My Story

Chapter Two: The Realisation

I woke up later on, bruised and sore. I was being lifted into an ambulance and quickly caught a glimps of Emmies brother Utah being escorted into a police car. I couldn't remember what happened, all I could think of was darkness. I looked down at my body, I was bright red and bruised but that wasn't the only difference. My uniform was torn and my skirt missing, I was bleeding on my back from gravel rash. I asked the doctor what had happened and he just looked at me with a sorrow look on his face. I was confused. That trip to hospital seemed to take forever,I just couldn't remember what had happened from when I blanked out, what had happened? We arrived at the hospital, Emmies mum was there, she was balling her eyes out and Emmie was aswell. I asked her what happened, she explained but I couldn't understand her sobbing words, I knew it was bad. As I was transferred into fresh clothes I asked the nurse what happened, finally an answer. She sat me down on my bed and explained what had happened.
She said I was hit over the temple with the baseball bat and fell to the ground. Emmie had run off at this point but her brother took me and lay me on the gravel path, out of public sight and tore my skirt off. She said that I would be angry by the next bit and by gosh she was right. She explained that when they got there I was lying, naked bottom half underneath Utah. He had raped me. I immediatly broke into tears, I'd lost my virginity to a drunk. Time had stopped.
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sorry the chapters are so short but most detail is being left out.