The Pay Back

Chapter 1

Let me start with describing myself first. I’m Mark, blond with sea blue eyes. I have a baby face or the face of an angel as they say. And I was blessed with a tongue that knew exactly what to say to get what I want. I work out a lot so I’m quiet fit. All of the characteristics I need to achieve my goals no matter how bad or good they are. The meaning of good or bad itself differs between me and the rest of the world, the difference of the moon and sun, but of course I’m the one who is right. The people around me are the one who don’t understand me. Maybe because I never gave them the chance to try to understand me or might be because they can’t see behind my angelic face. But that’s still their own fault, isn’t it? They are the ones who don’t try hard enough. But that’s good enough for me. It serves me well enough the way things are right now and I don’t have any reason to think they’ll change any time soon. Why change what doesn’t need to be changed?
I’m an only child, thus getting all the attention from my parents. But they never spared each other some of that attention. They were always fighting, and by always I mean ALWAYS. When dad was heading to work, when he gets back from work, on the dinner table, everywhere and anywhere. It makes me think twice before going out with them anywhere. When I was 10 my father got me the iPod I had begged for. No not begged, I never beg anyone; I only ask and get what I asked for.anf from that day I’m either out with friends or hiding in my room with my iPod plugged into my ear to drown out my parents voices. Whenever dad is out mom would keep telling me how bad he treats her and vice versa. The seed they planted in me started to grow and before long I hated both of them. But of course I never showed that. I’d soothe mom and agree with dad and both of them end up believing that I was with them against the other.
I remember when I was about 8 I asked both of them individually one day why they got married and the answers I got just confirmed what I already knew. They were forced to get married to each other. Dad has gotten her pregnant with me and her father was a lawyer who threatened to put him behind bars for rape if he didn’t marry her. And mom, she had the dreams of being an actress, she looked the part too. I took the innocent looks from her so you can see hoe having a baby didn’t fit in. I once heard her say that she had the intentions of giving me up for adoption and going to pursue her dreams but her dad threatened to disown her and cut her off his fortune if she did. She feels that its dad’s fault and she never forgave him for it. I didn’t really care but I can’t show that, it would’ve messed up my chances of getting what I want of them.
Growing up I found out that the way into their hearts was to share and indulge what they loved most, watching the football games with dad and knowing exactly the comments to say and always taking photographs of mom and telling her how beautiful she is seemed to do the trick. Dad loved nothing more than his treasured football matches, and mom loved to be complimented on her looks and being behind the camera. Mom would act out for me the bedtime stories and I’ll clap for her and tell her how beautiful she acts. She’d get this huge grin on her face and tell me how adorable I am and how I’m the only one who appreciates her talents. On the other hand, dad would take me to teach me football and explains the rules. I always listened intently and by time I mastered football always telling him that he would have been a great player if he had continued. He’d throw me up in the air and tell me that I will be a well known person one day and that I’ll make him proud of me.
One day I got the shock of my life. It was before my 9th birthday and I was sitting in my room reading when my parents came in. I glued a smile on my face and hugged them both. Mom told me they have some news to tell me and I don’t know why I started to get nervous. Then mom said the words that changed my life forever, “you’re getting a little sister or brother”. I knew instantly I wasn’t going to like that. A baby meant sharing everything. I’d have to share my room, my parents’ attention, even the things that my parents get me. All of which didn’t sound so good. I knew that I’ll have to do something about it. So I started planning my road into the darker part of life.
I decided that if mom had an “accidental” miscarriage all my problems will be solved but accidents have to be prepared. Some liquid soap can do the trick, but where would be the best place? I decided on the stairs would be sure to get rid of the unwanted creature. A while later I heard a thud and ran out with a scared look on my face but to my disappointment it was the maid not my mother. But I quickly recovered from my disappointment and used the chance to get rid of the maid whom I never liked. I started shouting at her, “How can you be that careless? Do you want to hurt mom?” and I burst into forced tears. Mom saw what happened and took my in her arms to comfort me and from that moment the maid was never seen again. There were several other accidents like that but it seemed like there was a power guarding the baby. Nothing I ever did hurt it but the good thing that I always got out of it the same way I did the first time which always ended with either mom or dad comforting me and earning me the title sensitive.
I hated the 9 months of mom’s pregnancy, she was always tired and she was getting fat and didn’t look pretty anymore more. I tried to convince her to give up the baby or abort it since it was making her feel bad but she never seemed to want to give that baby up like she wanted to do with me. All the reasons for me to hate her more. Even dad seemed to be getting along with her. They fought less and he always seemed to be running from somewhere to the other to get her what she asked for. The baby wasn’t born yet but already messing with the life I knew. Then it happened. I remember the day clearly as if it was just yesterday. Mom was getting huge and she was lying in bed (as usual) and I walked up to her and said, “Mom you’re getting huge,” before I knew what happened her hand has came in contact with my cheek hard sending my flying and hitting my head on the wall. That was the first and last time one of my parents hit me. They tried to make it up to me by buying me a new mobile phone but I never forgot that slap or ever forgave her for it. I swore to myself that I will make her pay for it.