My Story

Chapter one : The living nightmare begins

I don't really remember what happened that day, I knew it was bad but I wish it didn't come to this.

It was a lovely day, the rain had finally eased up and i'd just gotten home from reffereeing a junior Netball game. I'd made a few wrong calls but that wasn't going to let it ruin my day, afterall I couldn't change them now. I was sitting outside on the freshly mown grass watching my strings performance from the night before as my parents were at a conference for the weekend and my little brother was at his friends place, I was at home alone, freedom. I was looking across the road at one of the girls in the team I just refereed shooting some hoops, she was a pretty amazing shooter. I decided that she might want some help so went and joined her. I'd known Emmie since she started school, afterall she was in my brothers grade and I was in her older brothers primary graduating class. We stood there for a while shooting and talking club tactics until we heard some drunk yells from behind us. It was her drunken brother. He was a very thick set guy, very dirty. He'd been drinking after his baseball game with his mates again, it was obvious but this time he was different. He threatened to rape emmie as he told her she was a little slut and deserved dick in her. All I remember was him running at her with the bat and her screaming and then blackness....