Status: One shots

Fly Me Away

Take Me Away, My Sweet Escape

The balloon release was one of the most looked forward to events in Mariana's small town. Mariana had been watching the balloon release for 11 years ever since she was 7 years old, her whole year was spent looking forward to it. She gazed up at the sky, watching the hundreds of balloons with the town's people's wishes tied to their strings fly away. Mariana wished she could fly away with them. She wished she could fly to somewhere more exciting than her little hometown. She wanted excitement, adventure, and that was just what she was about to get.

A hand on her shoulder made her jump, she turned and was looking into the face of the startlingly handsome newcomer in town, Aidan Martin. Mariana blushed, thinking about his handsome face. As if he could read her mind, Aidan smiled knowingly.

"Hey. Mariana, right?" He asked with a boyish grin. She blushed redder.

He knows my name? She thought to herself.

"Yeah, Aidan right?" She asked, knowing full well what his name was.

"Yup, so, wanna get out of here? I know this beautiful place on the mountain," he said hopefully.

Mariana hesitated.. Her father and mother would wonder where she was and worry, it was almost dark. But the thought of spending time with Aidan was way too tempting. She bit her lip and stared at him watching the balloons waiting for her answer. She tapped his shoulder, when he looked at her she nodded her answer.

"Great! Let's go!" he exclaimed happily and grabbed her hand, dragging her to his truck. She squeaked as he stopped suddenly and she ran into him.

"You don't talk much do ya?" he asked teasingly.

Mariana shook her head, "Not so much. There's hardly ever any reason to talk."
He made a disapproving sound and opened the truck door for her.

"Hop in gorgeous!" he said and ran around to the other side.

Mariana shook her head smiling and got in. She rolled down the window as he started the truck and let the cool breeze ruffle her long light brown hair. She glanced over at Aidan and smiled.

He's so cute when he drives, he's adorable in general. I don't even know how old he is. Hmm...

"So Aidan, uhm, wierd question.. How old are you?" Mariana asked averting her eyes from his face.


"What's your favorite color?"

"Green" Like your eyes he thought

"Favorite number?"


“Favorite place in the world..”

“There’s this little town in Texas. It’s so beautiful. And the most beautiful girl in the world lives there. She has eyes like the greenest grass in the summer, but in the winter, they’re ice blue. Her hair is long, thick and reddish brown. She has the pinkest lips I’ve ever seen and every time I look at them, I just want to kiss her..”

Mariana looked at him shocked and hurt. He had been describing her, or at least that’s what it sounded like.. She cleared her head of these thoughts, it couldn’t possibly be her.


"We're here.." He interrupted her.

They got out of the truck and Mariana gasped. They were at the top of the mountain looking down on the little town. The townspeople were still releasing balloons and Mariana could read some of the wishes.

I want to be pretty

I want daddy to come home

I wish I was perfect

I want to be loved

I wish he would stop hitting me..

I wish mommy would stop drinking.

I want to be loved.

Mariana read some of the wishes and wanted to cry. Everyone was so unhappy. Mariana cried harder, thinking of her own unhappiness and how she wished she could leave. She cried for her father, her mother, her baby brother and herself.

Aidan noticed her crying and took her into his arms.

"Why are you crying? I thought you'd like it up here, I'm sorry.." he said.

"It's not this place, it's this town, I want to get out. I can't stand it.. Everyone's so happy on the outside but then secretly they're not. Even me..” she explained shakily.

"I'll be right back.." he said and went to his truck to get his guitar from the back.

"I wanna sing you something I wrote, it's about you." he said with his boyish grin, blushing.

“When I look into your eyes
I see the brightest blue skies
When my world is gray
You come along and brighten up my day
You’re my one,
My only
The perfect girl for me.
My eyes were closed,
But now I see.
I need you in my life.
I wanna be with you for the rest of it.”

His voice was heaven, the lyrics fit her perfectly. She smiled and laughed.

"I love you Mariana," he whispered at the end.
"I love you too."

He took her into his arms and gave her the sweetest kiss she ever experienced.
They laid down on a blanket and watched the stars peacefully, enjoying one another's presence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thinking about making this into a story? Yes..?

**821 words**

Picture: Click me! :)
Contest: I'm Frozen Still's Pick Your Poison