Status: Done...

Every day


There he was. At the playground that I took my brother to almost every day when we were little. The young boy had to be about 9, but that made me even more excited. I know I’m a sick man, but you can’t blame me for preying on young boys. I’m 23 year old Gerard Way, and currently I was obsessed with the boy on the swings every day at 2pm.

Every day, at the same time, on the same bench, I sit and watch this young boy. Every day at 2 pm he’s on the same swing, just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing! Yet he drove me crazy. I found myself picturing his sweet innocent face every time I had a ‘personal’ moment. It was him washing me in the shower. It was him sliding his small, delicate inexperienced hands along my shaft. And it was him that I was currently in the park painting. Don’t get me wrong, I know what I do is sick, yet to me it seems so right! I don’t even know his name, but this child, this precious child with the hazel eyes had to be mine. Now if only I knew how to get him.

Alright yeah I could try some really old, perverted tricks like offering him candy or money, but just because I have these sick thoughts does not mean I’ll lower myself to those sick tactics! I don’t understand why young children arouse me; they just attract me like moths to a flame! A very sweet, innocent flame that attracts the filthiest, most undeserving moths, but I want to be this boy’s moth. He looked up, catching my gaze for a moment before leaving his spot to go what I assume to be home. I sometimes wonder if I should just follow him home and see what I can do from there. He knows me, I know it. We have this encounter every day. 1:30- Gerard sits and waits 2-Young boy sits at swings 2 until 5-Gerard fantasizes about what he wants to do to this boy as the boy just sits there. 5-Boy stares at Gerard then leaves.

He knows I’m there watching, every day no matter what the weather is like, and the boy comes too, despite the weather. It’s like our own personal date type thing, except I wouldn’t dare approach this boy, not yet. I’m dying to know this boy’s name and I will eventually! I quickly gather my things together and head home to my one bedroom apartment. It’s a short walk and before I know it, I’m throwing my things on top of my coach and collapsing on my bed. I squeeze my eyes shut and just think about my black haired, bone skinny baby boy. Yes, he’s my baby because he’s nothing but that, a mere baby exposed to the world of dirty fuckers that just crave every inch of him for their guilt pleasure. I get up reluctantly and begin to gather the thing for tomorrow’s lesson.

Yes, I’m that dirty of a fucker to sink so low because I am a teacher. Not just any teacher either, a kindergarten teacher that eyes the many kids who walk in and out every day. I wouldn’t dare touch them though; I’m smarter than that because all I want is my baby boy. My baby and nothing, nor no one more.
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Okay, this story isn't what everyone is use to from me. Ever damn chapter is super short and i don't like the shortness, but I honestly think this story is 10x's better then my other (even if it is creepy!) comment... I LOVE YOU!!!
