Status: very much alive

We Could Make It Right


The so called ‘ cell phone’ I borrowed of Craig clearly read in neon-green numbers 1:20am. I normally wouldn’t have a problem being up this late, don’t get me wrong – I did this in England multiple times with my cousin Alicia. But 1. I was as tired as hell and 2. The fact Vee’s parents didn’t know we were here and supposedly still at Rachael’s place made paranoia fill my brain.

Soon enough, Cameron & Josh were destroying all evidence of partying so we were left with the dirty work in finding our own way home. With strangers crashing in his guest room (unbeknownst to Josh, but only Cameron & I), even if we tried we couldn’t stay over at their place.

“Guys, me and Jared’s gonna take Kenny home, he’s kinda not fit enough to drive and we all live somewhat close to each other…so uhh, we’ll see you guys Monday?” Pat informed us whilst stuttering slightly.

“I’m perfectly…fine” Kenny said looking nowhere near sober. “You believe me, right Katester?” he said resting an arm on my shoulder.

“He said Katester, he’s definitely drunk” Vee laughed. Apparently, the guys have different forms of showing their drunk; Kennedy will blurt out different things and give nicknames he’ll deny the next day, John does just about anything to anyone & Jared becomes all mellow. Pat claimed that because he was underage, both he and Garrett didn’t dream of drinking anything or doing anything that they’d regret the next day. Being underage, that didn’t stop John & Kennedy now didn’t it ?

“Fuck, like Johns any better” Garrett said out of the blue taking out his phone and checking it for the fourth (and counting) time within the past 2 minutes. “He’s gonna regret drinking that much in a few hours, believe me guys”.

Not knowing to do in this sort of situation, I gave a little laugh to symbolise that I somewhat agreed with what he was saying, well, mainly because Vee was doing it.

It was true, just as well as Kenny, even Vee suspected that her other best friend would’ve drank a beer or two. By this time, Jared & Pat left with Kennedy hanging on with one shoulder on each guy. It was about at the half-way mark to Jared’s car when he started to speak.

“Katie, speak to Gare— oh and you look hot in that dress—“ at that point he was shoved into the car but he rolled down the window and yelled out ‘WOOO!’ as the car sped off into the distance.

“..And queue John’s drunken-moment” Vee slightly whispered, but loud enough for me to hear her saying so. “Vee, sweetheart, did I ever tell you that I love you more than anything in the world?” he said all in a breath.

“Yes John, last band practice, Xander’s party a few weeks back –” and that’s where I left them to go on with their reminiscing over past-drunk confessions which could’ve been completely bluff or totally honest.

I turned around and faced Garrett. I didn’t notice it at first, but from the last time I saw him, he’s dyed his hair from that extreme-emo black to this auburn-color. The style of cut straight away drew me to Ryan Adams; his hair was practically a mirror image. Quite the attraction.. for girls who like this sort of stuff. I stared at him for a good 10 seconds before I decided to start the conversation Kenny wanted so badly for me to do. I eventually got a grasp on reality and started to talk, well after the words finally decided to escape my mouth.

“Hey” we both said simultaneously then chuckled straight after for saying it at the same time.

“ I did—“ we both said at the same time.

“You first” I told him. Instead of him fighting off the invitation to speak first, he accepted it and began to speak.

“I don’t know what Kenny was talking about,” he chuckled. “But hey, if it’s cool with you I’d like to propose something..”

“Uh, sure I guess”

Really Katie, really ?

His hand was now in that hand-shake gesture, me not knowing what to do in a situation like this, returned the favour by shaking it. I then noticed that my head had automatically tilted because I had no idea in hell what I was doing.



“I’m Garrett, or Gare and I’d like to thank you for getting me through tonight.. well, last night” he smirked.

“I’m Katelynn, or Katie and you’re welcome” I nervously giggled, something I’ve noticed is that whenever I’m nervous I giggle like I did when I was 8 years old.

The tension had died down a little bit; something I was more than thankful for. It seemed like for the first time, we were finally getting along without some type of fight or argument breaking out, it was one of the best feelings I could ever get.


“Yeah ?,”

“Did you wanna start over or something ? I didn’t exactly think that when I met you I’d be so sour and shit.. it’s cool if you don’t want to .. I guess”

I felt a little bit shocked as to what I was hearing, a part of me felt like I wanted to be a little kid again and play a trick on him and the other was thinking ‘okay, what’s going on..’. I decided that I shouldn’t do any of those and just carry on like a normal person. I think that the atmosphere from the party earlier had somehow got to me, like a weight lifted off of me, but I didn’t know what that weight was.

“Garrett I’d—”
“John, no, you’re drunk!” We heard Vee yell in angst.

Through automatic instinct, we ran over to the two. Garrett took a hold on John where as I held on to Vee with dear life. According to Vee’s little whisper, the drunken John tried to come on to her like he did many times before; it often ended in little heart-aches so she tried to avoid these at all costs.

“Gare, let go bro!” John squirmed.

“Nada, Vee – maybe we should start heading back,”

“But we can’t go back to mine – my parents think I’m still at Rachael’s!” she spoke a little bit higher than a whisper, but not exactly talking aloud. I saw Garrett cringed at hearing her name but avoided making a scene out of it.

“You guys can crash at mine, my folks shouldn't mind,” he spoke just after he hesitated for a few seconds.

“My dad’s gonna kill you, you know that Nickelsen?”

“It’s a risk I’m taking, Stephenson, you can either take the offer now or have your parents wondering why you’re at a guy’s place that they don’t even know” he said all in a single breath, leaving me speechless and Vee as quiet as can be.

Minutes later, we reached the car that John drove on the way here. Since Garrett was the eldest out of Vee, him & I; he opted in driving back to his place. “Are you sure you wanna drive this thing?” Vee asked.

“We have no other way.”

Vee sat in the passenger seat where as I had the pleasure of being seated in one of the shortest dresses ever; next to John. We were minutes into driving when John started to speak.

“You know Katie, you have beautiful legs,”

“Thank you John.. I guess” I laughed.

“No really, they’re just so long and smooth and –” then he fell asleep. To my luck, right on my thighs, leaving Garrett & Vee laughing.

Soon enough, we arrived at the Nickelsen residence. He parked the car on the side of the curb and then we spent the next few minutes trying to get John out of the car without making a sound to disturb the neighbours, more importantly, Garrett’s mom and dad.

We walked into the pitch black living room and relied on voices to guide us. A few seconds later, Vee found the light switch and the room was instantly lit.

“I’ll stay in the basement with John, y’know to make sure he doesn’t do anything he’ll regret” Garrett implied before he gave instructions for Vee & I.

“No!” Vee convinced, “He’ll get all aggravated if you’re there and he won’t be as hesitance to hear the truth from me.”

“Whatever” he replied for leading the two to the basement.

“Gare, that’s you right?” a male voice which didn’t sound too much older spoke out from the top of the stairs that lead to all the bedrooms.

“Yeah, we just got back from the show and a few friends are staying, Trey just go back to bed and don’t tell mom”

Because that was all said in a rushed tone, I don’t think ‘Trey’ completely understood in his sleepy state. “Sure, whatever”. Then footsteps were heard until a door was shut firmly.

As we passed the light switch, he flicked it onto the off position and then he spoke.“Come with me” Garrett said leading me up the stairs slowly to ensure his parents wouldn’t wake up or anything major would happen. He opened a door and we walked in.

“You can take the bed, I’ll just sleep on the floor.”

"Thanks" I replied.

He then moved this wardrobe and pulled out a sleeping bag & a pair of pyjamas.

“Here” he said chucking over the clothes to me. “I’ll save you the third comment” he laughed softly before giving me a tiny wink.

“There’s a bathroom down the hall to the right, I know how you girls like your privacy,”

“Thanks again” I smiled. "Hey Gare?,"



“Yes.. what’s the yes for?,”

“I’d like to start over.” After saying so, firstly, a smile crept onto his face and then I left the room to get changed into the pair of boxer shorts and bed shirt that sat loosely on top of my hour-glass frame. I took my hair out of it’s state from the party and tied it into a loose bun. I walked back into the room and he was stripped down to his boxers and was already on the floor, trying to fall asleep.
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phew! finally updated. Comment pretty please with a cherry on top? :) I finally got the inspiration for this story and this is a long chapter! give a girl some love :3
take care lovelies <3