My Story

Chapter Three: The scan

I was in hospital that night, I barely slept I was crying to much. I sat there on the phone to my friend and former boyfriend TJ, he was crying too. That morning he showed up at the hospital, sleepless and crying. He brought me roses, and asked me if he could stay for the ultrasound which would determine charges. I went in for the scans, and there on the screen was a second heartbeat. I brokedown right then and there, my life seemed worthless. There was no way I could care for an unwante child and study my year eleven courses at the same time. I decided to give it up before it grew any bigger and planned an abortion the next weekend.
TJ and I walked back to my ward. We were both upset, I didn't realise how much he meant to me still until that day. He was always there for me, holding my hand. We sat beck down in the ward and talked about it for a bit until it was silent and at that moment he gently grabbed my hand and kissed me like he use to. I wish I could have enjoyed it again, but the tears gave it a salty taste. The nurse walked in and said I had a very important visitor. It was the police and my mum, shed flown back from Townsville to see me before her speech. She was angry, I could see it in her eyes and so could TJ. The policeman sat down and spoke every so gently, it was bad news. He explained that they had a house call as there was no answer at Utahs dads place and the broke in to see what was going on. It was then my heart sank to her that the guy who'd raped me and took my virginity took his own life.