Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Don't Cry. Things Will Be Alright

Kris came home that night around ten.

Frankie was in her room asleep while Alexxx and I were in the living room watching some retarded game show.

Alexxx looked up at Kris and smiled sadly at him, "Hey."

Kris sat down against the wall by the TV and rubbed his temples.

"Are you really going to do this to her?" I asked.

He looked at me and I saw that his eyes were blood shot and his cheeks were splotchy. He'd been crying.

"Do you think I want to leave my sister?" He asked.

He didnt give me time to say anything.

"Because I don't. She's all that I have left, but I have to go. Not because I want to, but because she wants me to. She may cry and beg me not to go, but if I don't she'll cry and tell me to go because that's what she wants deep down. She wants me to go and make the best out of my life. So that's what I'm going to do."

"It's going to effect her so badly though."

He gave me this look that said, I know. "She'll be alright. My Frankie's a fighter."

Alexxx gave him another sad look and then returned his gaze to the TV.

"I'm going to pack now," Kris said.

"So you're just going to up and go?"

He nodded.

"With out even saying good-bye to her?"

"It's not good-bye since I'll see her again."

He then walked out of the house and came back a few minutes later with three suitcases.
He went around the apartment grabbing things of his that he'd need and packed them up.

After awhile I asked, "What are we supposed to do with the apartment?"

"It's in my uncle's name. Just keep paying the rent and the place is yours."

Then he continued running around the apartment, packing things. After about a half hour he stopped and put his three, full suitcases in front of the door.

He then walked down the hall to Frankie's room. He was in there for maybe ten minutes and then he came back out.

He looked back at Alexxx and I, gave us a small wave, and then walked out of the apartment.
Alexxx rested his head on my shoulder, "This sucks."

"I know."

"I hope she'll be alright."

"Same here," I said and then I stood up to go check on her.

I walked into her bedroom and found her sitting on her desk, staring out of the window, and crying.

"Frankie?" I whispered.

"Have you ever lost anyone you loved?"

I shook my head, "Not really."

"Then you don't know how much this hurts."

I walked towards her and crawled up onto her desk next to her and then hugged her.

"I know, I don't know, but I'll be here for you. Okay?"

"Thanks," she whispered.

The next day I woke up before Frankie. Which is the most I have ever seen her sleep. Normally she's up at the crack of dawn even if she had just gone to bed. So it was weird to be walking around with out her.

Ryan and I were at a fast food joint eating ice cream.

"So how's Frankie?" He asked.

He didn't know about what happened.

So I gave him the run down of the past day.

"Oh my God, I feel so bad."

I nodded, "Same here."

He sighed, "Maybe we could like take her to.. the zoo tomorrow! She loves the zoo."

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