Status: very much alive

We Could Make It Right

Catalina Slut-banger Whitney

"I think she's staring at you man" Pat looked up from his Maths textbook with a concerning, but enlightening smirk on his face. We had study hall together, and who's in study hall? None other than Catalina Whitney; the guys were turning heads every few minutes just to catch a glimpse of that slim hourglass of a body while the girls were sneering, secretly hoping to look like her. I know because Vee told me she caught Rachael doing it once. 

She was chewing on the back of a pencil, staring directly at me with her almost breathtaking topaz eyes and chocolate curls dangling from her slightly caked face. A smirk on her glossy lips and her tan coloured skin showing in all the right places, it was easy to get caught up in her. I caught her gaze, but it was nothing new. She might be a pretty face, but I'm sure her personality sucks, after all, you can't have both.

Katie's normally the one I hang out with when we go to study hall; nothing's really been the same without her presence. She's been distant lately, a lot more than normal. Vee hasn't even been able to get a word out of her and they live with each other. I keep beating myself up inside - I can't take back anything and I wouldn't if I was given the chance. Kissing Katie was everything I thought it would be, not being with her was what killed me; I get it, I'm a pussy. Did she have a fight with Evan or something? That was the only thing I could think of. I won't lie, I wanted her. All of her.

What if she didn't want me? 

"I'm not exactly interested, Pat. I've got a lot on my plate right now" I semi-lied. Sure I was flattered the centrefold was summoning me of all people, but I had to focus on other things like getting at least a B on my English final. I had books on how to write essays and reports spread all over the desk. So many books and so little notes. 

I looked back down at the notebook and kept tapping the pen. 20 minutes and I wrote all but two lines. Hello B… I stared up from the desk and her sultry eyes met mine. By now, the pencil had moved from her mouth to her left hand. She knew how men ticked; she bit her lower lip beckoning me over to her. I wish I could lie and say that it wasn't appetizing. 

I can't. I've gotta put a stop to this. 

I folded up my book and carried it under one arm. She sure looked excited when she noticed I was walking in her direction. For a split second, her no-brained blonde bimbo friends shut up. I gave them a look and they knew straight away what it meant. I put my book down and sat directly in front of her. 

"Garrett Nickelsen, to what do I owe this pleasure?" She spoke in a calm demeanour. Her voice said innocence, but her body said something else. It was hard not to look down at her chest that was peaking through the hot-pink polo; it was almost there for the taking but I can't be some horn-dog. I need to settle this properly; like a man. 

"Oh, you know exactly why I'm here, Cat," I looked at her smugly. It was probably risky calling her by her nickname, but if she wants drama, she's gonna get some. 

I noticed a smirk forming on her little face.

"I wasn't doing anything wrong," said Catalina. She started drawing little hearts in her book. Her favourite pastime. 

"I've got a girlfriend." Okay I technically don't. But I need something. 

"Who doesn't need to know a thing.." She said temptingly as she looked me straight in the eyes. She just wasn't giving in no matter how hard I tried to get her to back down. Catalina's obviously never heard the word 'no' before. Lets try a new approach. 

"Now surely a pretty girl like you has some morals" I pressed my elbows against the desk.

"Sure I've got morals, doesn't mean I have to flaunt them" she mimicked my action.

"I know what kind of person you are, so there's really no point in trying to hide things from me. You ruined one of my best friend's relationships by sleeping with her now-ex boyfriend. I'm not letting you do the same to me."

"You think you have me all figured out, don't you?"

I leaned back in my chair. Damn. How was she winning this? I looked back and noticed Pat was the least bit interested in my dilemma so I knew at this point I didn't have a wingman.

"What do you want from me Catalina?," I finally said.

"If you know what kind of girl I am, you'll already know what I want."

She ripped out a part of her notebook; in simple writing read her cell phone number. Placing it on the desk, she pushed it forward. Knowing she wouldn't back down until I took the small piece of paper, a I grabbed it and stuffed it in my pocket. Our eyes met one last time before I got up and left; she could tell I was reluctant, but she had a lot of willpower and was determined to get me. A lot of guys are daft when it comes to noticing the centrefolds' repetitive moves, they just need to be quick.

"You just call me-"

"I highly doubt that I'll be calling you somehow, but thanks for the offer."

I began moving back to my original place with Pat; he didn't properly acknowledge my existence and I was fine with that. I'll probably never get back the last 15 minutes and I just hope my 'B' won't depend on this.


When lunch time came around, I couldn't be more thankful. Spanish was a nightmare and so was IT. The two just seemed to drag on and that simply because of having both Katie & Catalina in those classes. Even then, Katie was ignoring me. For the time being, I stopped focusing on girls when we arrived at the cafeteria line; nachos, chilli cheese dog or the vegetarian option. I noticed Rachael was behind me and being the gentleman that I am, I said 'Hi' to her and started a friendly conversation; I mean, maybe that last confrontation was what we needed.

I got my cheesy delight aka nachos and walked over to a table with Rach since we started a good conversation, to my surprise nothing felt awkward. It's funny how we went from dating, to exes and now talking about dating; it wasn't horrible and it was great to see her move on. Who knew I'd end up having lunch ex?

"So, you and Josh?" I repeated, smiling whilst I took a bite of the chip.

"Yeah," she became red-faced as she dug through her salad bowl. "I mean, he was there all through that post-breakup stage and it sorta just happened"

"Kinda like we sorta just happened" I laughed lightly.

We shared a silence; to my surprise it wasn't a horrible silence either. It felt more like we were supposed to be having this conversation. Looking back on it, I think we both knew that we weren't forever deep down. As much as it pains me to say that, I think she feels the same way too. It used to hurt going through the halls and seeing her hand in hand with Josh Montgomery,but now I couldn't be happier for her. She still had those sparkling hazel eyes that lit up whenever you spoke to her; she still showed skin where appropriate and still changed hairstyles and colours regularly. Sure, Rachael wasn't my first girlfriend, but she was the first one I actually loved which makes all the more different. I'm just glad I can look at her now without squirming.

I knew that the others would give me shit later on for having lunch with my ex rather than eating with them, but I actually needed her help for once.

"We we're pretty good together though, that you'll have to admit" she winked playfully and I laughed in return. It was like a trip down memory lane talking to Rachael. I mean, we've gone past that awkward 'lets just ignore our exes' stage, so it was really only fitting.

"Listen Rach, I kinda need your help…with two things, not just one"

She let her fork rest in the plastic tub and looked at me solemnly. I took this as an incentive to continue. I took a deep breath; I began having second thoughts. I couldn't just back down now, the subject's already been brought up.She could tell I was struggling to put my thoughts into proper words. She sat there patiently and told me to take as much time as I needed. Putting my second thoughts aside,my mouth opened and the words flowed out.

"Katie's been ignoring us…well, me and I was just wondering if in that stage where I was about to ask you out, was there just something utterly repulsive about me or my existence?," it came out sarcastically, nonetheless it was the truth. Did I just lack a few brain cells in that department or something? Rachael just looked at me and shook her head with a little smirk creeping onto her face.

"Did you do anything that would've upset her or something?" she chortled.

"I kissed her.." I casually brought up. To my surprise, she didn't look or even sound upset. I've been in this position before, so I can only tell that it was ripping her heart into shreds inside. We may not be together, but that shit still hurts.


"I kissed her..?"

"That's all you did Gare?" she cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah but like, it's been a while and we haven't even talked about it or anything.." I must sound really stupid right now.

"You haven't asked her out, have you?" said Rachael with a hint of disappointment in her tone.

"I never got the chance to -- her brother flew in from England; I wanted to give her some space and quality time before he had to go back"

"Wait…let me get this straight. You kiss her, ignore her for a while and expect things to be back to normal?" she was trying to process everything and hearing it out loud made me feel like a total idiot.

Kinda. "Yeah."

"Garrett, get your head out of your ass. It's not a freaking hat. I was probably too patient when you asked me out. I don't really know what Katie's like when it comes to situations like these, but you can't just leave her hanging like that. It's not a good look and she could easily find someone else in the time you take to go up to her and say 'be my girlfriend'."

My god she had a point. My hand chafed my face in sudden realisation. I can't even believe I was even daft enough to not see this: she was waiting for me to make a move. The next thing I tell Rachael will blow everything out of proportion. I began mentally preparing myself while she went into this rant about how it's not good to keep a girl waiting - regardless of what its about. I was listening at the same time, I don't know how I did, but I managed.

"Whats that next thing?" she said after she took a bite from her salad. The smell of vinegar soon became an overpowering scent but for the sake of the advice I sucked up my pride.

"In study hall Catalina…" Rachael's face when I mentioned Catalina's name changed dramatically, a part of me says that she's been down this road before. "gave me her number and--"

"Tell me you're not gonna call her Garrett" she said subtly.

"I'm not! I didn't even want it to begin with-"

"Garrett Daniel Nickelsen, do you swear on your life?"

"Goddamn it Rachael, yes alright! Yes!"

At that moment, I noticed Josh coming this way. We haven't really spoken since the party and he still thought I wanted to rip his guts out for dating Rach.

"Hey babe," he pecked her on the lips as he placed his tray down. "Garrett" he motioned to fist-pump. I proceeded with the fist-pump and we both exchanged awkward smiles. While I sat there, the two began talking about their plans for the weekend completely disregarding the fact that I was still there. It didn't matter though; I lost all rights for being included when we broke up.

Josh was a good guy; he was in a steady band, he got good grades and he wasn't overbearing. As Rachael finished telling Josh about my dilemma, he gladly offered some of his own advice that I guess would've been valuable if I didn't already get it from Rach.

"Katie…she's a nice chick," he took a sip of his lemonade. "Don't fuck her over because Catalina 'Slut-banger' Whitney wants to hook up with you man. Look what happened to Keith"


"Up top!" Kennedy said. I closed my locker door and slung my backpack over my shoulder in confusion. Reluctantly, I gave him his hi-5. Clad in dark red skinny jeans and a torn grey t-shirt, he looked like a total douche.

"What did I do?," I asked him. I adjusted my headphones so it rested just above my collar bones. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and through force of habit, began rummaging through them. We began walking out of the school; slyly avoiding the cheer squad and band-geeks who were preparing for tomorrow's pep-rally.

"Rumour has it a certain someone got their paws on a hot-ticket item" he snickered; probably enjoying every moment but secretly jealous. It was written all over his smug expression. But fuck! Who else knows about this? I swear if it was Pat..

"Who else knows about that Ken" I stopped suddenly. I leaned against the fence surrounding the school perimeters and waited for the gigantic crowd of people to walk past us before I continued or even allowed him to continue this conversation.

A part of me was glad that no one else was around; Jared's been helping Vee prep for her physics exam claiming John was 'unreliable', Pat was with Halvo for moral support at his job interview at McDonalds, Kennedy was with me and Katie was…I didn't know where Katie was.

"Uh, literally your entire grade plus a bit of mine? Have you been living under a rock or something?"

Apparently so. I guess I learned the hard way that there's really no way you can get through high school without wanting to punch out a few lights. If practically half the school knows; odds are that the others (besides Pat) know a thing or two. Could things get any better?

"By the way, where were you at lunch?"

"With Rachael"

"Why the fuck were you with Rachael?"

"This exact reason. I can't fucking believe everyone knows! I was just getting a girl's advice on how to deal with Katie & Catalina without this happening!"

I began walking faster and faster until I barely saw or even heard Kennedy in plain sight. I needed to think this through. How the fuck did getting the centrefolds' number ruin my life? Was there a sign on my back that read 'Catalina's next victim'? when I roamed through the halls? Was it tattooed on my forehead?

I placed my headphones over my ears and kept the radio on. I couldn't find a single fuck to find a proper song to listen to in this situation, I just had to have something in the background to help me think.
I had to speak to someone and Kennedy was no exception. For someone who's meant to be a good mate and a fellow band member, he's been finding new ways to ruin my life. Trey was in Washington with his girlfriend, so I had to get rid of that option. I turned into that all too familiar street. Normally I passed through this street to get to my place, but now that I saw her hopping off that bus, I wasn't letting her go.

I know I was risking it all, but I needed to speak to Katie and get this shit sorted.
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda liked writing this chapter; I have a rough idea to have this finished soon so there could be a sequel? Only if I get some opinions though!

Who knew Garrett would get advice from..his ex?

long chapter for being patient :)