate? If it wasn’t for not getting along with my father or even my own mother dying...Would I even be here at all? Living the life I have now? Having people that care that I’m around? People who love me?

Her SMS tone sent me back into reality – if only for a few seconds. She unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed both Vee’s and her purse; with a grin on her face, she looked me straight in the eyes.

“Let’s go Katelynn – your birthday dinner awaits!”


“Happy Birthday Katelynn!” all these people yelled the second I walked through the doors. In the community hall that was no bigger than a quatre of the American football field – the room was full of colour-coordination, I knew Vee was behind that.

A range of coloured streamers went from pillar to pillar all cross the room; some even above tables. The table cloths that were chosen corresponded greatly with the scheme – a pattern of peach coloured table cloths with a small centrepiece and at every second table it alternated depending on the colour of the centrepiece.

I stopped in my tracks, completely awestruck, right by my best friend. The spotlight was literally on me – not something I’m generally in favour of, but tonight it felt right. Because of the heat that was literally emitted by the spotlight, I felt a small bead of sweat. Within seconds, there was cheering from the crowd of people.

I spotted few of the guy’s and a few other friends of theirs up on the stage – all dressed semi-formally; their instruments set up and ready. In the crowd surrounding, there stood Garrett in his red flannel and skinny jeans, on top of his flannel; his leather jacket and Craig with smiles on their faces.

Soon enough, Garrett started to walk up to me. My heart started beating a mile a second – too many questions popping up in my mind. He propped his hands on both shoulders and looked me right in the eyes.

“I need you to close your eyes for me”

“Okay?” I responded to the unusual request in front of all these people. I closed my eyes as firmly as I possibly could – so much I almost saw an odd colour every now and again
His hands covered my eyes – palms centimetres away from my skin. He then started to speak softly, his voice soon starting to travel.

“Months before you got to America – I guess you could say I was three times the music junky I am today. Literally a weekend before I even knew you existed – Trey and I went to see Third Eye Blind in concert. Trey – Trey caught one of the picks that was thrown...okay, technically he fought some guy in the mosh and he gave it to me as a gift, since I’m his little brother and all..”

A few people went to go and sit in at their tables, others moved closer to the stage to get a better view – it was nothing I saw, but merely because of the wooden floors you could hear everything.

“The long end of it Katie is..I can’t afford some jewellery that you may or may not even like at the end of the day. This is a genuine Kryz Reid pick – I had it made into a necklace since I didn’t know what exactly to get you since, well, I gave your birthday present to you ages ago...” I opened my eyes – he was standing before me with a smirk written all over his lips.

My hand moved to my chest – there, a pick sat. If Garrett, Trey & Craig were amongst the very few people in the crowd, the rest of the guy’s were up on stage and the rest of the Stephenson’s were to my left – who put the necklace on?

“Do you like it Katelynn?” that familiar voice asked from behind me. The figure tapped my shoulder; at an instant, I turned around.

And there standing right in front of me, was my older brother Evan.

At an instant, tears started streaming down my face and I hugged him for dear life. It was still hard to comprehend; one of those pinch me, I’m dreaming moments. His arms wrapped around me, making me feel a Reeve’s girl again.

“Say something!” a girl from the crowd yelled as I pulled apart from Evan and looked at him properly.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Evan,”

“You’re my baby sister – I wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world”


After extensive asking, Halvo soon told me how many people were actually here. It’s not that I didn’t mind having them here, having them here was actually kinda fun – lively, almost. People were stuffing their faces with the mini-buffet they hired out; many even started demanding entertainment. Which then lead to John, in all of his nervousness, going up on the stage, gathering everyone’s attention.

“Hey everybody!” John slurred into the microphone – and he wasn’t even on his 3rd drink for the evening (as of yet).

“Before I begin,” he took a sip from his whiskey shot he brought up with him.

At the hall, there was an open bar. An open bar with no barkeep – it was the perfect excuse for John and a few others to grab a few drinks.

“Before I begin...let’s give it up for the birthday girl!” the crowd soon cheered, even though most of the people here might’ve only seen me in the hallways at school.

“Okay! Our first act for the night – who here remembers my good pal Ken?”

The spotlight soon moved to Kennedy and the few people surrounding him. They all looked our age and maybe just that little bit older – amongst the group, Joshua & Cameron Montgomery, the Gomez brother’s Kennedy often brought up and one Jessica Bowen. They all got up from their table they shared with the others and started walking up towards the stage after a warm welcome from everyone else.

“Hey guys” Kennedy said over the mic in a raspy tone. “We were Last Call For Camden – but umm...just for Katie’s birthday, we’ve organised something for you –hope you enjoy it, this one’s called Prove The Rumors Were True”

“They call you Katie now?” Evan asked from the seat next to me.

“I’ll explain everything later!” I smiled at my brother.

Minutes into Kennedy’s set, Vee decided this would be more perfect opportunities to use the polaroid camera whereas I started to make use of the phone.Vee mentioned previously that Kennedy started to become a little bit on-edge about his performing skills, so I thought I’d do him a little favour and record the performance for him.

In the back of my mind, It honestly felt like the night couldn’t get any better. I had my brother by my side after many months apart from him, my best friends were in the same proximity; aside from Evan – these people were my family.

“Cameron?” I called out when he walked by. Since we were given our ancient task, we haven’t really forever, really. He acknowledged me, butting in between Evan and I at the Stephenson/Reeves table.

“Katie!” he tried to hug me, but because of the amount of space we had. It was unlikely. “Happy Birthday! Is this the infamous brother you told me about ?” he extended his hand out to Evan for a handshake – Evan gladly taking it.

“I’m Cameron – Cameron Montgomery, Katelynn’s ancient-history partner and the guitarist’s younger brother“ he pointed proudly at Josh.

“Nothing more, I assume?” Evan eyed both Cameron & I.

I looked over at Vee for the slightest second; for that split second she wasn’t watching Kennedy’s set, she let out a little laugh.

After a little bit of small talk and one last song, Kennedy announced that the Last Call set was finished. That, and we’d probably never hear him sing again, which Vee & I were a little upset about, but everyone took it in good humour.

“Noooo sir, don’t get me wrong, your sister is fantastic but I’m not the one you should assume these things about” Cameron nervously laughed – then assured him, patting his shoulder.

Kennedy stayed up on the stage – his guitar still in firm reach.

“That’s our cue!” Pat looked my way and gave us a thumbs up. He tucked the loose bits of hair that hung from the sides and after him followed Jared, Garrett and John up the stairs to the stage.

The guys were all soon assembled on stage, All looking mellow – there was nothing that would distract them, all was well.
“Wasn't Kennedy’s act great guys?!” Garrett said through the mic, everyone’s attention all being averted to him.

“ most of you know, we are The Maine and is uh..a special day for many reasons but especially for this girl who goes by the name of Katelynn –”

“What Garrett is trying to say, Katie is that –” John tried to interrupt.

“What Garrett is trying to say..” Garrett tried to continue his little speech. “What I’m trying to say is that..on behalf of The Maine, as a whole – we dedicate this small set to you”


After playing (and promoting) everything on their EP – the only two that remained on stage were Jared and John. It was easy to see that now John became nervous because it was only he & Jared on that stage – but he hid it kinda well.

“Okay, so we’re just gonna play a few songs we hope will make it to our full-length someday”

“And then maybe we’ll play a few cover songs, who knows – wait, cake..after this is cake” Jared continued, earning a bit of laughter and cheers from everyone surrounding.

“These are just a few demo’s so no makin’ fun of me-”

“Don’t worry John, I’ll do it later!” Vee yelled, everyone started to laugh, including Evan & the Stephenson’s.

“Our number fan, everybody!” he spoke through the mic, smiling. “This one’s called I Must Be Dreaming”

She thinks I'm crazy.
Judging by the faces that she's making.
And I think she's pretty.
But pretty's just part of the things she does that amaze me.
And she calls me sweetheart.
I love it when she wakes me when it's still dark.
And she watches the sun.
But she's the only one I have my eyes on..

“He’s a very good singer” Evan said to me, still looking directly at John & Jared.

“If you think he’s good now, you should see him at practices”

Tell me that you love me.
And it'll be alright.
Are you thinking of me?
Just come with me tonight.
You know I need you.
Just like you need me.
Can't stop, Won't stop.
I must be dreaming.
Can't stop, Won't stop.
I must be dreaming.

She moves in closer,
Whispering to me “I thought I told ya”
And oh she’s playing games now,
And I figured it out, now that we’re...
Now that we’re closer.
Two kids, one love.
Who cares if we make it up?
Her voice a sweet sound,
All our clothes lay on the ground.
She moves in closer.
Whispers “I thought I told ya”

Tell me that you love me.
And it'll be alright.
Are you thinking of me?
Just come with me tonight.
You know I need you.
Just like you need me.
Can't stop, Won't stop.
I must be dreaming.
Can't stop, Won't stop.
I must be dreaming.

Remember the day when we started this.
And you made the shape of my heart with your hands.
We try to make some sense of it.
But she called me on the phone and said..

Tell me that you love me.
And it'll be alright.
Are you thinking of me?
Just come with me tonight.
You know I need you.
Just like you need me.
Can't stop, Won't stop.
I must be dreaming.
Can't stop, Won't stop.
I must be dreaming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I really wanted to upload something yesterday but my sinus infection was holding me back. I hope you understood this chapter - but in the future expect better and maybe quicker updates.
Take care my lovelies,
comments would be appreciated! I'll give out shout-outs to the ones who comment?
- Kayetana