Status: very much alive

We Could Make It Right

Girls Night

It’s been approximately a few months since my move here to Arizona. John’s been giving me lessons on how to say things the ‘right’ way along with Vee, Halvo told me of the band that Garrett coincidentally told me – The Maine and side projects like Digidino and The Kerosene Kids and Vee dubbed me as her ‘other’ best friend.

But one of the things that stand out more than anything stems on the breakup of Rachael & Garrett. Y’know with them being in the same classes and being in those classes.

To my surprise, all those ‘yeahs’ and answering questions with the shortest of answers became friendship – one of the most unlikely friendships. Me: friends with Rachael Roberts – the ex of someone who’s convinced I hate his guts.

Because Vee & Rachael actually got a long like sisters before the whole breakup, they planned a girls night/sleepover.

Planned being straight after school today.

“What happened to having a band-prac at mine?” John whined as he stood be Vee at her locker.

“Don’t be a little baby,” Vee mused.

“Besides, we always have a practice on Fridays,”

“And?” he questioned as Vee shut her locker and then walked over with John to mine which happened to be on the opposite side to hers. `

“I need a girls night..being around testosterone all the time can be pretty..”

“Horny and annoying ?” I finished for her.


“How do you know that it’s horny and annoying ?” John asked.

“..Dude, I have an older brother”

“Anyway” she continued after that small moment of connection between John & I.

“Last time I checked, Katie’s a girl and so is Rach”

At that moment I was done at my locker and we we’re just about ready to leave the school grounds for that fun filled Friday afternoon. Today, John was walking the two of us home where as the others took a bus back to their’s until he’d call them over for practice.

“You look at their boobs?”

“Yes John because that is the only way you can tell the difference between a boy and a girl”

Vee rolled her eyes saying so.

I slightly rolled my eyes and John must’ve seen. I shrugged it off with a hint of a laugh.

“What? C’mon guy’s cut me some slack here!” he pleaded in so much angst.

“I’m just a guy – I don’t know your girly shit”

“Nah, really John?”

“So does squabbling about the opposite gender happen on a daily basis here or..?” I spoke up.

And the conversation went on like this until we got home. I just couldn’t help but laugh about this whole situation. I didn’t exactly want it to be our main topic of conversation – I don’t think Vee did either. We got inside & Craig was home. Andrew went to a friend’s place and apparently so did Aunt Madelynn.
Craig was in the living room watching NFL, according to Vee he recorded some of the best games and re-watches it when he gets the chance to.

“Hey Dad?!” Vee called out.

“Yes Violetta?” he returned through semi-calling out. If there was something I learned from being in this household – it’s that Vee wasn’t exactly called by this nickname. Which was kinda odd but not something to banter over.

We walked into the living room and Vee did most of the talking. I was fine with that, I usually don’t have a lot to say anyway.

“Katie & I are sleeping over at Rach’s tonight..remember ?”

“Yeah, sure , go , have fun” he said still focused on the tv screen.

“Dad are you even paying attention ?”

“Yes sweetie” ..still focused on screen.

“Watch this” Vee whispered to me.

“Dad I’m pregnant and John’s the father”

“Congratulations sweetheart..”

“And on queue..” she said softly.

“Wait WHAT?!

At that moment we started to run up the stairs giggling like mad. When we reached halfway Vee stated in a sing-song tone “Just kidding daddy! Love you!”.

We finally reached her room and started laughing. After a few seconds it died down, then we snapped back into reality. We packed a few bags for tonight and tomorrow – tomorrow being just the day. We brought a few movies, some nail polish (to add to her collection, apparently), makeup of all sorts , comforters, pillows and the list went on.


Vee had to call John to drop us off at Rachael’s. Her dad..Craig was too caught up in his NFL re-run’s and planning a vendetta against John..if he ever get’s Vee knocked-up that is.

We waited a few minutes before he pulled up on the curb.

“Hey there pretty lady’s”

According to Vee..yet again, John when he wanted to could be such a sweet-talker/flirt. But this time he was keeping it low because this was near Vee’s house and her parents could hunt him down pretty easily if they wanted to.

“Hello..” another voiced joined in , a voice I know all too well.

“Garrett here won’t stop living in the past”

Because the other front seat was occupied, we sat in the backseat’s of his mother’s car flooded with our stuff for the next night + day.

“Shut up”

“Garrett you’ve gotta let it go” Vee spoke.

“I don’t want to..I won’t”

“You can and you will!” John backed her up.

“I need answers though!”

Garrett wouldn’t back down. He was determined to get what he wanted – and if it wasn’t answers , it was Rachael.

After a little while of trying to convince Garrett to let things go, we eventually got to Rachael’s place. Just like Vee’s place, and nearly every other place here in Arizona, it was picture-perfect. Beautiful front garden, long driveway and the front porch was decorated nicely.

“Let me help with your crap” Garrett said leaving no room for arguments. He hopped out of John’s car and helped to unload our bags from the backseat. While he was doing so, I decided that I’d walk up to house and meet up with Rach.

I waited there for less than a few minutes. Straight after, a girl in low-cut short’s and a light blue tank-top welcomed me in with a gracious smile.

“Hey Katie!” she hugged.

“Rachael!” I returned the hug.

“We come baring lot’s of random shit” I laughed

“..and ex-boyfriends”

In the corner of my eye, I saw Vee walking up with Garrett and a few of our bags. I could faintly see that she was trying to speak to him; but with no luck in backing down, Garrett literally walked up to the porch where I was standing with Rachael.

“Have fun girls” was all he said and slightly ran up to John’s car to avoid any further conversation. I can only imagine how awkward this must’ve been for him though.

“Wow” I said silently.


Vee & Katie we’re having this sleepover thing at Rachael’s place this arvo. I still haven’t come to terms with Rachael being friends with Katie and not just Vee. I mean, after all, Katie’s convinced that we both hate each other because of my stupid mouth.

Because of this, it would only be us guy’s at band prac today. Which I can only think to be the oddest shit ever. I mean.. Lauren might be there but I’m not taking any chances.

I can’t explain this feeling. It’s one of the strangest things that I’ve ever come across..ever. A part of me wants to make things right with Katie. I can’t help but think maybe our introduction to each other could of gone better.

Another part of me couldn’t exactly give a fuck about it, she came around at the worst possible time.

And then there’s the fact I don’t even know why my relationship became nothingness with Rach.

What did I do?

Since I found out that John was taking the girls over to her place because her dad won’t take them or some shit, I had to go with him. No questions asked ; blame the adrenaline.
John gave in, but I don’t think that the others; nor Vee would agree to my reasoning of being here.

As expected – they thought it was a bad idea for me to tag along. But I couldn’t exactly give a fuck.

When we pulled up near the curb of her house, a rush of nostalgia ran through my veins.
I opted in helping them remove their shit from the car, opted and done so. I brought it up to the front porch where I had one of my fondest memories, there I dropped their stuff. I saw the two girls standing there. One stood out more than the other.

She was absolutely, stunningly beautiful.
And that’s just Katie.
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It's been forever, I know but I promise I'll try my hardest not to get caught up in other things - I'm on a school break now so there might be more updates!
anyway..what do you think ? :) <3