Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Her Smile Brightens The Day

Once again I was awake before Frankie. It was getting a tad bit weird being awake before her.

I sat down on the kitchen counter and smiled at Alexxx who was making coffee.

"Coffee makes the world a better place," he said.

"Hell yeah it does!"

"So what are your plans for the day?"

I made a funny face because a piece of hair fell in my mouth, "RyRo and I are taking Frankie to the zoo to cheer her up."

He smiled, "Can I come? I don't have to work today.."

I gave him a very serious face and shook my head no, "Yeah, you can come."

His smiled got bigger, "YAY! I'ma go take a shower!"

He ran out of the kitchen with his mug of coffee.

I walked into Frankie's room and poked her with an empty, jumbo Pixie Stix tube.

"Frankie, wake up!" I yelled.

She opened her eyes a bit and glared at me.

"Come on! We're going to the zoo!"

She sat up and yawned, "Fine."

"Don't be cranky about it because I know you loooove the zoo!"

She smiled weakly, "Yeah, I do."

"Then get up, get dressed, and let's go!"

She crawled out of bed and punched me, "I love you."

"Haha, I love you too, Frankie."

Ryan picked us up around noon.

"So it's just the four of us?" I asked.

Ryan nodded, "Yep. Spencer has work and Brendon is with Codii at the lake."

"Ah," I said as I slid into the passenger seat.

"Why do you get the front?" Alexxx asked.

"Because Ryan's my boyfriend not yours."

Alexxx laughed, "Whatever."

"So what do you want to go see first?" I asked Frankie.

"The polar bears.."

"Okay then!" I yelled, "Off to see the polar bears!"

Ryan grabbed my hand, and I grabbed Frankie's hand and she grabbed Alexxx's hand.

"We're off to see the polar bears! The wonderful polar bears of Vegas!"

Some old lady gave us a dirty look so Alexxx looked at her and yelled, "HELL BOY FUCKING FINGURED ME!"

Her jaw dropped a bit and she turned around sharply.

"Alexxx!" I yelled, "Shhh! You're going to get us kicked up if you keep yelling things like that."

Frankie smiled a true smile. It's things like that that brighten the world.

"Aw! Look at the polar bear!" Frankie yelled as she ran up next to the glass window. "It's so cute!"

Ryan went up next to her and hugged her from the side, "Heck yes it is!"

When we were leaving Frankie was still a bit depressed so I suggested, "How about we stop by the pound?"

"Why?" Alexxx asked.

"Because! There are cute animals there!"

"Yeah, silly!" Ryan said.

So we drove to the pound.

Once inside Frankie went over to look at the dogs and almost right away she let out a loud, "AWWW!"

I skipped over to her and saw the cutest Golden Retriever I had ever seen. It had these bright blue eyes that were so sad and hopeful.

"I want him," Frankie said.

Ryan walked over to us, "Then you're getting him."

Frankie squealed and hugged Ryan, "Thank you!"

When we got home Spencer was sitting on the steps waiting for us.

He hugged and kissed Frankie and then asked, "Who's this?" referring to the dog.

"His name is Cheese and he's my new buddy," Frankie said with the biggest smile ever on her face.

Spencer patted Cheese on the head, "He's cute."

"Hell yeah he is!" I yelled.

We all went inside and sat down around the TV.

"So what did you do today?" I asked Spencer.

"I went to work, duh."

I laughed, "Anything else?"

"I pooped."

We all laughed.

"Hey, I gatta piss before I piss my pants!" Spencer yelled.

He disappeared into the bathroom and when he came back Cheese jumped up on him and when Cheese came back down so did Spencer's pants. Which were PJ pants by the way thus the reason why they came down so easy.

He wasnt wearing any boxers either.

"Wow," Frankie said with a huge smile on her face.

I didn't blame her for the smile. He was huge.
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