The Pay Back

Chapter 2

The little girl they call my sister was born on a rainy day and for the first time I didn’t have to act to be nervous. I really was nervous but not for the reasons they thought I were. No I was nervous at the prospect of what awaited me. My dad was trying to comfort me telling me that my mom will be alright and that she’ll make it through like she did before with me. But it wasn’t mom I was worried about; I was worried about what awaited me with a noisy baby coming home. After a long time that could’ve been a few hours but felt like centuries to me she was born. Dad took me to see my mom and she was sleeping so he took me to see “her”. Dad kept saying how cute she was but I thought she was ugly, all red and so small. If she thought she will be able to turn my life upside down then she is wrong and she has to suffer for it.
Mom got home the next day and she and dad were fussing over that thing. No matter how much I tried I couldn’t bring myself to call it my sister. I don’t want anyone else at home. And I certainly wouldn’t let them put her in my room. I need my sleep and that thing was too noisy. It won’t stop crying. After a few excuses about me having to get up early for school it was decided that the cot will be in my parents’ room till they empty the storage room and make it into a nursery. For once I couldn’t wait till I go to school in the morning just to get away from that constant crying. It was giving me a headache! How can people love such creatures? I went to my room but even my iPod didn’t drown out awful melody. I decided to go for a walk.
I was sitting in the playground area during lunch the next day eating with my friends when a senior guy thought he can bully me and get away with it. I was still mad about that thing at home and before I knew my hand had made contact with his face and I heard a crack. But that didn’t stop me. By the time I was finished with him he had a black eye and a broken jaw and nose. When I looked up I saw the headmistress coming our way. As I was looking the senior guy punched me and I fell backwards with a bloody lip. We were both taken to the office and I looked down at my feet and started saying how that senior guy said bad things about my parents and my eyes dampened, after a sigh I decided to look up at my principle with my angelic face and to my satisfaction she fell for it. I started rambling about how I should be punished and expelled and so on but she stopped me and walked around her desk to pat me on the head and tell me not to do it again. I walked out with a triumphant grin. By the end of the day I heard that the senior guy had been suspended for 3 days for using bad words in school.
That was the beginning of my expeditions in school. I did whatever I wanted and blame it on someone else. I’d steal from someone and put the money in someone else’s bag and they’ll start the fight. I get in a few punches before pulling them away just in time for the principle to see that I’m ending the fight. I’d tear the homework of a classmate and put it in the bag of the other. I loved disturbing the peace. Seeing others blamed for my actions was my passion. But there were two people I haven’t got even with yet: my mother, and her daughter.
That thing was nearly 5 months old now and she was able to sit for a few minutes. When I walked in from school mom was holding it and cooking. When she saw me she told me to hold that thing so that she can finish lunch quickly because my dad had came home early today from work and he was hungry. It was wiggling trying to get to my mother and I saw the perfect chance to get rid of all my problems. I started cooing and telling that thing to calm down or she’ll fall. But of course it didn’t stop and little by little my hands started to slip and down went my baby sister. I plastered a look of horror on my face as that thing fell to the ground even though inside I was rejoicing. Everything was quiet for a moment but then my mom started screaming and my dad came running. Mom ran to that thing and picked her up and she and dad rushed to the car. I ran after them apologizing but when they had their back to I couldn’t stop the grin that appeared on my face.
We rushed to the hospital. My mother was covered in that creature’s blood but I found the sight quite satisfying. But I had to be near hysterical, at least in tears. I forced my tears down and by the time that thing was in the ER I had managed to start sobbing. My dad was soothing me as he held my mother. After a while the doctor came out to say that it will be fine, but they’ll be keeping it for till the next day under observation. Its forehead had to be stitched though. I was shocked. After that fall and it’s still alive? The shock brought fresh tears to my eyes. Tears of disappointment which my parents understood to be tears of joy. I couldn’t believe it. I failed and I will still have to deal with it at home. Well at least I’ll have a peaceful night tonight thinking about the scar it’ll have to carry around. Now that was a pleasant thought which brought a smile to my lips.
A few weeks later I found myself going out for a walk to leave the house. The attention that my parents put on that thing sickened me. I just had to get away. I couldn’t stand it. My parents thought that my refusal to hold her was fear of it falling again while in fact it was repulsion that kept me away from it. It was 6 months now and quiet stronger. I walked in and I found my mom bathing that thing and I had a great idea I just had to try. I dialed the home phone on my cell phone and went in told mom to go answer and I’ll finish the bath. She hesitated but as the phone kept ringing she left the thing with me. I grinned and the thing smiled back at me which repulsed me. I forced myself to touch it and little by little that thing was wriggling under the water. I laughed to myself as its face went white then shades of blue but suddenly I heard my mom outside the bathroom so I reluctantly had to pull the thing out of the water before my mom discovered. It gasped in air as soon as its face was out of the water. I had to carry her to hide its face from my mother. I started wrapping the towel around it until its face went back to its normal color. I gave it to my mother and went out. I could it coughing out water but even that couldn’t lift my mood. I was so disappointment. It had survived twice like it did while it was trespassing on my mother’s stomach. But one day it won’t.
By now you must think I’m mean, but I'm not. I'm just fighting for what’s rightfully mine. This is my house and I like it quiet, I don’t want the constant crying and whining. Those are my parents; their attention should be on me. The thing they buy should be for me. It’s all mine. And I have no intention of sharing it with that thing. That thing shouldn’t be here. It shouldn’t be alive and taking everything that is mine. So I'm not mean. I'm just taking what is mine.