Status: very much alive

We Could Make It Right

Lady Friend


There she is, laying on my bed. Any normal guy would take advantage of having a girl in their room. Not me, I just gained her trust; or so I think so anyway. There she is, laying so humble and peaceful and my goodness, just look at her.

We got home from the part a few hours ago. It’s now 3am and I still haven’t fallen asleep. Amazed and shocked that she’s giving me a chance at friendship. I’m normally not a wuss, nor am I up myself. Well, I’d like to think that anyway.

My room is pitch black, the minimal sounds are of Katie, making those little noises as she sleeps. All I can think about is how Trey’s gonna react when he sees a girl in my bed. He’ll either be like
“Gare, who’s your lady friend?” or “aren’t you a little young to be having girls in your room ?”. Out of the two, I’d rather the first one any day.

Hours have passed, and I haven’t fallen asleep, not even a wink. I guess it was just one of those nights. A good night, never the less.
I got out of my room, making sure the door shut quietly insuring that Katie didn’t wake up. I didn’t want to disturb her, I don’t know whether or not she’s a morning person.
I went downstairs and was automatically drawn to a note on the table. There was no need to switch on a light to see the note, the sun was partially showing through the semi-closed venetian blinds.

Garrett , Trey – we’re visiting Aunt Mel and James, we’ll be back in a few hours. There’s $80 in the kitchen, use it wisely. That money should last you a few hours; at least until we get back from Albuquerque. So that’s why we left early. Take care of yourselves, don’t damage the house, I’d only like to pay bills – not damage repairs.
P.S ; Gare – let me know how the show went when we get back.
Your mom says she loves you guys.

Just my luck.


The sun was seething through the slightly open blinds bringing in little rays of light into the room. A faded-yellow blanket was comfortably placed around my average frame – I don’t honestly remember falling asleep with one around me, but I didn’t mind. My head rested firmly on a pillow which had a familiar scent to it, something I couldn’t quite grasp. The light had finally reached my side of the room, leaving me rubbing my eyes and yawning at the same time. I looked around the room, which I might add was the average size for a suburban house, but there was something about it that I adored. It could’ve possibly been the roomy-feel to it, but I guess I don’t know for sure.

“You let Katie sleep on your bed?” a familiar female voice comprehended.

“Where else would I leave her Vee? My parents would’ve screamed ‘intruder!’ or some shit,”

“You better hope she’s okay or I’m gonna kill your ass, alright Gare?,”

“God Vee, you’re such a bitch,”

“Sue me, she’s my best friend, my mother trust’s me with her life for fucks sake!”

I blocked out the little fight by placing the pillow over my head. A few minutes later; which I might add only felt like a second, I heard the twisting of the door-knob. I pretended to be fully asleep and to my luck, it actually worked.

“See Vee, she’s fine,”

“She’s asleep, Garrett”

“Like I said, she's fine”

A little smile crept onto my face, luckily the pillow was covering it so they couldn’t see it happening before their eyes.

I fell back asleep for what felt like hours, when I woke up –that female voice was no longer around, so I suspect Vee already went home and my head was throbbing like there was no tomorrow. I couldn’t get out of bed for the life of me. I stared at the alarm clock which read 11:32am.Why am I even alive? I thought aloud.

I heard the door-knob shaking and laid there helplessly. “Katie?” the familiar voice lingered.

“What?” I mumbled.

The blurry, but familiar frame sat on the bed. “Time to get up!” a lukewarm hand patted my thigh which I didn’t even know was exposed out of the blanket.

“No!” I groaned.



“Because I said so and I always get what I want” he replied too smugly.

“Oh, is that so Garrett? For your information I’m not feeling well”

“Poor you, I’ll get you some paracetamol or some shit,,”

“Not this time pretty boy,”

“Oh really now” he replied as a grin crept onto his face. “I’ll tickle you,”

“You wouldn’t”

“What are friends for ?” he laughed, but the laugh slowly turning into a cheeky smile.

I felt a weight on top of me, hands all over the visible part of my body, trying to find my weak
spot. “Garrett get off of me!” I screamed with a hint of a laugh. His hands were at either side of my body. All of a sudden I felt this tingling the pit of my stomach, I couldn’t quite explain how wrong it felt – but a part of it felt so right. This..this isn't right

“Whoa! Down boy!” a boy with lighter, longer hair stood at the door which was consequently open.

“Trey uh.. didn’t see you there”

“Nah shit, Gare” he chuckled, leaving me in such an awkward state. “So, who’s your lady friend?”
He got off of me and helped me up. “Oh and she’s wearing your clothes, Garrett – I’m impressed”

“Why do you assume that I’ve slept with her?,”

“I just hope for your sake you used protection Gare,”

“Anyway..” I excused myself , picking up my clothes from last night off of the bed. I walked pass Trey and into the bathroom so I could fix myself up. “Nice meeting you, Trey” I yelled out as I got inside.

“So, you’re going to tell me who she is yet or ?..”
“Vee’s best friend Katie”


“Someone’s in a good mood this morning” I mused as Vee and I sat for breakfast.

“I’m fucking fantastic Katelynn” she smiled, not particulary caring that she cussed in her home
whilst her parents were around. Luckily they weren’t in the room though.

“Why are we so happy ?,”

“Keith, Keith Brennan from our lunch period – he asked me out!”

“Who asked you out Violetta ?, it better not have been that John kid, you know how I feel about him being older than you” her father said as he walked into the kitchen area. “Better yet, no one should’ve asked you out, you’re not a tram—“

“Dad! It’s fine, you’ve nothing to worry about .. besides its not John” she spoke just under a whisper, sounding a tiny bit disappointed, but she knew what was right at this time.

“Look, I just don’t want anyone taking advantage of my little girl” he replied, giving her one of the biggest hugs I’ve ever seen. Watching all this happening from my end of the dinner table, I just ate my cereal and put on the biggest fake smile.

As we got on the bus, Vee didn’t exactly care that John couldn’t find his keys. She looked happy, but not the type of happy that was convincing enough. She sat with Keith and his friends on the way to school this morning, I sat with John and Halvo. I’d be lying if I said things weren’t that awkward.

“Can you believe this?” John sadistically pointed out from at least 6 rows behind the two. “Acting all ‘lovey-dovey’ and shit”

“I kn—”

“It’s sickening. Katie, it’s sickening,”

“I think someone’s a little jealous of a sophomore..” Halvo spoke up, to my surprise.

“Me? Jealous of a sophomore? Fuck no,”

“Then will you shut up about it, my god, John just let her be happy,”

“Happy? She’s happy with me and Katie and you and the others,”

“She can only be happy for so long” I finally said after having enough of the two fighting over how happy Vee was with Keith.

God help me, please.
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i love you guys so here's a new chapter
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