Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

I Wish You'd Listen To Me

I woke up to Frankie poking me in the ribs with a plastic, yard flamingo.

"What?" I groaned.

"Ryan called."

I sat up in bed as fast as I could, "He did? When? What did he need?"

"Yeah, he did, less then five minutes ago. He wanted to let you know that his dad died during the night. Oh, and he said not to bother calling back."

I bit my lower lip and pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them.

"What am I going to do?" I asked.

Frankie came over and sat by me, "You're going to go take a shower, get dressed, and then we are going to go down to the hospital. And once we're there Brendon and I are going to go into his room and talk some sense into him. Then you are going to go in there and see him."

I pouted, "But what if you guys don't talk any sense into him and he hates me forever."

"Shut up, Lexy. He is not going to hate you forever."


She nodded, "I promise."

- - - - -

Frankie's Point of View

Once Lexy went into the bathroom II picked up the phone and dialed Brendon's number.

"Hey, poop face," I said.

"Hey Frankie. Supp?"

"I need you to come pick us up and take us to the hospital."

"Why? Well, I mean duh, Ry's there, but why are we going right now?"

"Because his dad died in the night and we, as in you and me, need to talk some sense into him so he doesn't blame Lexy for this mess."

"Ah, okay. I'll be there in ten."

"'Tay, bye."


I hung up and then went into the kitchen where I found Alexxx looking at the eggs.

"Why do we have these if we're all veggies?" He asked.

"Kris liked eggs," I replied in a whisper.

It had been a little over two weeks since he left and I still cried myself to sleep at night because I missed him. He had called once to say his plane landed safely and that was it.

Alexxx offered me a weak smile.

I smiled weakly back at him and then went into my bedroom for a quick cry.

- - - - -

Brendon's Point of View

"I'm going out for a bit," I told Codii.

She shrugged, "Get some ice cream while you're out?"

I kissed her cheek, "Sure, babe. What type do you want?"

She shrugged, "I don't know.. something exotic."

I laughed, "Okay."

"Oh, and Bden?"

I turned around, "Yeah?"

"Pick up some condoms."

"We're already out?" I asked.

She giggled, "Yeah, we fuck like bunnies."

I smiled, "Okay then. Ice cream and condoms."

Once I was in front of Frankie's place I honked the horn twice. Yeah, I should get out and knock, but I'm lazy.

Frankie poked her head out of the door and gave me the finger.

I laughed and flicked her off too.

A few seconds later her and Lexy came running out and jumped into the car.

And wow. Lexy looked like shit.

Her skin was even paler then normal. And her eyes had really dark shadows under them and on top of that her eyes were bloodshot. Then her clothes were just PJs and she's not the type of girl to run around in her jimmy jams.

"Hey, Lexy."

She smiled weakly, "Hi."

Frankie sighed, "On ward!"

Once we got to the hospital we had Lexy wait outside Ryan's room.

I walked into his room first with Frankie right behind me.

Ryan looked at us with his one good eye and glared.

"Hey, Ry," Frankie said. She walked over to him and kissed him on his forehead.

"Hi," he said back to her.

"Hey man," I said.


Frankie sat down in a chair and I walked over to him.

"You can't blame Lexy for this."

"Why not?" He asked, "She did kill my dad after all."

I sighed. "So what."

"What do you mean so what?!" He asked sounding angry.

"I mean so what!" I yelled, "How long have you had that gun hidden under your bed just waiting for him to hit you hard enough to make you snap? How long have you sat there with it in your hands while he's passed out on the couch. How long, Ry?"

Ryan glared at me.

"It is not her fault that she had to be the one to put the bullet in his chest."

Ryan shook his head, "Shut up, Brendon."

"No! You're going to listen to me and listen good."

"What would you have done if she was the one being beat to death?" I asked.

"I would have done anything in my power to save her."

"Exactly," Frankie said. "She didn't want to shoot your dad, but she didn't want to sit there and watch him beat you to death either. So she did the only thing she could."

Ryan let out a long sigh, "I know.."

"So do you forgive her?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, I do."
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