The Pay Back

Chapter 3

By now I was 14 and I found a new way to get back my parents. Making that creature, who were 5 by now, like me. My parents seemed to care a lot about it for some reason even though all it did was make noises and walk around breaking things. But making it like me would show my parents that I'm the one who should be given attention to not that thing. I’d take it out leading my parents to think that I care when all I'm actually doing is trying to get it lost. The times I tried someone would bring it back but one day I will succeed. I was planning another trial after school today but what I had in store for that creature, it couldn’t possibly survive.
It put me in a good mood knowing that I’ll be rid of that thing in a little while so I walked home with a huge grin on my face; and of course the girls thought I was smiling at them. They always threw themselves in front of me and I like the attention. I couldn’t count the number of girls I dated even if I tried. I even dated several girls at the same time but no one could ever suspect an angel of cheating. Each and every one of them believed that I was in love with her although all of them knew my reputation as a player. But who cares? I enjoy them then dump them broken hearted. The title HEART-BREAKER suited me to perfection. In fact it made me proud of myself.
I don’t smoke. No it doesn’t suit my look. I do drugs occasionally but I'm an addict or anything. Nothing can hook me. Not even the so called drugs. I just do it every now and then to satisfy my curiosity. Starting to know drugs took me to another stage of pranks. Yes, they are pranks not crimes. Even the one I did to my dad was just a payback for refusing me a new lap top after I crashed one in my anger fits. But surely they don’t know that I did it. I told them that the little monster pushed it of my desk and can you believe it? They blamed ME! They said it was my fault for leaving it in front of that creature. But then I enjoyed seeing it getting spanked from the key hole.
I started putting drugs in my fellow colleagues’ bags and then go to the principle and say they were trying to sell it to me and as I was used to now everyone believed my words on theirs and they would be expelled. They always tried to get back at me but I was strong. With my father I pushed my luck to the limit. I'm shorter then I should be and could be passed easily as a 10 year old. I took some of the drugs and went to see if I can get the police to believe me. I found a police car parked in the corner of a street and went to them saying that dad is selling flour and if they want some. After sniffing it they asked me about my age and where my dad had more flour. I had put a few big bags in my father’s car. The police went and done their investigations and … let’s just wish him a happy time in jail.
Let us get back to the time being, going out with that thing. When I walked in smiling my mom thought I was excited about taking it out so she hastened in getting it ready. That thing came and asked me if it looked cute. I just nodded took its hand and lead it outside. It repulsed me so much that I had to touch it but my mother was standing at the window watching us with a proud look on her face. I started laughing at the thought of the fate that’ll wipe that look of her face. That thing was singing and skipping as we walked towards the park. We were standing there waiting for the cars to slow down so we can pass when I, not so accidentally, slipped and that thing went flying in the middle of the street directly in front of a car coming with a speed that had to be over 120m/s. I drew on my face a look of shock but when I looked up it wasn’t acting anymore. I was really shocked.
There in the middle of the street that thing sat holding its bloody arm crying. The car had swerved I the last second hitting another car and missing that lucky creature. There were at least 20 cars that had crashed into each other but not one had scratched that think. Tears of frustration cursed my cheeks as a lady went and got that thing and started comforting me with ‘everything is ok’s and ‘your sister is fine don’t worry’s. I was so angry that I didn’t notice when that lady lead me to her car and drove us to hospital. That thing had to get its arm stitched and in addition to the scar on its forehead it’ll have one on its arm too.
I sat outside with the lady when I really looked at her. I liked what I saw and when I looked at her hand there was no ring. I put my face in my hand and forced some tears down while sniffing. Almost instantly she was by my side patting my head. I looked up at her and put my head on her shoulder in a way that I had a perfect view of what I wanted to see. I grinned and put a look of fear on my face as I looked at her. “I don’t think I'm ready to go home yet. I'm still shaken up badly. Can we go to your place instead? You are great at comforting me,” I gave her an angelic look and a tear slipped down my cheek. She agreed but said I’d have to leave before her husband comes home. Turns out she is the kind of liberated women that never wear rings. That was the beginning of my adventure with married women.
I would pick up the women coming out of super markets and enjoy the afternoon with them. I stopped asking about their names anymore. It was useless trying to remember their name; they were all “sweetie” and “babe”. No one of them noticed what I had planning. What I was doing. I had a friend who was good at computers. I’d go in wearing a jacket even on the hottest days. They all wondered but never knew the real reason behind that jacket. To the pocket of that jacket my friend had wired a video cam that allowed us to get every detail on video. My friend would blur my face and we started our own small business of selling those tapes. Before long we had the hang of what people want to see and we provided it for them.
One day I was nearly caught by the woman’s husband and I had to jump out of the bedroom window on the second floor. I ended up with a broken arm which I later explained to mom that the high school kid’s had beaten me up because I wouldn’t give them my money. And as always she believed me. She was busy with that little monster and the divorce she had filed for when dad went to jail. She didn’t seem to notice that I came home every day after midnight or that I stopped asking her for anything. I discovered that the tapes we had film were a real attraction and even though I had to share the money with my friends there was still enough to makes each of us rich. But the day I was nearly caught had us thinking, we had to be more careful in choosing our next project. Yeah we viewed them as projects now. Those women were all married but they still had to go cheating so they don’t deserve to be thought of as anything but projects that made us money.
After waiting for the 2 months it took my arm to heal; we decided we have to study the women before having our way with them. We took about a week watching her moves, and noting when her husband left for work and when he came back and we made our move when she was in the house alone. That meant less tapes but at least it was safe and we had no reason to think that it’ll ever stop. By the time we graduate we’ll have more money than our parents. The women whom resisted me could be counted on one hand. Mostly they all gave in after a few good words; which proved that we made the right choices. We mostly chose the women that lived alone but were surely married or those who were in constant fights with their husband. They were easy to spot since they rarely bothered to keep their fights behind closed doors. Our insisting on married women was because then we didn’t have to worry about protection. They could always say that the child is from their husband.
Drinking wasn’t really one of my obsessions; however, I had it that night and in different occasions. After all, I had to be professional about my lifestyle and prestige in front of people at one of the parties I attended. That night was one that left marks on my brain and stained my memory with what people would only describe as: Sick pleasure. After getting home drunk from drinking at the from drinking at the party, the good fuzzy part of the drinks I had began to wear off and the sickness part took over me having my head pulse with pain constantly and making my eyes heavy with trembling legs that couldn’t carry my body. I fell down on my bed trying to clear my mind and stop thinking about anything around me. However, fate seemed to have other plans for me. That disgusting little thing couldn’t find a better time to crawl into my room and whisper in her beloved voice by my parents telling me one of those stupid stories about not being able to sleep alone.
I was too tired and too lost to refuse her request to sleep beside me, and before I realize it she was snuggling up beside me under the cover with her warm stupid body glued against the right side of my body. I was about to push her away when some wicked idea came into my mind as I slowly rubbed my hand against her soft skin on her hand and cheek. She was too young to realize what I was doing or what I had in mind, soon I had her moan with unexplainable pleasure, a whole new set of feelings for her that blew away her mind as I made her taste what the other women begged for from me.
About eight hours later I was wiping away the parts of my body that were stained with her blood as I shook my head trying to get the traces of dizziness that were in mind away. I looked at her trembling body on the bed as I asked her to come with me to have a bath. I cleaned her well and hid any evidence of what I did. And to make sure that she will never talk about it I held her scared head and hand saying slowly and gently:” See these? I’ll give you more and more, you and your mother if you ever let anyone know what we did the night before...understand?” The stupid thing simply agreed out of fear or not understanding what happened to her... or maybe both!
After I made sure that it won’t mention what happened I went downstairs to have breakfast. I found a note from mom saying she'll be back tomorrow. I wonder where she is. Not that I care, I'm just curious as usual. I made myself breakfast then went out to meet up with the boys. We were on our way to our new money-maker. I always played the part of the secret admirer that by now I'm a pro. This woman's husband was away on a business trip as she had mentioned to her friend the previous day in the cafe. Yes we were stalking her. What we didn't know is that she had one of that baby thingies. I caught he kid's hand and told her that either she strips or I cut of her boy's fingers. He was crying as he dangled from my hand, just a few months old and defenseless. Of course her motherly instinct took over and she did as told.
"Take him to his room... I don't' want him to see me like this !" the woman sobbed and took fast deep breaths as she looked at her son with an aching heart whispering some relieving words to him. I agreed since she wouldn't take off her clothes otherwise and I wasn't quite ready to stain myself with blood for such a filthy woman. Soon I went back to her after putting her boy away and shouted:" Now strip!" The woman slowly took off her clothes as her eyes burned in red and her cheeks were soaking wet of her tears, she reached the final piece and dropped it down covering as much as she could with her arms as she looked away from me, I calmly grabbed her neck and then pushed her against the wall roughly as I started the camera and hungrily started feeding on her.. the woman was terrified as I was getting to my best conditions, the more she cried the more I was in pleasure, she noticed that and was shocked when I started slapping her face and hitting her to make her cry, even throw in some threats about her son every once and a while. The woman seemed like a surrounded little weak animal... being consumed by me... and I was the hungry beast that fed not only on her body but also on her broken heart and emotions.
It became a hobby to find a woman that has a little kid and threaten him and the rarely resisted. It drove me wilder to hear their please and see their tears. I found out I have a passion for dominating and owning. It made me feel powerful to have these women beg me and some even tried to bribe me to leave them and their kids alone. I honestly don’t know if I would have cut the kid's fingers if his mother has refused me. But these women were the main dish to my appetite, and I of course had to have desert. That when that thing at home came it. She was too scared to say anything or make any noise, instead it would cry silently, which didn’t bother me as long as I got what I wanted. At least I found a use for that thing. It has to pay its dues for stealing the life I used to have.