Status: Done...

Every day


Today was no different; he arrived at his usual time and sat as his usual swing. Every day he shocked me more and more because I didn’t understand him. He never smiled and wore the same expression and posture as the days before, as if he did it because he knew I painted him. I looked at my phone and realized there was only about 20 minutes left before my precious baby would go. I saddened, but continued to paint him. I really took enjoyment in painting him, because I had living proof of every feature of his I loved. For being 9 he was very toned. His pale skin was florescent under his dark black hair and the way his skin was flawless, showed me that he was cared for very well, he was loved. I’m sure everyone that met him instant fell in love with the boy unknown to me still. I was shocked out of my mind as a present and intoxicating smell came over me. It smelled like vanilla and chocolate, a smell only belonging to a child. I smiled and opened my eyes shocked to see my baby boy smiling up at me. He was closer up and I could see the black eyeliner adorning his eyes and the white glimmer shining from his small baby teeth.

“Hello Gerard, I’m Frankie. Frankie Iero.” Frankie. My Frankie Baby. I looked at him shocked because not only should he not be talking to me, he also shouldn’t be giving me this information. I go to speak, but am cut off by the young boy again. “I know what people say about you, but people are assholes. Jealous assholes.” I stared at the boy then slowly found my voice to talk.

“Such a vocabulary for such a young boy,” I said huskily, trying to push the dirty thoughts away from my head. “Shouldn’t you be going home know Frankie? You’re mommy and daddy will be worried if you don’t show up.”

“I’m not young,” he huffed at me. “I’d have you know that I’m 12, nearly a teenager! And my mom and dad don’t control me, I’m one badass motherfucker who does what he wants, and right now, I want to stay here and talk to you Gerard.” I looked at this kid and knew that nothing was going to run as smoothly as I had planned tonight, I had to get out of this situation soon or he and I both would be in serious trouble.

“Well Frankie, why you would you want to do that?” He looked me straight in the eyes and shocked with his next chosen words.

“Because Gerard, I want you, and don’t bullshit me. I know you want me too so just take me, please!”

“F-frankie,” I stuttered, but couldn’t find a reason to stop.

“No one would notice! I told my parents I’d be over at Brendon’s tonight; they don’t expect me back until tomorrow night. Please Gerard just take me right now! You could paint me some more, or we could have some fun.” I had tried squeezing my eyes shut earlier hoping I’d find some new found strength to resist the only thing I’ve want for months now, but the way he was running his small child hands up my leg wasn’t helping. I hissed and moaned at the touch, knowing I couldn’t stop myself any longer, so I gave in.

“Fuck, let’s go. In the car now,” I hissed to a wide-eyed Frankie. He recomposed his posture and got up giddy-like. I watched to make sure no one saw me take this child, but all those fantasizes I’ve had about this child, was going to come true tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment:) ILY!
