Burn To Ashes With Me And Let The Wind Take Us Away

Love Is A Type Of Drug In It's Own ***ed Up Way

Brendon and Frankie walked out of Ryan's room smiling lightly. I guess they made some progress.

"So?" I asked.

Brendon's smile got bigger, "Get your anorexic ass in there."

"I'm not anorexic," I said as I stood up.

Brendon and Frankie both laugh.

"Sure," Brendon said as I walked into Ryan's room.

Ryan was sitting up slightly and staring at the door with a blank face. Though his face was blank I knew his mind was racing with all types of things.

I walked over to him and stood by his bed, "Hey."

He looked up at me and in his eyes I saw so much pain. "Hey beautiful."

I smiled; at least he was calling me beautiful. He couldn't hate me if he was calling me beautiful, right?

"I'm so sorry, Ry," I whispered.

"It's fine."

I shook my head, "No, it's not.. I mean I.. I.."

"I know what you did and I don't hate you for doing it. You did the only thing you could do to save me and I thank you for that.

I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it because I couldn't think of anything worthy to say.

"Plus," Ryan said, "Brendon made a good point. I've had that gun under my bed for years, waiting to use it, but not having the guts to."

I just nodded my head absently.

"My dad was a prick, Lexy, and honestly I'm glad he's dead. At first I thought I wasn't glad, but I am."

"I love you, Ryan."

He smiled, "I love you too."

On the car ride home Frankie asked, "So how did it go?"

"Well, he still loves me."

"So it went good? Brendon asked.

I nodded, "Yeah."

Frankie smiled, "Well, that's good. I think I'd have to break someone's face if it didn't go good."

I giggled.

"And who's face would you break?" Brendon asked.


"No!" Brendon yelled. "You can't break my face."

Frankie and I both laughed, "Well, it's a good thing they're still together."

When we got home Alexxx was in the kitchen baking cookies.

"Hey Kitty," he said to me.


"Your mum just called.

I sighed, "Great. What did she want?"

"To talk to you, I'm guessing."

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch with my cell in hand.

I dialed her number, "Mum?"

"Lexy!" She yelled into the phone.


"Why are you living at this Frankie girl's house and not at your aunt's?" I sighed, "Because, mum, Brent is an ass hole who raped my friend and tried to beat me up."

"So," she said, "I want you to get back over to your aunt's house and live there like I told you to."

"No," I said.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no."

She let out a frustrated growl, "Lexy, I am your mother and you are going to do as I say."

"No, I'm not because in my heart you aren't my mother. You've never acted as one so I won't treat you as one."

She sighed and started to say something, but I cut her off.

"So go drink your tea and enjoy your life in Europe."

I then hung.

My phone rang almost instantly, so I picked it up and hung back up.

Frankie and Alexxx both gave me sad looks.

"What?" I asked as I stood up and went into the bedroom.

I sat down on the bed and let out a shaky cry. I never really thought about it, but my mum had never really been there for me. She didn't' watch me as a baby, play with me as a child, tutor me as a kid, or help me as a teen. She's always had someone else do those things while she was off living her life.
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