Dreams do come true.

Running Away.

Chapter 2.

When I thought the cost was clear I stood up and started walking.
It was a cold night and all I had on was a small jacket with a broken zipper over the top of my strapless top. I also had blue skinny jeans on that were torn.
I pulled my bag over my shoulder and carried on walking. I passed an entrance to a park. Looking over my shoulder to see if anyone was following. I entered and started walking down the path. I heard voices and so I decided to see who it was. Sitting on a park bench just round the corner were 5 guys.
I turned around and started walking back the way I had entered the park.
“Oi Oi, who have we got here?” I heard one of them shout. Damn they’ve spotted me. I turned back round only to be standing face to face with one of the guys.
I stepped back. The guy smirked.
“What you doing out here all on your own?” he asked. I stepped back again.
“Errr, nothing, just walking to a friends house.” I lied.
“Where does she live? We’ll give you a ride there.” Another boy asked. I gulped. Think Brandi, think. Get away from them. NOW. WHACK. Without thinking I kicked the guy in the shin and put my hands over my mouth shocked of what I had just done.
OH SHIT. Run Brandi run! I started to run away from them.
“Oi come back here you slag!“ I heard the boys shouting at me Someone was running behind me, following me out of the park.
Just keep running, just keep running.
I ran round the corner and saw a big shed in front of me. Looking back and hearing voices I quickly ran towards the shed and seeing the shed door was unlocked, opened the door and closed it behind me when I got inside. I knelt down in a corner, struggling for breath. Outside I could hear the boys voices. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from breathing so loudly.
“Where the fuck’s she gone?” I heard one of them say.
“That little hoare, I‘m going to get her when I see her next.” I heard some more footsteps getting closer to the shed. I closed my eyes.
Please don’t see me.
“Come on let‘s go.”
I heard the footsteps fade away. I sighed.
Fuck that was a close one.
I got up and carefully started to walk round the shed. I managed to find a light switch and so I flicked it on. I looked round the room in amazement.
It was some sort of house. There was a bed, sofa, cupboard and a small fridge. This will do me for a couple of nights. I found some blankets and snuggled up on the bed. Soon I fell asleep.
What the hell!
I sat upright in the bed. BANG. I looked around the room. Suddenly the door opened and a guy appeared in the doorway. We both looked at each other and I leapt out of bed.
Oh my fricking god. It’s Zack Merrick from All Time Low.
“Woah, woah, don’t worry. I‘m not going to hurt you.“ he said stopping me in my path.
“Dude lets get the drinks and go we gotta meet-” Another guy entered. I looked at him too.
Ok so Jack just walked in too.
“Who’s this?” Jack asked and looked at Zack who shrugged in return.
I just stared at them.
“What are you doing here?” Zack asked.
“Zack, Jack come on we gotta go.” A third guy entered the shed and looked at me.
Well Hello there Alex and what would your gorgeousness be doing here?

The third guy in my eyes was gorgeous . He was fairly tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt with a black cardigan over the top and grey skinny jeans with holes at the knees. I also noticed that as he rolled his cardigan sleeves up he had a tattoo on the inside of his arm.
“Hey, who are you?“ He asked.
“Oh hey Alex. We don’t know she won’t take to us.“ Zack said.
“Why?” Alex asked.
They both shrugged.
“What’s that on your arm?” Jack asked. I looked down and covered my arm with my jacket sleeve.
“Hey is that a bruise?“ Alex said as he started to walk over to me. I backed away from him. “What’s wrong? I won’t hurt you I promise.” We made eye contact. I suddenly burst into tears.
“Hey, hey, shhh.” Alex pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. He looked at the rest of the boys. I pulled away and wiped my tears.
“Wait there don’t go anywhere.” Alex said and he walked over to the guys and ushered them out of the shed. They all walked away from the shed and to a bench not far away.
“She won’t talk. She’s really scared about something.” Jack said.
“She tried to run away from me when I walked in.” Zack said. Whilst they were outside I sighed. Shit what the hell am I going to do now? What if they ring the police?
I decided to run for it. I grabbed my things and headed for the door. As I snuck out I saw them talking at a bench. I snuck behind the shed and ran. I ran down the road as I looked back I spotted a car parked by the side of the road. I ran straight past it but as I looked back again its lights came on and it started to follow me. Oh shit. I tried not to panic, so I decided to walk for a little. Then find the nearest place to just slip away from them and lose whoever it was that was following me. Suddenly the car caught up with me. I stopped in my tracks and so did the car. A guy got out.
“ Well look who it is boys. The slut that abused me.” He had a smirk on his face.
“ Your gonna pay for what you did.” He walked upto me and grabbed my arms. I struggled to loosen his grip as he led me to the car.
“ Let go of her.” Someone behind me almost shouted.
We both turned around to see Alex and the rest of the boys pull up in their car.
“No way dude, she belongs to me.” The guy said. He still had a hold of my arms. I looked at Alex and mouthed ’help me’.
“So what do you think the cops are gonna say if they find out that you molestered a girl into having sex with you?” Alex said. My eyes widened.
The guy said nothing.
“I’m pretty sure you’ll go down for a long time.” Jack said. What are they trying to do? Encourage him?
I felt his grip loosen on my arms. All of a sudden he pushed me into the bench beside us and I fell onto the floor clutching my stomach. The guys got back into the car and drove off. Alex rushed up to me.
“Are you okay? Where does it hurt?” He said kneeling down beside me.
I pointed to my stomach. He lifted up my top. There was a massive bruise where I had hit the bench so hard. Tears started to roll down my face.
“Come on let’s get you warm.” Alex said kindly. Zack same forward and picked me up. I winced in pain. He carried me to the car and put me in. The rest of the boys got in and Alex drove away.
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